IQAC of Excel Engineering College was formulated in the year 2014 with a vision to uphold the quality metrics in all the initiatives of academic, Research, Industrial Linkages and administrative activities in the growth of the Institution.
To develop a system for consistent improvement of quality in all academic, Research, Industrial Linkages and administrative activities.
Quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and best practices.
Development and Application of quality benchmarks.
Metrics for Academic, Research, Industrial Linkages and Administrative activities of the Institution.
Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education by participatory teaching-learning process.
Collection and Analysis of feedback from all Stakeholders on quality processes & to disseminate the information to all stakeholders.
Encouraging inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars, conferences on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
Documentation of all the programmes/ activities with quality.
Development and maintenance of Institutional database through MIS.
Periodic conduct of Academic and Administration Audit and its follow-up.
Preparation and submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines of NAAC.
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2024-25 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
S.No. | Composition Specified By NAAC | No of Members | Name of the Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson-Head of the Institution | 1 | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja | Principal |
2. | One Member from the Management | 1 | Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman |
3. | One senior teacher as the Director of IQAC | 1 | Dr.A.Karthikeyan | Head -IQAC |
IQAC Coordinator | 2 | Mr. C.P.Suresh Kumar / Mr. N.Prithiviraj | Asst.Prof. / Asst.Prof. | |
4. | Few Senior Administrative officers | 2 | Dr.S.Anbu Karuppusamy / Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Director-Administration / Director-Academics |
5. | Three-Eight Teachers to represent all levels | 4 | Dr.P.Karunakaran Dr.G.Prakash Dr K.Yuvaraj Dr.L.Ashok kumar | Prof ,MECH Prof, BME Director, Placement CoE |
6. | One nominee each from local society, Students, Alumni | 1 | Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Local Society Rotary Member |
1 | Mr V.Nagarajan | Alumni Senior System Analyst, IBM | ||
1 | Nandha G | Student 21SF012 IV Year Safety | ||
7. | One/Two nominee from Employers/Industrialists/ Stakeholders | 2 | Mr.Sundaramoorthy MD, Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore. | Industrial Nominee |
Mr.Sarath Chandar, Manager, HR, Vaken Technologies, Chennai | Recruiter |
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2023-24 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
S.No. | Composition Specified By NAAC | No of Members | Name of the Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson-Head of the Institution | 1 | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja
| Principal |
2. | One Member from the Management | 1 | Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman |
3. | One senior teacher as the Director of IQAC | 1 | Dr.A.Karthikeyan
| Head -IQAC |
IQAC Coordinator | 2 | Mr. C.P.Suresh Kumar Mr. N.Prithiviraj | Asst.Prof. Asst.Prof. | |
4. | Few Senior Administrative officers | 2 | Dr.S.Anbu Karuppusamy
Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Director-Administration Director-Academics
5. | Three-Eight Teachers to represent all levels | 4 | Dr.P.Karunakaran Dr.G.Prakash Dr K.Yuvaraj Dr.L.Ashok kumar | Prof ,Aero Prof,BME Director,Placement CoE |
6. | One nominee each from local society, Students, Alumni | 1 | Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Local Society Rotary Member |
1 | Mr.Manoj. L | Alumni Samsung India Electronics | ||
1 | Elbin George G | Student 20ME014 IV Year MECH | ||
7. | One/Two nominee from Employers/Industrialists/ Stakeholders | 2 | Mr.Sundaramoorthy MD, Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore. | Industrial Nominee |
Mr.Sarath Chandar, Manager,HR, Vaken Technologies,Chennai | Recruiter |
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2022-23 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
S.No. | Composition Specified By NAAC | No of Members | Name of the Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson-Head of the Institution | 1 | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja
| Principal |
2. | One Member from the Management | 1 | Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman |
3. | One senior teacher as the Director of IQAC | 1 | Dr.A.Karthikeyan
| Head -IQAC |
IQAC Coordinator | 2 | Dr.A.Vasanthraj Dr.Mohanraj | Asso.Prof. Asso.Prof. | |
4. | Few Senior Administrative officers | 2 | Dr.S.Anbu Karuppusamy
Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Director-Administration Director-Academics
5. | Three-Eight Teachers to represent all levels | 6 | Dr.P.Karunakaran Dr.N.Natarajan Dr.G.Prakash Dr.G.Vijayakumar Dr K.Yuvaraj Dr.L.Ashok kumar | Prof Aero Prof&HoD, MECH Prof,ECE Prof&HoD,AGRI Director,Placement CoE |
6. | One nominee each from local society, Students, Alumni | 1 | Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Local Society Rotary Member |
1 | Mr.Manoj. L | Alumni Samsung India Electronics | ||
1 | Mohana priya | Student 19ME058 III Year MECH | ||
7. | One/Two nominee from Employers/Industrialists/ Stakeholders | 2 | Mr.Sundaramoorthy MD, Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore. | Industrial Nominee |
Mr.Sarath Chandar, Manager,HR, Vaken Technologies,Chennai | Recruiter |
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2021-22 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
