Clubs & Societies
Club and Societies

Ms.D.Mythili / AP / Civil / 9578402655
Mr.N.Prithiviraj / AP / S&F / 9677956900
Beautifying selected roadside area with plants including ornamentals and putting campaign boards to create awareness on environment
Action based activities like tree plantation, maintaining an herbal garden, holding cleanliness drives both inside and outside the campus
Organizing rallies, marches, street plays at public places to create awareness about the importance of environment
Organizing seminars, debates, lectures and talks by invited persons on environmental issues
To sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic materials and other non-biodegradable materials which pose environmental hazards
Creating awareness on the importance of saving water and on the installation of Rain Water Harvesting Tanks
Creating awareness about the dangers of exploiting natural resources
Placing placards in the classrooms regarding the preservation of environment
Visiting local forest areas, sanctuaries, botanical gardens, parks and industrial areas including the waste management sites
Documentation of the flora and fauna of the campus
Other activities including the conducting of various competitions viz., Painting, Pencil Sketching, Rangoli, Paste the Picture, Wealth out of Waste, Debate on Environment-related Days, Essay Writing, Card Making etc., related to environmental issues
Seed bank collection
Bird watching and documentation
Making cloth bags out of old clothes
List of Members
Dept | Faculty Coordinator Name / Designation / Mobile No | Student Coordinator (2 Students) Roll No / Name / Year / Mobile No |
AERO | Mr.S.Balasundaram AP / Aero 9840055819 | 22AE023 / Janarth Kishore V / 9677584559 |
21AE007 / Azaruddin R / 9003434899 | ||
20AE009 / Bhuvanesh R / 6384080597 | ||
AGRI | Mr.V.Vellingiri AP / Agri 9865226369 | 22AG030 / P.Gopalakrishnan / 6379698321 |
21AG030 / G.Karthiga devi / 9944741350 | ||
20AG011 / R.Christy Devapriya / 9360098708 | ||
AIDS | Ms.S.Santhiya AP / AIDS | Mohammed Wasim / 9865375786 |
Sumankanth / 9629072872 | ||
D.Joshva / 9940960888 | ||
BME | Ms.R.Santhiya AP / BME 8248862436 | 22BM007 / M.Arthika / 9025785240 |
21BM041 / S.Praveen Kumar / 9629752565 | ||
20BM022 / P.Jeeva / 8940011315 | ||
CIVIL | Ms.D.Mythili AP / Civil 9578402655 | Pushparaj |
21CE036 / Priyatharshini.S / 8940276389 | ||
20CE010 / Enathamilan.V / 8098746067 | ||
CSE | Mrs.Kalpana AP / CSE / 6382788449 | 22CS046 / Hariharan.S / 8870919072 |
21CS064 / Mohammed Suhail / 7708412143 | ||
21LCS135 / S.K.Prabunesan / 7402745205 | ||
CSBS | Mrs.C.Prathipa / AP / CSE | 22CB025 / S.Lakshmanan / 8428023290 |
21CB020 / Mohammad Altaf / 7075032161 | ||
ECE | Mrs.A.Anitha rani AP / ECE (9994585189) | 21LEC057 / J.R.Naveen Kumar / 8428968014 |
22LEC128 / M.G.Logeswaran / 9842857296 | ||
EEE | Ms.Nandhini AP / EEE / 9789326087 | 22EE025 / D.Dharani / 9994505490 |
22LEE015 / P.Naveen / 8248323237 | ||
21EE04 / Vigneshwaran / 9344319586 | ||
IT | Mr.N.Naveen AP / IT / 9944398884 | 21IT032 / S.Jayasuriya / 9159890956 |
21LIT065 / G.Sridhar / 8525083590 | ||
22IT080 / Karan Kumar / 9629277608 | ||
MECH | Mr.Nandhakumar AP / Mech / 9629231032 | 20ME011 / Dhananjay Kumar / 7209369656 |
21ME027 / Laitonjam Subashchandra Singh / 6009593028 | ||
S&F | Mr.S.Saravanakumar / AP / S&F 7200140982 | 21LSF019 / P.Mohankumar / 7397639501 |
21SF016 / Shyam Abhishek / 6384331173 | ||
22SF009 / T.Nishanth / 9363273125 | ||
MBA / MCA | Ms.Keerthana / AP / MBA 9944234357 | 22MBA062 / Navaneetha Krishnan / |
22MBAIEV041 / Umamaheswari / 9361771056 | ||
FT | Ms.M.Kavya / AP / FT 9894172042 | 20FD025 / B.Priyadharshini / 9500592374 |
21FD038 / Narmatha / 7448558532 | ||
22FT026 / Madhumathi / 9942080648 |
S.No | Dept | Faculty Coordinator | Student Coordinators | Remarks |
Name / Designation / Mobile No | Roll No / Name / Year / Mobile No | |||
1 | AERO | Mr.S.Balasundaram AP / Aero 9840055819 | 22AE023 / Janarth Kishore V / 9677584559 | Joint Secretary |
2 | 21AE007 / Azaruddin R / 9003434899 | |||
3 | AGRI | Mr.V.Vellingiri AP / Agri 9865226369 | 22AG030 / P.Gopalakrishnan / 6379698321 | |
4 | 21AG030 / G.Karthiga devi / 9944741350 | Secretary | ||
5 | AIDS | Ms.S.Santhiya AP / AIDS | 22AD040 / D.Joshva / 9940960888 | |
6 | 21AD056 / Sumankanth / 9629072872 | |||
7 | BME | 22BM007 / M.Arthika / 9025785240 | ||
8 | CIVIL | Ms.D.Mythili AP / Civil 9578402655 | 22CE031 / Helenrose / 9080000160 | President |
9 | 21CE036 / Priyatharshini.S / 8940276389 | Vice President | ||
10 | CSE | Mrs.Kalpana AP / CSE / 6382788449 | 22CS046 / Hariharan.S / 8870919072 | |
