Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
About the Department
Programme | Intake |
B.E | 60 |
M.E Power Electronics and Drives | 12 |
M.E Embedded System Technologies | 12 |
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) was established in the year 2021 by EXCEL GROUP INSTITUTIONS. Along with B.E., the Department also offers Two M.E. Degree Programmes in Power Electronics and Drives, and Embedded Systems. The Department has good infrastructure with well equipped laboratories. The well-qualified and experienced faculty of this Department is committed to achieving excellence in academic programmes. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering marches towards creating engineers capable of attaining supremacy in every new technology and innovation with commitment and enthusiasm. In EEE, there is the growing awareness that the future training and education of electrical engineers in the industry needs to be in the area of highly efficient, industry-relevant skills formation, to enable frequent and rapid deployment of professional skills in new areas.
Dean’s Message

Educational Qualification : M.E.,M.B.A., Ph.D., PDF (USA)
Teaching Experience :23 Years
Industry Experience : 5 Years
Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering! As the Dean for ‘School of Electrical and Communication Engineering’, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all our visitors, students, parents, faculty, and partners. Our department is dedicated to excellence in education, research, and innovation.
Established in 2021, our department features a team of highly skilled faculty specializing in emerging areas of Electrical Engineering such as Power Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Embedded Systems, Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, Industrial Electronics, and Smart Grid technologies.
Our department offers B.E (EEE), M.E (Power Electronics and Drives), and M.E (Embedded System Technologies) programs.
At our department, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with practical experience, preparing our students to become leaders in the ever-evolving fields of electrical and electronics engineering. Our state-of-the-art facilities and strong industry connections provide our students with unparalleled opportunities for hands-on learning and professional growth. Our faculty members are renowned experts who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that our students receive a world-class education.
Our state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities provide an ideal environment for hands-on learning and groundbreaking research. We are committed to fostering a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere where students can thrive, pursue their passions, and achieve their full potential.
Vision & Mission
Programs Outcomes & Objective
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Program Outcome describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes the students should have at the end of a four year engineering program.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Program Specific Outcomes are statements that describe what the graduates of a specific engineering program should be able to do.
- Graduates will exhibits demonstrable knowledge in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
- Ability to transform and excel as solution providers for industry and society challenges.
List of Laboratory
Engineering Practices Lab
Electric Circuits Lab
Electronics Lab
Electrical Machines Lab I & II
Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Lab
Control and Instrumentation Lab
Power Electronics and Drives Lab
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab
Renewable energy Lab
Labview simulation Lab
Power system simulation Lab
Additional Labs for Advanced Learning
Solar Power Plant with On-Grid tied up with SMA inverter(275.06KW)
List of Laboratory
RobertNoyce’s Laboratory
Bits and Bytes Laboratory
Real Time Embedded System-I Laboratory
Real Time Embedded System-II Laboratory
Energy Conservation Lab
Poles of Power Laboratory
Alternating current Laboratory
Maxwell Laboratory
Einstein spark Laboratory
Kirchhoff’s Electric Society
Electrical Motors and Transformation Laboratory
R & D Wing
Power Club Laboratory
Electro Smart Laboratory
Advanced software Laboratory
Green Energy Laboratory
Digital Displays Laboratory
Additional Labs for Advanced Learning
Solar power plant with On-Grid tied up with SMA inverter (275.06KW)
Faculty – Research and development
Mrs.T. Kuntavai, Dr.A. Jeevanandham, DOI:10.1007/s00500-024-10049-x, Retraction Note: Adaptive wavelet ELM-fuzzy inference system-based soft computing model for power estimation in sustainable CMOS VLSI circuits August 2024/Soft Computing
Mrs.T. Kuntavai, Dr.A. Jeevanandham, DOI:10.1007/s00500-019-04636-6, RETRACTED ARTICLE: Adaptive wavelet ELM-fuzzy inference system-based soft computing model for power estimation in sustainable CMOS VLSI circuits December 2019/SoftComputing 24(15)
Mrs.T. Kuntavai, Dr.A. Jeevanandham, DOI:10.1166/jctn.2018.7078, A Power Efficient Level Converter with Scalable Driving Capability Using Body Bias Techniques January 2018 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 15(1):237-244
Mrs. J. UmaA., Dr. Jeevanandham, DOI:10.5120/ijca2016908003, Conventional Controller Design for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives January 2016 International Journal of Computer Applications 134(7):38-42 134(7):38-42
Yuvaraj, R., Karuppannan, A., Panigrahy, A. K., & Swain, R. (2023). Design and analysis of gate stack silicon-on-insulator nanosheet FET for low power applications. Silicon, 15(4), 1739-1746, Print-ISSN 1876-990X.