S.No. | Composition Specified By NAAC | No of Members | Name of the Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson-Head of the Institution | 1 | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja
| Principal |
2. | One Member from the Management | 1 | Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman |
3. | One senior teacher as the Director of IQAC | 1 | Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Head -IQAC |
IQAC Coordinator | 2 | Mr.A.Karthikeyan Dr.A.Vasanthraj | Asso.Prof. Asso.Prof. | |
4. | Few Senior Administrative officers | 2 | Dr.S.Anbu Karuppusamy
| Director-Administration Prof&Head,Mech |
5. | Three-Eight Teachers to represent all levels | 6 | Dr.P.Karunakaran Dr.G.Prakash Dr.G.Vijayakumar Dr.R.Geetha Dr.R. Yuvaraj Dr.L.Ashok kumar | Prof/Aero Prof&HoD, ECE Prof&HoD,BME Prof&HoD,AGRI Prof/CSE Director,Placement CoE |
6. | One nominee each from local society, Students, Alumni | 1 | Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Local Society Rotary Member |
1 | Mr.Manoj. L | Alumni Samsung India Electronics | ||
1 | Ms.Rajia Sultana.A | Student 17AE087, IV Year AERO | ||
7. | One/Two nominee from Employers/Industrialists/ Stakeholders | 2 | Mr.Sundaramoorthy MD, Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore. | Industrial Nominee |
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2020-21 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
S.No. | Composition Specified By NAAC | No of Members | Name of the Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson-Head of the Institution | 1 | Dr.K.Bommanna Raja
| Principal |
2. | One Member from the Management | 1 | Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman |
3. | One senior teacher as the Director of IQAC | 1 | Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Head -IQAC |
IQAC Coordinator | 2 | Mr.A.Karthikeyan Dr.A.Vasanthraj | Asso.Prof. Asso.Prof. | |
4. | Few Senior Administrative officers | 2 | Dr.R.Nallusamy
| Director-Administration Prof&Head,Mech |
5. | Three-Eight Teachers to represent all levels | 6 | Dr.P.Karunakaran Dr.S.Anbu Karuppusamy Dr.G.Prakash Dr.G.Vijayakumar Mr.A.Sevukamoorthy Dr.L.Ashok kumar | Prof/Aero Prof&HoD, ECE Prof&HoD,BME Prof&HoD,AGRI Director,Placement CoE |
6. | One nominee each from local society, Students, Alumni | 1 | Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Local Society Rotary Member |
1 | Mr.Manoj. L | Alumni Samsung India Electronics | ||
1 | Ms.Rajia Sultana.A | Student 17AE087, IV Year AERO | ||
7. | One/Two nominee from Employers/Industrialists/ Stakeholders | 2 | Mr.Sundaramoorthy MD, Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore. | Industrial Nominee |
Mr.Soundarrajan, Quest Global, Bangalore | Recruiter |
The Composition of IQAC is revised for the Academic year 2019-20 as per the guidelines of NAAC. It consists of the following members.
Dr. S. Poornachandra | Principal | Chairman |
Dr.C.Karthikeyini | Head – IQAC | Head – IQAC |
Mr.A.Karthikeyan | Associate Professor, Aeronautical Engineering | Monitoring Committee coordinator |
Dr.A.Vasantha Raj | Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering | Monitoring Committee coordinator |
Dr.G.Prakash | Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering | Member, Academic Coordinator |
Dr.G.Vijayakumar | Associate Professor/ Agricultural Engineering | Member, Teaching Coordinator |
Dr.K.Geetha | Associate Professor/Mechanical Engineering | Member, Research Coordinator |
Dr.N.Venkatachalam | Associate Professor/Mechanical Engineering | Member, Activity coordinator |
Dr.P.Karunakaran | Professor/Aeronautical Engineering | Member, Industrial Linkage coordinator |
Dr.N.Nandhagopal | Associate Professor/ Electronics and Communication Engineering | Member, Placement & Training |
Mr.K. Sabarinathan | Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering | Member, Infrastructure coordinator |
Mr. Suresh | Placement Officer | Member, Placement |
Mr.N.Naveen | Assistant Professor, Information Technology | Member, Website & News Letter Committee |
Mr. Vadivel | Assistant Professor, Aeronautical Engineering | Member, Scholarship & Alumni Coordinator |
Mr.M.Ramesh | Assistant Professor/ Electronics and Communication Engineering | Member, Exam Cell Coordinator |
Dr.N. Mathan Karthick | Vice-chairman | Management representation |
Dr. V. K. Shanmughanaathan | CoE | CoE |
Dr. Balasubramani | Exective Officer | Senior administrative officer |
Mr.G. Shanmugasundaram | Rotary Member | Local Society |
Mr.Sudharsan PP | IV year /Aeronautical Engineering | Student |
Mr.S.Rajkumar | IV Year / Mechanical Engineering | Student |
Mr.Aayush Yadav | IV Year / Civil Engineering | Student |
Mr.Shyam Sundar Dandapat | IV Year/ Electronics and Communication Engineering | Student |
Mr.M.Ranjith Kumar | IV Year/ Information Technology | Student |
Mr.A.Ramprasath | Design Engineer, Australian Prestressed Concrete Ltd., Dubai | Alumni |
Mr.Manoj. L | Samsung India Electronics | Alumni |
Mr.Dharma Raj. R | HCL Technology, Bangalore | Alumni |
Mr.S.Manojkumar | CTS, Chennai | Alumni |
Mr.A.Farjana Praveen | Syncfusion Software Pvt.Ltd., Chennai | Alumni |
Mr.Soundarrajan | Quest Global, Bangalore | Recruiter |
Mr.Sundaramoorthy | MD,Sunshiv Electronics, Coimbatore | Industrial Nominee |
Student Satisfaction Survey Report
2018-2019 – Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
2019-2020 – Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
2020-2021 – Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
2021-2022- Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
2022-2023 – Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
2023-2024 – Students Satisfaction Survey-Report
Quality initiative programs
IQAC Internal Academic Audit- II (AY 2019-20, Even semester) done by team of IQAC audit members across the departments from 12 – 14th February 2020.