11 | 21CS064 / Mohammed Suhail / 7708412143 | |||
12 | CSBS | Mrs.C.Prathipa / AP / CSE | 22CB025 / S.Lakshmanan / 8428023290 | |
13 | 21CB020 / Mohammad Altaf / 7075032161 | |||
14 | 22LCB059 / Yeswanth.B / 9597465260 | |||
15 | ECE | Mrs.A.Anitha rani AP / ECE 9994585189 | 22EC044 / U.Kaviyarasu / 8807466834 | |
16 | 22LEC128 / M.G.Logeswaran / 9842857296 | |||
17 | EEE | Ms.Nandhini AP / EEE / 9789326087 | 22EE025 / D.Dharani / 9994505490 | |
18 | 22LEE015 / P.Naveen / 8248323237 | |||
19 | 21EE04 / Vigneshwaran / 9344319586 | |||
20 | IT | Mr.N.Naveen AP / IT / 9944398884 | 21IT032 / S.Jayasuriya / 9159890956 | |
21 | 21LIT065 / G.Sridhar / 8525083590 | |||
22 | 22IT080 / Karan Kumar / 9629277608 | |||
23 | 21ME027 / Laitonjam Subashchandra Singh / 6009593028 | |||
24 | S&F | Mr.N.Prithiviraj / AP / S&F / 9677956900 | 21LSF019 / P.Mohankumar / 7397639501 | |
25 | 21SF016 / Shyam Abhishek / 6384331173 | Treasurer | ||
26 | 22SF009 / T.Nishanth / 9363273125 | |||
27 | MBA / MCA | Ms.Keerthana / AP / MBA 9944234357 | 22MBA062 / Navaneetha Krishnan / | |
28 | 22MBAIEV041 / Umamaheswari / 9361771056 | |||
29 | 21FD038 / Narmatha / 7448558532 | |||
30 | 22FT026 / Madhumathi / 9942080648 |
List of Activities
List Of Activities Conducted In The Academic Year 2021-22
1. | 2021-22 | Idea Presentation in the view of “World Health Day” | 09.04.2022 |
2. | 2021-22 | Techno Quest – Technical Online Quiz Contest | 29.01.2022 |
Idea Presentation On 09.04.2022 Mark Awarded Details
S.No | Roll No | Name of the Student | Title of Presentation | Criteria | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Remarks | ||||
1. | 19CE02019CE034 | Glory Gifta Moha mmed Munthasar S | Sustainable Practices | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Best Presentation |
2. | 21LCE057 | Litheesh Raj k | Green Building | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | |
3. | 20CE010 | EnathamilanV | Innovative Practices | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |
4. | 20BM052 | Sasiprakash S | Green Practices | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | |
5. | 19AGE012 | Elaiya BarathiJ | New Idea for Green Environment | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |
6. | 18AE0102 | Subash M | New Innovative Environment | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Panel Member: 1.) Dr.S.Shanumgasundaram / Prof & HOD / Civil
Note : Criteria 1 – Presentation; 2 – Novelty; 3 – Innovation ; 4 – Communication ; 5 – Content
Techno Quest on 29.01.2022
List Of Activities Conducted
1. | 2022-23 | Activities for World Environment Day 2023 | 05.06.2023 |
2. | 2022-23 | “Training of Youth on Cleaning Village – Green Village” In View of National Cleanliness Day | 04.02.2023 |
3. | 2022-23 | Essay Competition for Pongal Celebration | 17.01.2023 |
4. | 2022-23 | Tree Plantation & Maintenance Program at Vellode Birds Sanctuary | 07.01.2023 |
5. | 2022-23 | Activities for IGen Green Day 2022 | 22.10.2022 |
6. | 2022-23 | Activities for International Coastal Day “Puneet Sagar Abhiyan” | 17.09.2022 |
7. | 2022-23 | Activities for International Day for the preservation of the Ozone Layer | 12.09.2022 |
8. | 2022-23 | Activities in GHSS, Pallakkapalayam “International Plastic Bag Free Day” | 08.07.2022 |
9. | 2022-23 | Activities in Sankari Fort Hills in the view of “International Plastic Bag Free Day” on July 02 2022 | 02.07.2022 |
In View of National Cleanliness Day “Training of Youth on Cleaning Village – Green Village” on 04.02.2023
In View of National Cleanliness Day (Jan 30), Green Club & Swachh Bharat of Excel Engineering College in association with Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Department of Computer Science and Business System (CSBS) have planned to organize “Training of Youth on Cleaning Village – Green Village” at Kaliyanoor village, Namakkal on 04.02.2023. In this regard we confirmed with Village President, Kaliyanoor by phone conversation. Hence we request you to provide free bus (1 No) transport facility to reach the destination with 60 Volunteers and 3 Faculty members.
Essay Competition for Pongal Celebration
On behalf of Excel Engineering College Green Club & Swachh Bharat, organized “EssayCompetition” through online mode on the following titles in view of Pongal celebrations on 17.01.2023.
- Organic Farming இயற் கை வழி வவளாண் கை
- Green Practices in Agri Industry வவளாண் Fகையில் பசுகை நகைமுகைக ள்
50 Students submitted their essay from various colleges. Among that the following first 3 students secured I, II & III Place and 13 Students received appreciation for their performance.