Yuvaraj, R., & Chandrasekar, S. (2021). Partial Discharge Analysis of SF6/N2 Gas Mixture Filled MV Circuit Breaker Using Time–Frequency Map Clustering Technique. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 16(1), 499-507, Print-ISSN 1975-0102
Gunasekaran, R., &Karthikeyan, C. (2020). Nonlinear transformational optimization (NTO) technique based total harmonics distortion (THD) reduction of line to line voltage for multi-level inverters. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 74, 102998, Print-ISSN 0141-9331.
Selvabharathi, P., & KamatchiKannan, V. (2023). A DC–DC Converter Topology for Optimal Utilization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources Using Hybrid Technique. IETE Journal of Research, 1-17, Print-ISSN 0377-2063.
Sankarananth, S. & Sivaraman, P. (2022). Performance enhancement of multi-port bidirectional DC-DC converter using resilient backpropagation neural network method. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 36, 100783, Print-ISSN 2210-5379.
Sankarananth, S (2023). AI-enabled metaheuristic optimization for predictive management of renewable energy production in smart grids. Energy Reports, 10, 1299-1312. Annexure 1, Impact Factor – 5.2
Sankarananth.S (2023). ‘Multi-Bidirectional Port DC-DC Converter Improvement Closed Loop System Using Rule Smooth ’. Electric Power Components and Systems ISSN:1532-5016, Annexure 1, Impact Factor – 1.276.
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Publication Details | Year of Publication |
1. | Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan | Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Charulatha Publications Third Edition
| 2018 |
2. | Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan | Principle of Electrical Engineering
| Charulatha Publications Second Edition | 2018 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Application No. | Status | Level |
1. | Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan Mrs.C.Rajeshwari Dr.S.Sankarananth
| Sustainable Tree Based Smart Power Generation System | 202141020794 | Published | National Level |
2. | Dr.S.Sankarananth | Auto-Controlled Anti-Glare Visor Implementation for Vehicles
| 202241030229 | Published | National Level |
3. |
| Smart Health Monitoring System Enabled Smart Grid Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 202241009177 | Published | National Level |
4. | Mr.M.K.Anandkumar Mr.M.Anandakumar | Security frame work for Wireless Sensor Network | 202241038226 | Published | National Level |
5. | Ms.K.S.Nandhini
| An Artificial Intelligence based Safety door for Securing baby from Kidnapping and Monitoring baby activities | 202241026843 | Published | National Level |
6. | Mr.P.Selvabharathi | E-Health monitoring system using RASPBERRY PI and IOT. | 202241025441 | Published | National Level |
7 | Mr.P.Selvabharathi | Portable Electric Agriculture Sprayer | 202121121793 | Published | National Level |
8 | Dr.S.Sankarananth | Power Bank Charger Device
| 382350-001 | On Going | National Level |
9 | Dr.S.Sankarananth | Direct Control of Torque of Induction Motor Based on Fuzzy Logic applied for Electric Vehicles | 202041023333 | Published | National Level |
10 | Dr.S.Sankarananth | Design of Autonomous Robots used to Disinfect Hospital Rooms with Concentrated UV Light | 202041025847 | Published | National Level |
11 | Dr.S.Sankarananth | Handy Mosquito Repellent Device | 352719-001 | Published | National Level |
Sankarananth, S (2023). A Novelty of Several Optimization Criteria Hybrid Energy Storage System and Power Management in EV Applications. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 405, p. 02007). EDP Sciences.