IQAC Internal Academic Audit- III (Even semester) done by team of IQAC audit members across the departments from 20th – 22nd March 2020.

IQAC organized a “NATIONAL LEVEL WEBINAR SERIES” on different areas through Google Meet from 27 – 30th April 2020, where 142 participants from various colleges at National and International University (Wollega University, Ethiopia) are benefitted and E-Certificate is provided to all the Participants.

As an quality initiative to improve the research skill, IQAC organized a “NATIONAL LEVEL WEBINAR SERIES” in Association with Research and Development Cell through Google Meet from 27 – 30th April 2020, where 250 participants from various colleges are benefitted and E-Certificate is provided to all the Participants.

IQAC Internal Academic Audit- I (AY 2019-20,Odd semester) done by team of IQAC audit members across the departments from 16 – 19th December 2019.

Quality Initiatives programs 2019-20
Presentation on ‘IQAC Planning and Activities for the year 2019-20’ on 19.10.2019 from 11.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Orientation Program on ‘Internal Question paper setting using Revised Blooms Taxonomy’ on 19.10.2019 from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
IQAC Conducts an “Orientation Program On Udemy Online Courses ” By Mr.Hanu Yedluri, Brain Labs AI-Udemy , and Mr.Srinivas Raju, CEO, UTL, Bangalore at 02.00PM on 28.11.2019 in Kandasamy Hall.