S.No | Name of the Student | Departmen t | College | Mail ID | Title | Place |
1 | P.Bhuvaneshwari | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | | Green Practices in Agri Industry | I |
2 | K.Viswa Prabhu | B.Voc | The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram | | இயற்க˙ ை் வழி வவளாண˙ ைக | II |
3 | E.T.Gurunaathan | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | | இயற்க˙ ை் வழி வவளாண˙ ைக | III |
4 | K.Nivetha | B.E Agri III Year | Excel Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
5 | S.Vijaykumar | MCA | Excel Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
6 | T.Kavya | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
7 | N.Rubika | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | gopalakrishnaramkum | Organic Farming | |
8 | G.Gokul | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
9 | N.Sridhar | B.Tech Agri | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
10 | DP Kofun Maring | B.E ECE | Excel Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
11 | P.Bhavani | B.Voc | The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram | bhavaniprapahar@gm | Organic Farming | |
12 | Keerthana | B.E Agri | Excel Engineering College | | Organic Farming | |
13 | V.Soundaryan | M.E EE | Excel Engineering College | soundaryangobi@gmai | Organic Farming | |
14 | G.Auruthra Lakshmi | B.E CSE | Excel Engineering College | m | Organic Farming | |
15 | C.Pavithra | B.E Agri IV Year | Excel Engineering College | pavithraanusieya@gm | Organic Farming | |
16 | V.Aathi Kesavan | B.Voc | The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram | | இயற˙கை் வழி வவளாண˙ ைக |
Vellode Birds Sanctuary on 7.1.2023
On behalf of Excel Engineering College Green Club & Swachh Bharat and NCC wing, a tree plantation program was organized in Vellode Birds Sanctuary on 7.1.2023. Our Excel Engineering college students actively involved in the cleaning work around the existing trees. New saplings were planted by digging the earth and poured water.A pleasant, Green environment is created by our enthusiastic students (51 Nos) in the sanctuary by means of today’s program. Green Club Coordinator D.Mythili AP/Civil, faculty members Naveen AP/IT, Poornima AP/Civil, Vaijayanthi AP/Agri, Sathyaraj AP / IT and Keerthana Forest Guard coordinated for the successful conduct of tree plantation program. Dr A. K Natesan, Chairman EGI, Dr Mathan Karthik Vice Chairman, Executive Director, Director Admin and Academic Director have encouraged our Club activities of this type.
International Coastal Day “Puneet Sagar Abhiyan”
Members of NCC, Green club & Swachh Bharat of Excel Engineering College had participated in the Puneet Sagar Abhiyan (which is a scheme by Department of Science and Technology in the view of International Coastal Cleanup Day) near Kavery river, Kooduthurai on 19.09.2022. Students actively participated and cleaned the river banks. Also they gave awareness to the public about keeping the river bank and river clean.
Total Students participated = 35 Total faculty participated = 3
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
In the view of “International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer” in association with Green club & Swachh Bharat of Excel Engineering College on 17.09.2022. We organized Slogan Contest, Drawing Competition & Pledge – To preserve the Ozone Layer. Students were actively participated in this and explored their talent. Along with the faculty members students take pledge. The lists of participants were attached. E-certificates provided for all the students. We also insisted them to follow the habit of preserving the environment in their day to day practice.
International Plastic Bag Free Day
A team of 20 students and 4 faculty members from Green Club, Swachh Bharat & NCC of Excel Engineering College has visited Government School located in Pallakkapalayam Village in the view of “International Plastic Bag Free Day” on July 08 2022 Friday. We gave awareness to the school students regarding the significance of plastic usage. Also we suggested the alternate for plastic. We also requested them to use cotton bags and recyclable materials in their day to day life.
International Plastic Bag Free Day
A team of students and faculty members from NCC, Green Club & Swachh Bharat of Excel Engineering College has visited Sankari Fort Hills in the view of “International Plastic Bag Free Day” on July 02 2022 Saturday. They had cleaned the path of the hills by picking plastic covers, water bottles, waste materials. Students expressed that they feel happy in doing this and they assure that they will eliminate the usage of plastic in their day to day life.
1. | 2023-24 | Awareness Program “Promoting Responsible Use of Napkin Incinerators for Campus Well-being, Restroom Maintenance and Cleanliness” | 09.02.2024 |
2. | 2023-24 | Clean Campus Green Campus | 05.03.2024 |
3. | 2023-24 | MOU Signing with “ Atchayam Trust” | 08.04.2024 |
4. | 2023-24 | ‘Building Hope’ program, a fundraising initiative for the construction of shelters by Atchayam Trust | 08.04.2024 |
5. | 2023-24 | Swachh Bharat on Oct 1 2023 | 1.10.2023 |
6. | 2023-24 | Atchayam Trust | 27.09.2023 |
7. | 2023-24 | “Ozone Guardian Crafting an Eco Consciousness Lifestyle” in view of International Ozone Day (Sep 16) | 19.09.2023 |
8. | 2023-24 | Mass Tree Plantation Drive MeriLIFE 2023 | 30.07.2023 |
9. | 2023-24 | Awareness talk regarding “Community and youth led action “Brief introduction about Uzhavan Foundation” | 21.07.2023 |
Promoting Responsible Use of Napkin Incinerators
On 09.02.2024, Excel Engineering College – Autonomous, in collaboration with the Green Club, Swachh Bharat, and the Women’s Empowerment Cell, hosted an enlightening session at Pavayammal Hall focused on “Promoting Responsible Use of Napkin Incinerators.” With Dr. G. Vanathi, Assistant Professor from Excel Siddha College for Medical and Research, as the chief guest, the event aimed to raise awareness about responsible hygiene practices, including proper incinerator usage, restroom maintenance, and campus cleanliness. Through presentations, interactive discussions, and commitments from participants, the session successfully fostered a culture of sustainability and personal hygiene, ensuring a greener and healthier campus environment for all stakeholders. All the girls students participated in the program.