Sankarananth, S & Sivaraman, P. (2022). PV Systems based High Gain Converter using CI and SCC Techniques. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 10(2), 333-347.
Sankarananth S, (2022, March). A Smart Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Assistant for Individual Plant Care in Farming. In 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS) (pp. 295-301). IEEE
V.S.Arulmurugan (2021), “Visually simplify - an IOT based application for visually impaired”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 7.
Sankarananth, S (2021). Challenges and opportunities of big data integration in patient-centric healthcare analytics using mobile networks. Demystifying Big Data, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Healthcare Analytics, 85-108.
Sankarananth, S. (2021, March). A deep learning approach to classify the honeybee species and health identification. In 2021 Seventh International conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
V.S.Arulmurugan (2020), “Highly accurate patient health monitoring and controlling based on intermittent data acquisition technique”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN: 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 9.
V.S.Arulmurugan (2018), “The wind tree model with an effective braking system for improving Power Generation”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, ISSN: 0974-9594 (Impact factor: 0.763).
V.S.Arulmurugan (2017), “Performance analysis of controller for DC-DC Cuk converter operating in Buck mode. ”, World Applied Science Journal ISSN: ISSN: 1818-4952 (Impact factor: 0.143)
V.S.Arulmurugan (2016), “Design of Bridge-Less ZETA PFC Rectifier Fed BLDC Motor Drive ”,World Applied Sciences Journal ISSN 1818-4952 ,Vol. No. 34, page No. 1717-1721.
V.S.Arulmurugan (2016), “A Non Isolated Three Port DC-DC Converter For Low Power Application”, World Applied Sciences Journal, ISSN 1818-4952 ,Vol. No. 34, page No.1722- 1728, 2016.
V.S.Arulmurugan (2013), “Quality of Experienced based Approach for Power Scheduling in Smart Grids”, Life Science Journal, ISSN 1097-8135, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1452-1456, 2013. (Impact factor: 1.6)
V.S.Arulmurugan (2012), “Design Of Sensor Based Smart Meter Communication System For Power Management In Smart Grids”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1991-8178, Vol.6, No.8, pp. 215-227 (Impact factor: 1.5)
V.S.Arulmurugan (2012), “An Approach for Power Management in Smart Grids”, European Journal of Scientific Research-ISSN 1450-216X, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp.168 – 177, 2012 (Impact factor: 1.6).
Sankarananth, S., Sountharrajan, S., Kumar, B. S., &Nandhini, S. S. (2021). Challenges and opportunities of big data integration in patient-centric healthcare analytics using mobile networks. Demystifying Big Data, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Healthcare Analytics, 85-108.
Sankarananth, S., Suganya, E., & Sathish Kumar, B. (2022). Similarity Analytics for Semantic Text Using Natural Language Processing. In 3rd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (pp. 239-248). Springer International Publishing.
