News & Events

News & Events

Safety protocols and Advancement in Nuclear power plant
Women’s Empowerment Cell of Excel Engineering college Conducted a national seminar on "women empowerment and inclusive growth" at kandasamy hall
The National Startup Day celebration activity was hosted by the IIC of Excel Engineering College on 17.02.2024.
Department of Agricultural Engineering Conducted a Value Added Training Course on "Design of Agricultural Equipments Using Solidworks Software" Day 1
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, conducted an Value Added course on "Ardunio Programming” to the students of II and
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College organizes a Academic Guest Lecture on "Embedded C Programming using Microcontroller
The Department of Food Technology is organized one day value added / skill development training programme in association with Empaneled
Department of AI&DS organized an Extension Activity of Visiting ANNAI OLDAGE HOME on 12.02.2024.
Department of AI&DS organized Gender Equity program: Debate and Drawing competition on Women Researchers Challenges and Responsibilities on 12.02.2024.
Department of CSE conducted Value added course on “Palo Alto Cyber Security Network Foundation" by Mr.M.Sathishkumar, AP/CSE at Futura lab-
Excel Engineering College - Autonomous, in collaboration with the Green Club, Swachh Bharat, and the Women's Empowerment Cell, hosted an
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Excel Engineering college organized a workshop program on Accident first Responder at Hyundai development professional development