campus cleaning drive on March 5th, 2024
Excel Engineering College -Autonomous, Green club and Swachh Bharat, excited to share that we teamed up for a campus cleaning drive on March 5th, 2024. Together, we collected plastic waste in over 20 bags, which have been responsibly disposed of. We urge everyone to educate fellow students about using dustbins placed at appropriate locations across the campus. Let’s work together to create a plastic-free and clean environment. Around 120 students have participated in the event. Refreshments provided to them. A heartfelt thank you to all the Green Club Student Volunteers from every department for their invaluable contribution to this initiative!
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atchayam Trust
On the auspicious date of April 8th, 2024, the Green Club of Excel Engineering College took a significant step towards fostering environmental sustainability and promoting green initiatives by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atchayam Trust. This momentous occasion signifies a commitment from both parties to collaborate and synergize efforts in advocating for a greener and more sustainable future
Fund Collection for Old-Age Home Construction
Excel Engineering College’s Green Club and Swachh Bharat, in collaboration with Thalir Club, orchestrated the ‘Building Hope’ program, a fundraising initiative for the construction of shelters by Atchayam Trust on 8.4.24. Volunteers from the Trust, alongside members of both clubs, conducted detailed sessions in each class, explaining the project’s intricacies. Rather than solely focusing on fund collection, their primary objective is to encourage student involvement by soliciting contributions of Rs. 101 each. The deadline for contributions has been set for April 30th
Report on Swachhata Pakhwada – Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) 2023 Cleanup Initiative
Date: October 1, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Excel Engineering College and Surrounding Areas
The Swachhata Pakhwada – Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) 2023 campaign was a remarkable and dedicated effort by Excel Engineering College to honor the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi on his birth anniversary, October 2, 2023. This nationwide cleanliness campaign aimed to promote cleanliness, hygiene, and civic responsibility. Excel Engineering College took part in this initiative with great enthusiasm, mobilizing 200 students to participate in the cleanup drive.
Event Overview:
The cleanup drive commenced at 10:00 AM on October 1, 2023, in and around Excel Engineering College. The event was organized with meticulous planning and executed with dedication and passion. Students were provided with cleaning tools, gloves, and waste disposal bins.
The activities undertaken during the cleanup drive included:
Campus Cleanup: Students actively participated in cleaning the college campus, including classrooms, corridors, lawns, and recreational areas.
Street Cleaning: Some students ventured into the nearby streets and public areas, ensuring a cleaner environment for the community.
Awareness Campaign: Throughout the event, students engaged in discussions with the community members to raise awareness about the significance of cleanliness and hygiene.
Waste Segregation: Proper waste segregation and disposal were emphasized to minimize the environmental impact.
A significant portion of the college campus and surrounding areas were cleaned and restored to a more hygienic state.
Valuable awareness about cleanliness and civic responsibility was spread among students and the community.
Over 200 students actively participated, demonstrating a strong commitment to the cause.
Positive feedback and support were received from the local community.
The Swachhata Pakhwada – Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) 2023 cleanup initiative at Excel Engineering College was a resounding success. The college community came together to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy by actively contributing to a cleaner and more hygienic environment. This event not only promoted cleanliness but also fostered a sense of responsibility.
Promoting Health and Hygiene through Swachh Bharat: Concern for the Elderly and Orphans
Awareness talk on “Promoting Health and Hygiene through Swachh Bharat: Concern for the Elderly and Orphans” organized by Excel Engineering College -Autonomous, Green Club, Swachh Bharat, YI, RRC, YRC in association with YUVA – ERODE CHAPTER.
Date: September 27, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Venue: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Hall Excel Engineering College – Autonomous
Mr. P. Naveen Kumar, Founder & Director of Atchayam Trust, Erode also Alumni of our College, was the esteemed resource person. His expertise and passion for promoting health and hygiene will shed light on how Swachh Bharat initiatives can make a significant impact on the lives of the elderly and orphaned individuals in our community. Let’s all join together to learn, discuss, and take steps toward a cleaner, healthier, and more compassionate society. 200 Students participated in this program.
Ozone Guardian Crafting an Eco Consciousness Lifestyle
Green Club & Swachh Bharat Organised an Awareness Talk Towards “Ozone Guardian Crafting an Eco Consciousness Lifestyle” in view of International Ozone Day (Sep 16) at APJ Hall from 3-4.30 pm on 19.09.2023. Sivakumar Palanisamy was the Resource Person and he shared the valuable points regarding Ozone layer and how to prevent it. 100 Students participated and taken pledge at the end.
Excel Engineering College AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive 2023 Report
Introduction: The report highlights the participation of Excel Engineering College in the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Mass Tree Plantation Drive in 2023. The event was executed by the Green Club and coordinated by the Green Club coordinator, Ms.D. Mythili / AP / Civil.
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document and celebrate the successful execution of the AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive at Excel Engineering College. It aims to showcase the college’s commitment to environmental sustainability and the efforts of students and faculty members in contributing to the noble cause of tree plantation.