Value Added Courses
Industry Tie-ups
S.No. | Name of the Industry | Purpose |
1 | Popular Systems – Coimbatore | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
2 | Mass Solar Systems Pvt Ltd – Coimbatore | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
3 | ALFA Switchgear India Pvt. Ltd., Nasiyanur, Erode. | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
4 | Sky Solar, Erode | Project, Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
5 | Tech solutions, Perfect IOT solutions, Perundurai | Project,Placement,Internship, Industrial Visit |
6 | Voltech Engineers private limited,Chennai | Project,Placement,Internship, Industrial visit |
UG | ||||
1. | Dr.A.Jeevanandham | Professor | Ph.D | 01.07.2024 |
2. | Dr.R.Selvam | ASP | Ph.D | 10.04.2024 |
3. | Mrs.C.Rajeswari | AP | M.E | 10.09.2021 |
4. | Mr.M.K.Anandkumar | AP | M.E | 10.09.2021 |
5. | Ms.K.S.Nanthini | AP | M.E | 10.09.2021 |
6. | Mrs.P.Maheswari | AP | M.E | 27.06.2023 |
7. | Mrs.T.Nandhini Priya | AP | M.E | 27.06.2023 |
8. | Mr.V.Nijanthan | AP | M.E | 02.05.2024 |
9. | Mrs.V.Banureka | AP | M.E | 10.06.2024 |
10. | Mrs.A.G.Devipriya | AP | M.E | 18.06.2024 |
1 | Dr.R.Gunasekaran | AP | Ph.D | 02.01.2023 |
2 | Mr.K.Vinoth Bresnav | AP | M.E | 05.06.2024 |
3 | Mr.P.Murughanandam | AP | M.E | 17.09.2021 |
4 | Dr.R.Yuvaraj | ASP | Ph.D | 20.10.2021 |
5 | Mrs.T.Ramya | AP | M.E | 03.07.2023 |
6 | Ms.R.Asha | AP | M.E | 18.06.2024 |
1 | Mr.B.Jayamanikandan | AP | M.E | 17.09.2021 |
2 | Mr.P.Manigandan | AP | M.E | 16.08.2023 |
3 | Mr.G.Manikandan | AP | M.E | 17.09.2021 |
4 | Mr.B.Aravinth Bhoopathi | AP | M.E | 10.06.2024 |
5 | Ms.S.Mythili | AP | M.Phil | 13.03.2022 |
6 | Mrs.K.Malathi | AP | M.Phil | 12.06.2018 |
Awards and Recognition
Department Activities
Awareness rally on “ Save Energy and Save Earth”
COLLEGE NAME | Excel Engineering College (Autonomous) |
NAME OF THE EVENT | Awareness rally on “ Save Energy and Save Earth” |
EVENT NO. | 2 |
EVENT DATE | 20.09.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised Awareness rally on “save energy and save earth” on 20.09.24. Energy conservation is essential not just for reducing utility bills but also for protecting the planet. Every time we use energy, we impact the environment. By saving energy, we can reduce pollution, slow down climate change, and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.By saving energy, we not only conserve natural resources but also mitigate the effects of climate change. Small changes in individual behavior can collectively have a huge positive impact on the environment. Together, we can protect our planet for future generations by being mindful of how we use energy. |
Code Of Conduct- Roles And Responsibilities Of Students
Summary of the event : Department of Electrical and Electronics engineering department, organized event for Second year students Code of conduct – Roles and responsibilities of students on 19.01.24.Our Head of the department Dr.V.S.Arul Murugan, addressed about the rules and responsibilities about the institutions and about the department to all students.
Code of conduct
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Organized Event “CODE OF CONDUCT- ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES for III & IV year students presented by Dr.R.Gunasekaran, AP/EEE on 03.07.2023. He addressed about the rules and responsibilities about the institutions and about the department to all students. Later association members of EEE department explained about the association activities to all students.
Code of conduct
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Organized event CODE OF CONDUCT-ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES for Second year students on 18.8.2023. Dr.S.Sankarananth, HOD /EEE addressed about the rules and responsibilities about the institutions and about the department to all students.
Sustainable Power Distribution with Block Chain Technology
Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised Value Added Course on “Sustainable Power Distribution with Block Chain Technology”. Which was started on 25.01.2025 Saturday.This course explores the intersection of sustainable power systems and block chain technology, focusing on how decentralized ledger technologies can drive efficiency, transparency, and sustainability in modern energy networks. Topics will cover the role of block chain in smart grids, decentralized energy markets, energy trading, and renewable energy integration. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to understand and apply block chain innovations to real-world power system challenges.
Value Added Course on “ Energy Auditing and Management”
COLLEGE NAME | Excel Engineering College (Autonomous) |
NAME OF THE EVENT | Value Added Course on “ Energy Auditing and Management” |
EVENT NO. | 4 |
EVENT DATE | 29.08.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a valueadded course on “Energy Auditing and Management” started on 29.08.2024. The students of second year are given with the ideas of Energy audit. In this we covered a wide range of topics inbasics of energy and its types, material and energy balance,energy actionplanning,financial management,project management,energy monitoring and targeting,energy efficiency and climate. |
Simulink Toolbox for Power Electronics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College has initiated value added course on “Simulink Toolbox for Power Electronics” handled by Mr.P.Selvabhrathi,AP/EEE & Mr.S.ManikandanAP/EEE, Excel Engineering college on 04.08.23. This course helpful to the students for understanding and developing models in MAT LAB for Power Electronics applications to Power Systems.