Event Overview: The AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive took place in the June and July 2023, in the premises of Excel Engineering College and also in their respective home. The event witnessed active participation from both students and faculty members. Trees of various species were planted strategically to enhance the college’s green cover and promote a healthier environment.
Objectives: The primary objectives of the AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive were as follows:
- Enhance the green cover of Excel Engineering College and nearby villages.
- Mitigate the effects of climate change through carbon sequestration.
- Promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices among students and staff.
- Contribute to the national initiative of tree plantation under the Swachh Bharat campaign.
The success of the tree plantation drive would not have been possible without the enthusiastic participation of the following groups:
- Excel Engineering College students from various disciplines. (1000 Students)
- Dedicated faculty members who actively engaged in the drive. (100 Faculty members)
- The Green Club, which played a crucial role in organizing the event
- D. Mythili AP Civil, the Swachh Bharat coordinator, who provided valuable guidance and support
Activities and Execution: The AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive was executed through a well-organized series of activities, including:
- Pre-event planning and site preparation in the college and in their home
- Procurement of diverse tree saplings suitable for the local environment
- Identification of strategic locations for planting trees
- Briefing sessions on the importance of tree plantation and environmental conservation
- Actual tree plantation activity with active involvement of participants
- Post-event care and maintenance instructions for the newly planted saplings
Impact and Benefits: The tree plantation drive had several positive impacts and benefits, including:
- Increased green cover within the college campus and in their surroundings
- Improved air quality and carbon dioxide absorption
- Enhanced biodiversity with the addition of various tree species
- Heightened environmental consciousness among students and staff
- Contribution to the larger national initiative of tree plantation
Conclusion: The AICTE Mass Tree Plantation Drive 2023 at Excel Engineering College was a resounding success, thanks to the wholehearted participation and dedication of students, faculty members, the Green Club, and the guidance of the Green Club & Swachh Bharat coordinator. The event not only contributed to the beautification of the college campus but also strengthened the institution’s commitment to environmental sustainability and a greener future.
Acknowledgments: The College extends its sincere gratitude to all the participants and organizers who made the tree plantation drive a memorable and impactful event. Their collective efforts have set an inspiring example for others to follow in the journey towards a greener and cleaner world.
Awareness talk towards Community and Youth led action “Climate Change
Excel Engineering College -Autonomous, Green club and Swachh Bharat, Young India, RRC and YRC jointly organized an Awareness talk towards Community and Youth led action “Climate Change, Water Conservation, Origin of Rivers, Kalingarayan Anaicut, its canal history and a lot more regarding nature. Brief introduction was made about Uzhavan Foundation, Yi and the objective of Neerum Naamum on 21.07.2023 at Dr.A.P.J Hall. Er N.Raveendran, Founder President, Iragukal Amritha Nature Trust (I-Ant) and Madurai Nature Forum addressed and shared his views about Conservation of water, Rivers and natural resources. He added in his speech about the Ulavan Foundation which was started by the Actor Karthik Sivakumar. Around 260 students attended and benefited by this thought provoking speech and presentation. The program was organized by D.Mythili Assistant Professor / Civil and Coordinator of Green Club, P.Vadivel Assistant Professor / Maths and Coordinator of Young India, YRC and RRC.
1. | 2024-25 | Outreach Program – “Empowering Communities – A Day of Service with Atchayam Trust” | 04.08.2024 |
2. | 2024-25 | “Roots of Change: Promoting Sustainable Development through Large-Scale Tree Plantations” | 31.07.2024 |
3. | 2024-25 | Sustainable development activities – “Erode Railway Station Clean-Up: Promoting Plastic Awareness and Sustainable Practices” | 20.07.2024 |
Outreach Program – “Empowering Communities – A Day of Service with Atchayam Trust”
On August 4, 2024, a dedicated team of 15 volunteers from the Green Club and Swachh Bharat, alongside 2 volunteers from the Thalir Club and 2 faculty members, actively participated in the volunteering activities for Atchayam Trust in Erode. The day was highly informative and enriching for all involved. This initiative follows our institution’s signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atchayam Trust in the previous academic year (2023-24), facilitated through the Green Club and Swachh Bharat. The founder of Atchayam Trust is a distinguished alumnus of our institution, further strengthening the bond and commitment towards collaborative efforts.
Root of Change: Promoting Sustainable Development through Large Scale Tree Plantations
On July 31, 2024, the Green Club and Swachh Bharat organizations collaborated to host a sustainable development activity on the Excel campus. The event, titled “Root of Change,” aimed to promote sustainable development through large-scale tree plantations.
Key Highlights
- 120+ tree saplings were successfully planted on the
- 80+ student volunteers from Green Club and Swachh Bharat actively participated in the
- The program received constant support from Surendar Sir (AP Cse) and Agri Prasath Sir (SRET).
- SPK School generously provided the tree
We extend our special thanks to Surendar Sir and Agri Prasath Sir for their unwavering support throughout the program. We also appreciate the management’s approval of this activity.
Call to Action:
We request everyone’s support in nurturing the growth of these plants, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future for our campus.
Sustainable development activities – “Erode Railway Station Clean-Up: Promoting Plastic Awareness and Sustainable Practices”
The NCC, Green Club and Swachh Bharat of Excel Engineering College organized Sustainable Development Activities, titled ” Erode Railway Station Clean-Up: Promoting Plastic Awareness and Sustainable Practices,” on 20.07.2024 with the participation of 43 volunteers and 3 faculty members. Plastic waste was collected and handed over to the authorities. Mr. Elango, Deputy Station Manager of Erode Junction, Southern Railways; Mr. Saravanan, Director of Lions Club; officials from the Inner Wheel Club of Erode North; the Health Inspector of Erode; and police officials appreciated our students and expressed their gratitude.