IGL On “International Testing Standards For Power System Protective Equipments”
Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised Industrial Guest Lecture on “INTERNATIONAL TESTING STANDARDS FOR POWER SYSTEM PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS”. The Expert Chief Guest Er.D.RAJANAYAGAM, AGM-Systems and Standards, SALZER ELECTRONICS PVT LTD, Coimbatore Handled this topic well and shared very wide ideas to the students. The speaker delivered a detailed session on his respective domains, helping participants understand the importance of systems, standards, and brand support in the rapidly advancing technical industry. The students are highly motivated and interested to learn further about the standards.
EVENT NO | 11 |
EVENT DATE | 21.09.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Event Title: INTEGRATED BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR FUTURISTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES RESOURCE PERSON: V S MANIKANDEN, DEPUTY MANAGER, SWITCH MOBILITY AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED No. of. Participants : 59 (External participants) 125 (Internal participants) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) is accelerating as the demand for sustainable transportation solutions grows. A crucial component in this evolution is the Integrated Battery Management System (BMS), which optimizes battery performance, safety, and lifespan. This seminar aims to explore the latest advancements in BMS technology and its implications for the future of electric vehicles. Outcome of the program is to enhanced understanding of Integrated Battery Management Systems. Insight into emerging technologies in battery management for EVs. Networking opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange. This seminar represents a significant opportunity for professionals to deepen their understanding of battery management systems and their vital role in the future of electric vehicles. |
One day National Level Workshop
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, organized “A National level workshop on “Solar Energy Storage Technologies, applications and Prospects” on 07.03.2024. Mr.Hari Balasubramanian from Janitza Electronics gave an overview of solar energy basics, highlighting its environmental benefits and role in combating climate change. In this workshop, about 116 students from various Polytechnic Colleges attended also encouraged to explore solar options for their homes and business.
One day National level seminar
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, has conducted a National level seminar on “Emerging Trends in Industrial Automation” on 29.02.24. We arranged resource persons as Er. Makesh Balasubramani, Head of Maintenance department, Coral Manufacturing works, Erode for forenoon session and Er. Kanahiaya Bhusan, Assistant Engineer, 110/22KVA Pallakka palayam substation for afternoon session. In this seminar, Students from various Engineering colleges have participated and gathered information’s about current trends in industrial automation.
Academic Guest Lecture
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department, organized event “Academic Guest Lecture” for students of II & III year EEE on 19.02.24. Chief Guest of the program, Dr.C.Maheswari, ASP/Mechatronics, Kongu Engineering College addressed about the “Embedded C programming using Micro controller for Real-time applications”. Students gathered idea about programming concepts also how to interpret with real time applications.
MoU and Industry Guest Lecture
Summary of the event :Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Organized a MoU signing ceremony followed by Industry Guest Lecture on “Industry 4.0 with its application “ presented by Mr.T.Kumar ,Heasd operations,Real Tech solutions, Perfect IOT solutions, Perundurai on 04.11.23
Academic Guest Lecture and Faculty Interaction Program
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Organized a Academic Guest Lecture and Faculty Interaction program on “Insight into sustainable Energy Management on Energy Audit” and “Empowering Educator : Energy Audit Excellence” delivered by Dr.P.Selvakumar, Prof&Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mr.M.Sresh, Assistannt Professor(Sr.G), Kongu Engineering college, Perundurai on 30.10.23.
Latest Technology Seminar
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department students organized Latest Technology Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Innovation of PLC Technology” to our students In this regard, seminar delivered by Mr.S.Aravinth, Managing director and Senior Engineer IPCS Global Private limited, Erode on 28.10.2023.
Skill Development Program For Non-Teaching Faculties
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, has conducted Skill development program for non-teaching faculties under the title “Ensuring safety in electrical laboratory” by Mr.S.Manikandan,AP/EEE of our college on 29.9.23 for the benefit of non-teaching faculties about the safety measures.
Association Inaugural Function And Industry Guest Lecture
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, has inaugurated our department association also organized Industry guest lecture “Innovative Technologies in Electrical Industries ” by Er.G.Ravichandran on 19.9.23 for the benefit of students preparing for placement.
Seminar on Problem Formulation for Research
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Organized a seminar on Problem formulation for research presented by Prof Dr.S.Shankar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College for students from various departments on 19.8.23 at 10 am. From this seminar, students got information about problem identification in research and ideas about project.
Seminar on Problem Formulation strategies for Research, Funding and Start-up Ventures
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a seminar on Problem Formulation strategies for Research, Funding and Start-up Ventures presented by Prof Dr.S.Shankar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College for faculty members of our institution on 19.8.23 at 11.30 am. From this seminar, faculty members got ideas about Problem Formulation strategies for research, funding, innovative and Start-up ventures.
Higher studies and competitive Exam coaching
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering initiated “Tips and Tricks to crack Competitive exams” has initiated“ Tips and Tricks to crack Competitive exams” conducted by Mrs.P.Maheswari AP/EEE, Mrs.T.Nandhiniprya AP/EEE, Excel Engineering college on 28.7.23 for the benefit of students preparing for higher education and competitive exams in future.
MATLAB software platform
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department organized a Demo on MATLAB software taken by Praveen Uma shankar & Vivek Ashokan, Regional Manager ARK Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Chennai on 30.05.23.The aim of this demo was to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to work efficiently with MATLAB, enhancing their problem-solving abilities. The participants were also excited to use the skills and knowledge gained from the training to solve real-world problems.
Infrared Thermography for Improving Electrical System Reliability
We are delighted to announce that the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department Organized a Latest technology seminar on” Infrared Thermography for Improving Electrical System Reliability” taken by Dr.M.R.Mohanraj,HOD/EEE, Excel Engineering College on 17.03.2023.The aim of this seminar was to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge about Infrared Thermography.
Hands-On MATLAB Training
We are delighted to announce that the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a hands-on MATLAB training event presented by Mr.S.Sankarananth, AP/EEE on 27.02.2023. They provided participants with a comprehensive introduction to MATLAB and its various features, including data analysis, signal processing, and machine learning. The training session also included hands-on exercises, where participants were given the opportunity to apply their learning in practical scenarios.
PLC using Simatics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Organized Naan Mudhalvan mandatory course under the title “PLC using Simatics” delivered by TANSAM trainer on 23.08.23.From this course students are able to understand the concepts and Industrial applications of PLC using Simatics.
Academic Guest Lecture on “ Energy Consumption Modeling in Electric Vehicles”
COLLEGE NAME | Excel Engineering College (Autonomous) |
NAME OF THE EVENT | Academic Guest Lecture on “ Energy Consumption Modeling in Electric Vehicles” |
EVENT DATE | 09.10.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised Academic guest lecture for “Energy consumption modelling in Electric Vehicles” on 09.10.24. Transport is a fundamental requirement of modern life, but the traditional combustion engine is quickly becoming outdated. Petrol or diesel vehicles are highly polluting and are being quickly replaced by fully electric vehicles. Fully electric vehicles (EV) have zero tailpipe emissions and are much better for the environment. Marked by their zero carbon footprints, environmental groups strongly support these vehicles. In this lecture, he presented a model that represents the energy consumption acting on the high voltage battery of an electric vehicle. |
Workshop on Entrepreneurship skills and attitude and behavior development
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Organized a “Workshop on Entrepreneurship skills and attitude and behavior Development” handled by Mr. K. Manoj Kumar AP/MBA, Excel Business School on 04.02.2023 . In this shared lots of Steps in the Entrepreneurial process with full details from the basic of Entrepreneurship, discovery for the students to present their own ideas to this competition world.