The objective of the Leo Club Program is “To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.” Leo club members around the world fulfill this objective every day.
Main Activities of a LEO Club
LEO Clubs plan, organize and execute fundraising activities in order to raise money for a perceived project.
LEO Clubs dedicate a significant time and effort to serving a segment of the underprivileged in their community.
Each LEO Club annually plans, organizes and executes a main project directed at a specific cause and/or developmental need.
LEO Club members connect with LEOs around the world, through global conferences, forums, workshops and events, during which, LEOs share their experiences and establish acquaintances and friendships in different countries of the world.
Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Job Opportunities
On 27/05/2024 the LEO CLUB conducted students expostulation and Debate on“Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Job Opportunities”. The program started with the invocation followed by the welcome address by Dr.M.Kathiresan, Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This is some important highlights regarding the debate and discussion on the job opportunities for mechanical engineers in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
The Mathematical Challenge & Problem Solving Club is known as the ‘Maths Club’. A Maths club is an opportunity for everybody to have fun with Maths. It helps to develop students’ knowledge and enhance creative minds. Maths club allows to work flexibly and creatively. Maths is for everyone and therefore it helps to share ideas, strategies and cultivates their mathematical development.
Maths Club Activities
Maths Puzzles
Maths Games
Maths Magic
Maths Art
Card games
Dice games
Board games
Mathematical Tricks
Video Conferencing with a Mathematician
Making a Maths-video or podcast
Maths Competitions
Maths Club games are an integral part of practical Maths experience. They provide a motivating context to explore concepts, develop subject knowledge, improve problem-solving and enjoy Maths.
Rotaract Clubs bring together people aged 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces. … “Rotaract” stands for “Rotary in Action”, although the name originally comes from a combination of “Rotary” and “Interact” (International + Action), the High School level programme created by Rotary International in 1962.
Personal Growth and Development
Membership in Rotaract ensures continuing growth and education in human relations and personal development.
Leadership Development
Rotaract is an organization of leaders and successful people. Serving in Rotaract positions is like college education. The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship.
To be a vibrant service club enriching lives and advancing global understanding.
To emphasize respect for the rights of others, and to promote ethical standards.
To develop professional and leadership skills.
To be a good club within the organization that holds a principle of service above self.
To offer the opportunity for all members to be part of the planning for the club.
The mission of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for students to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal and community development.
To address the physical and social needs of the communities.
To promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship
To motivate people for eventual membership in Rotary.
To extend integrity, advance world understanding, and goodwill through our fellowship.
S.NO | Date of the Event | Particulars | No of Participants | Folio No | |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 | |||||
2 | 22.02.2024 | MATHS PUZZLES | 92 | 1.2 | |
3 | 22.12.2023 | RAMANUJAM DAY CELEBRATION | 175 | 1.3 | |
4 | 24.11.2023 | MATHS MODELS | 40 | 1.4 | |
5 | 28.10.2023 | MATH SKETCH | 51 | 1.5 | |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 | |||||
1 | 29.06.2023 | NATIONAL STATISTICS DAY | 131 | 2.1 | |
2 | 07.01.2022 | RAMANUJAM DAY CELEBRATION | 123 | 2.2 | |
3 | 03.12.2022 | MATHS QUIZ | 114 | 2.3 | |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-22 | |||||
1 | 07.05.2022 | MATHS MODELS | 26 | 3.3 | |
2 | 15.07.2021 | MATHS PUZZLES | 32 | 3.2 | |
3 | 22.12.2021 | RAMANUJAM DAY CELEBRATION | 98 | 3.1 |
An workshop on exploration of mathematical underpinnings in Artifical Intelligence and data science” on 22.03.2024
In the Academic Year 2023-24 An workshop on exploration of mathematical underpinnings in Artifical Intelligence and data science” has conducted on 22.03.2024 at 10.30 am in A3 block Pavayammal Hall for all Year B.E & B.Tech Students. There were 252 students attended the workshop. Welcome address was given by Dr.S.Mohankumar,ASP/ Maths /S&H.Chief guest Introduction was given by Dr.S.Kavitha,AP/Maths / S&H. Chief Guest Dr.C.Radhika,AP& Head,Department of Mathematics, VET Institute of Arts &Science,Erode has delivered the wonderful speech on exploration of mathematical underpinnings in Artifical Intelligence and data Science. Vote of thanks was given by Ms.J.Hemamaheswari, Student I.B.Tech (Agri).Feedback collected at the end of the session from the students.
In the Academic Year 2023-24 MathsPuzzles has conducted on 22.02.2024 at 2.00 pm in A3 block Pavayammal Hall for all Year B.E &B.TechStudents . There are 92 students were attended.Welcome address given by Dr.N.Subathra.,AP/ Maths / /S&H. Special Address given by Dr.G.Kathiresan ,Head of the Department S&H. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2023-24 Ramanujam day celebration has conducted a guest lecture on “ The legend of Mathematics and –A Perspective” on 22.12.23 at 02.00 PM in Main block, APJ Hall for all first year B.E & B.Tech Students. There are totally 175 students were attended. Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar, HOD /Mathematics / S&;H. On the occasion of ramanujam birth anniversary behalf of Mathematics department has conducted for interested students in various evrnts Maths Quiz,,Maths Models ,Fun Maths From 19.12.23 to 22.12 23 .There are totally 350 students were Paricipated. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,Ap /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2023-24 Maths Models has conducted on 24.11.2023 at 2.00 pm in A3 block Pavayammal Hall for all Year B.E & B.Tech Students . There are 40 students were attended Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar ,Maths /HOD /S&H. Special Address given by Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan, Head of the Department S&H. Prizes are given for the above events.Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha, AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2023-24 Math Sketch has conducted on 28.10.2023 at 02.00 PM in A3 block Pavayammal Hall for all Year B.E & B.Tech Students . There are 51 students were attended Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar ,Maths /Coordinator /S&H. Special Address given by Dr.S.Arulmurugan ,Head of the Department S&H. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2022-23 National Statistics day celebrated on 30.06.2023 at 10.00 am in A4 block Pavayammal Hall for all First Year B.E & B.Tech Students. Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar ,Maths /HOD /S&H. Special Address given by Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan ,Head of the Department S&H.we are given workshop on statistics how to find mean, median, mode in excel sheet. Workshop was given by our faculty Mrs,S,Mouna AP/ Information Technology and Mr.P.Sathiyaraj AP/ Information Technology. There are 131 students were attended for workshop and 34 students were participated in statistics quiz. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
MATHS CLUB –Ramanujam Day Celebrationon 07.01.2023
In the Academic Year 2022-23 Ramanujam day celebration has conducted on 07.01.2023 at 10.00 AM in A3 block, Pavayammal Hallfor all first year B.E &; B.Tech Students.There are 123 students attended. Welcomeaddress given by Dr.S.Mohankumar, HOD /Mathematics/S&;H. For that day Maths puzzles ,Fun Maths, and Maths Models are conducted for interested students. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote ofthanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,Ap /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
MATHS CLUB –Maths Quiz on 07.05.2022
In the Academic Year 2022-23 Maths Quiz has conducted on 03.12.2022 at 10.00 am in A1 block Thiruvalluvar Hall for all First Year B.E & B.Tech Students . There are 114 students were attended Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar ,Maths /HOD /S&H. Special Address given by Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan ,Head of the Department S&H. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2021-22 Ramanujam day celebration has conducted “MATHS QUIZ “ 22.12.21 at 10.00 AM through online mode google meet for all first year B.E & B.Tech Students. There are totally 98 students were attended. Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar, HOD /Mathematics / S&;H. On the occasion of ramanujam birth anniversary behalf of Mathematics department has conducted in Maths quiz for interested students Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,Ap /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
MATHS CLUB –Maths Models on 07.05.2022
In the Academic Year 2021-22 Maths Models has conducted on 07.05.2022 at 11.00 am in main block MB320 for all Year B.E & B.Tech Students . There are 26 students attended. Welcome address given by Dr.S.Mohankumar ,Maths /HOD /S&H. Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks given by Dr.S.Kavitha ,AP /Maths .Feedback are taken at the end of the session
In the Academic Year 2021-22 MATHS PUZZLES has conducted on 15.07.2022 at 2.00 pm in Main block kandhasamy hall for all Year B.E & B.Tech Students. Welcome address given by our HOD /S&H Dr.S.Arulmurugan. There are 32 students attended . Prizes are given for the above events. Vote of thanks is given by Dr.S.Mohankumar, HOD / Maths . Feedback are taken at the end of the session
Rotaract facts and firsts: The name “Rotaract” is a blend of the words “Rotary” and “action.” The unofficial Rotaract objective is Fellowship Through Service.
Dr. N. Venkatachalam, Associate Professor/Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Phone: 9942013193
Dr. N. Venkatachalam, Associate Professor/Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Phone: 9942013193
Rotaract Club – Activity for Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No | Date | Title of Program | Name of The Chief Guest | Program Coordinator | No of Students Attended |
1 | 28.07.2023 | Pollution awareness program on “Anti- Plastic Campaign” | Dr. K Bommanna Raja, Principal, Excel Engineering College | Dr. N.Venkatachalam ASP/Mechanical | 87 |
2 | 24.08.2023 | Social Activity on “Tree plantation” | Dr. K Bommanna Raja, Principal, Excel Engineering College | Dr. N.Venkatachalam ASP/Mechanical | 53 |
3 | 24.09.2023 | Cancer Awareness Rally | Dr. K Bommanna Raja, Principal, Excel Engineering College | Dr. N.Venkatachalam ASP/Mechanical | 87 |
4 | 06.10.2023 | Blood Donation Camp and Health Check-up | Dr. K Bommanna Raja, Principal, Excel Engineering College | Dr. N.Venkatachalam ASP/Mechanical | 205 |
Newsletter details
S.No | Date | Title of Program | Without GeoTag Photos | Details |
1 | 28.07.2023 | Pollution awareness program on “Anti- Plastic Campaign” | ![]() | The anti-plastics campaign started in June 2005 with talks about environmental impacts of plastic bags at schools. The winning logo and jingle were used to produce an educational poster that has been displayed in every school classroom and every shop distributing plastic bags. |
2 | 24.08.2023 | Social Activity on “Tree plantation” | ![]() | Tree plantation programme is an great initiative to promote and spread awareness about planting tree saplings in areas. We all must be alert about the rising global warming situation which can cause adverse effects on the nature and the ecosystem. |
3 | 24.09.2023 | Cancer Awareness Rally | ![]() | Cancer awareness is when people understand what cancer is, the causes of cancer, knowing the national cancer screening programmes available and what to do when concerned about a possible symptom. Further understanding of cancer awareness could include what happens after a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment. |
4 | 06.10.2023 | Blood Donation Camp and Health Check-up | ![]() | To inspire people to donate blood voluntarily, Create awareness among the people about the noble cause of Blood Donation. Such camps can provide a platform where people can share their experiences in voluntary blood donation and establish a regional network among donors specially the youth for information sharing and capacity building.When the need arises, to provide in time blood to patients (serious injuries, organ transplants, bone marrow transplants, complicated surgical procedures and cancer treatment), support immediate blood or data base in case of emergencies, disasters, natural calamities etc to replenish the supply of blood in blood bank, which decreases from time to time. |
The Trekking Club of Excel Engineering College focuses on understanding the magnificence of the earth along with adventurous fun. The aim of this club is to create interest among the staff and students in nature protection activities. This club inculcates valuable lessons from trekking which are likely to stay with them throughout their life. It becomes very important to unwind and rejuvenate oneself after living a hectic life for the most part of the year. Trapped in a dull routine, our mind performs the best when allowed to break the routine and explore the unexplored.