EVENT NO. | 07 |
EVENT DATE | 21.08.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | DATE : 21st August 2024 VENUE : TVR Hall NO OF PARTICIPANTS : 81 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, organized “An Industry Guest Lecture on IoT in smart grid technology and its application” on 21.08.2024. The event featured Mr.N.Sivakumar from ELGI Equipments Ltd., Coimbatore, a renowned expert in IoT and smart grid technology, who shared his extensive knowledge and experience with the students. The guest lecture provided valuable insights into how IoT is revolutionizing traditional power grids, turning them into intelligent and responsive smart grids. Key highlights of the lecture included discussions on the IoT architecture in smart grids, various applications of IoT in these systems, and the challenges and future directions of this rapidly evolving technology. The session was highly informative, offering students and faculty a comprehensive understanding of IoT’s role in advancing smart grid technology. The event successfully sparked interest among attendees, emphasizing the critical importance of IoT in the future of energy systems. |
MOU & Industry Guest Lecture
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, has initiated “Memorandum of Understanding” with Voltech Engineers private limited, Chennai on 21.02.24 for the benefit of students in terms of internship and placements also doing their projects. The same day guest lecture also given by Mr.Dhavamani Kaliyamurty ,Asst.Vice president of Voltech Engineers private limited, Chennai.
Industry Tie-ups
S.No | Name of the Industry | Purpose |
1 | Popular Systems – Coimbatore | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
2 | Mass Solar Systems Pvt Ltd – Coimbatore | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
3 | ALFA Switchgear India Pvt. Ltd., Nasiyanur, Erode. | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
4 | Sky Solar, Erode | Project , Placement, Internship, Industrial Visit |
Title of the event: Industrial visit – Mettur Thermal power station
No. of. Participants : 64
Summary of the event: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, organized Industrial visit to “Mettur Thermal power station ” on 27.9.23 for the benefit of students to get ideas about working of thermal power stations.
MOU signing ceremony with Industry Guest Lecture
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, has Organized MoU Signing Ceremony with “ALFA SWITCH GEAR (I) PVT LTD”Nasiyanooron03.02.2023 and also conducted guest lecture for the benefit of students to acquire knowledge on recent technologies
Industrial visit to Pykara Hydro Power House
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering arranged Industrial visit to Pykara Hydro Power House on 01.04.23. Our students gained the practical exposure about the Hydro Power generation, working of turbine and power generation motors through this industrial visit.
IEEE Student Branch Inauguration
1. Er.N.JAYABAL, Director
2. Er.D.Rajanayagam– AGM Systems and Standards,
3. Er.C.Srinivasan– Sales Head,
4. Er.ClydeGonsalvez- Manager Brand Support,
5. Er.P.Srinivasan – Customer Care Service
Salzer Electronics Limited , Coimbatore
ABOUT THE PROGRAM:The IEEE Student Branch Inauguration was held on 29-01-2025 at Kandasamy Hall. The event was attended by a diverse group of students and professionals. The primary goal of the event was to introduce the IEEE Student Branch, which is aimed at fostering innovation, networking, and knowledge sharing among students pursuing careers in engineering and technology. The event was graced by Er.N.JAYABAL, Director, Er.D.Rajanayagam – AGM Systems and Standards from Salzer Electronics Limited, Coimbatore, who shared their expertise on various industry standards and career development opportunities in the engineering sector.
The inauguration ceremony saw an enthusiastic participation from 80 students, faculty members, and industry professionals. Each speaker delivered a detailed session on their respective domains, helping participants understand the importance of systems, standards, and brand support in the rapidly advancing technical industry. This event has laid a solid foundation for the future activities of the IEEE Student Branch, which aims to promote knowledge sharing, innovation, and professional development in the field of Electrical Engineering and technology.
EVENT NO | 10 |
EVENT DATE | 18.09.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel EngineeringCollege, Namakkal, organized “National Engineers Day” on 18.09.2024.Mrs.V.Banureka, Placement CoordinatorElectrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College presented the welcome address,National Engineers Day is celebrated on September 15 every year to honour Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, an Indian engineer.Visvesvaraya was a civil engineer, philanthropist, and statesman who made significant contributions to India’s development. Some of his notable works include the Mysore Palace, the Bangalore Water Supply Scheme, and the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam.Engineer’s day is a day to celebrate the achievements of Engineers and their contributions to society.These sessions were attended by the various Department students Participated Poster presentation and Easy writing along with Faculty, certificates are issued to the winners. Mr.K.VinothBresnav, IIC Coordinator delivered the vote of thanks. |
Engineer’s day celebrations
Summary of the event: In view of Engineers day, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with Energy club, organized Technical events like Engineer’s Intellect quiz, Energy Innovator’s showcase, Energy Innovation fair and Debug dash: circuit edition to our students.
Non Academic Event(Out Of Campus)
Our department Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised NON ACADEMIC EVENT (OUT OF CAMPUS/OUT REACH ACTIVITY) of EXCEL ENGINEERING COLLEGE. For this occasionOur Faculties Dr.R.Gunasekaran and Mr.M.balamurugan went to Govt Higher Secondary School Kullanaickenpalayam. They conducted a awareness program on “Electrical Equipment usage and power supply Protection” for the school students.
Three of Our third year students explains the current scenario and interact with the students about their future mission and vision.
Spelling Bee and Word Connections
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized “Non-Academic Events” with title given as “Spelling Bee and Word connections” on 14.03.24 at 11 AM in B1 Seminar hall. In this regard, students actively participated. At the end of session prizes were given for winners.
Poster Presentation
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized “Poster presentation” with title given as “Save Electricity” on 20.02.24(AN) in Power Electronics lab. In this regard, students presented their ideas with colorful charts. At the end of session prizes were given based on their presentation.
EVENT NO. | 08 |
EVENT DATE | 28.08.2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | DATE : 28th August 2024 VENUE : B1-208 Hall NO OF PARTICIPANTS : 142 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Excel Engineering College, Namakkal, organized “An Alumni Guest Lecture on AI Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” on 28.08.2024. The event featured Mr.U.Susilkumar, an esteemed alumnus of the department and currently a Senior Software Test Engineer at Freshworks, Chennai, as the guest speaker. Mr.U.Susilkumar provided valuable insights into the latest advancements and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The lecture covered a range of topics, including an introduction to AI, its impact on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, current AI applications in Electrical Engineering, and future trends and innovations in the field. The lecture was followed by an engaging Q&A session, during which students and faculty had the opportunity to interact with Mr.U.Susilkumar. The event received positive feedback from participants, who appreciated the depth of knowledge and expertise shared by the speaker. The Alumni Guest Lecture on “AI Trends in Electrical and Electronics” was a resounding success, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of AI in the engineering domain. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering extends its heartfelt thanks to Mr.U.Susilkumar for sharing his expertise and inspiring the next generation of engineers.
EVENT NO. | 13 |
EVENT DATE | 14-10-2024 |
WRITE UP ABOUT THE EVENT (MAX 250 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ORGANIZED) (MAX 100 WORDS FOR PROGRAM ATTENDED) | Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized, an Alumni Guest Lecture was held featuring Mr. G. Tamilarasan, a Software Developer at Lakshmi Machine Works Limited in Coimbatore on 14-10-2024. 142 participants, who were eagerly learnt about the intricacies of embedded software development. Mr. Tamilarasan provided insights into the common challenges faced in the field, including issues related to hardware-software integration, resource constraints, and real-time processing requirements. He emphasized the importance of effective debugging techniques and maintaining software quality under tight deadlines. The lecture also explored innovative solutions, such as adopting agile methodologies, utilizing simulation tools, and fostering collaboration between cross-functional teams. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions and share their own experiences, leading to a rich discussion that further enhanced understanding of the topic. Overall, the session was well-received, providing valuable knowledge and networking opportunities for participants interested in pursuing careers in embedded systems. |