Leadership Development
To promote Adventure Sports among the youth
To promote integrity and solidarity through adventure sports
To generate better quality of human resources through adventure sports
The Red Cross Society is a worldwide, well-known, universally accepted, admired and internationally identified humanitarian service organisation. It is the biggest, independent non-religious, non-political, non-sectarian and voluntary relief organisation treating people all over the world equally, without any discrimination as to their nationality, race and religious beliefs. A substantial portion of the membership of Indian Red Cross Society is made up of young people. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme.
On the occasion of World Youth Skills Day-2024 at Excel Engineering College, Department of Science and Humanities and Youth Red Cross/ Red Ribbon Club/ Young Indians Association organized a one day (15.07.2024) World Youth SkillsDay Program under the coordination of Ms.Parameshwari/ Assistant Professor/English. The program hsa started with prayer song Tamilthai Valthu at 10.00 am today. Welcome speech was given by Under graduate student Ms.Reeba III Year Food Technology. In this Program our club has conducted “Skill Development Programme”. Ms.P.Subathra has delivered her presentation on “Communication Skills” and Mr.M.Gowri Shankar has delivered his presentation on “Team Building and Leadership Qualities& Time Management”. Around 144 our Engineering students eagerly participated in this program.They have utilized this programme to develop their soft skills.Vote of thanks was given by Under graduate student Ms.S HelanRose III Year Civil Engineering.Program was completed with National anthem .
On the occasion of National Youth Day-2024 at Excel Engineering College, Department of Science and Humanities and Youth Red Cross/ Red Ribbon Club/ Young Indians Association organized a one day (10.06.2024) World Health Day Awareness Program under the coordination of Mr. P.Vadivel/ Assistant Professor/Mathematics and Ms.Parameshwari/ Assistant Professor/English. The program hsa started with prayer song Tamilthai Valthu at 10.30 am today. Welcome speech was given by Under graduate student Ms.Iswarya/I-Agricultural Engineering& After that Associate Prof.DrGowrishankar, Coordinator of Department of MBA gave greetings , gave his presence and delivers a special lecture to the students on the topic of “My Health My Right”. In this Program our club has conducted Fireless cooking competition and Poster making Competion.Around 100 our Engineering students eagerly participated in this program.Vote of thanks was given by Under graduate student Ms.SrideviI-Agricultural Engineering.Mr. Sham Abhishek/Yi-Road Safety-Co-Chair.Finally program was completed with National anthem.
The Fine Arts Club of Excel Group Institutions plays a vital role in keeping the Campus vibrant and tension-free. The activities organised by the Club are of such nature that every youngster finds an outlet in them for bringing out the nobler and socially acceptable activities which are part and parcel of any ennobling Campus Life.
The Competitions are conducted to give a push to students to feel the thrill and pride of achievement in Music and Group Songs, Culturals and Group Dance and Photography & Mobile Videography. Taking into consideration the limitations of real time performance, the coordinators, namely, Dr. Thomas Mathew, ASP/English & Mrs J Kavitha, AP/Chemistry, struck upon the idea of Online Performances brought on a Virtual Platform for adjudging the best performer. The Management of Excel Group Institutions does all it can to make the life of the students on the Campus as joyful as possible.
Red Ribbon Club is a movement started by the Government of India in schools and colleges through which, the students will spread awareness about HIV / AIDS.
Department Of Science And Humanities
Department of Science and Humanities associated with Fine Arts Club organized an event on “Innovate Best Out from Waste” for our students in Pavayammal hall. The event was coordinated by Dr.S.Priyatharshni, AP/Physics and Ms.Shobana, AP/Maths. There are totally 61 students participated in this event with their innovative idea from waste products and got benefitted by the suggestions given by juries Dr.S.Mohankumar,Professor/Maths and Dr.P.Sivakumar,ASP/Chemistry.
Capturing Moments, Musical Battles and Mehandi Marvels
Department of Science and Humanities associated with Fine Arts Club organized an event on “ Capturing Moments, Musical Battles and Mehandi Marvels” for our students in Pavayammal hall. The event was coordinated by Dr.S.Priyatharshni, AP/Physics and Ms.Shobana, AP/Maths. There are totally 130 students participated in this event.
English Club
The department of science and humanities in association with English Literary Club organised club competitions on 05.01.2024 at Pavayammal hall at 2.00pm. Mrs P Subathra and Mrs. P. Parameshwari have coordinated the events. The club has conducted Slogan Writing, Poster Making, Tongue Twister and Dumb Charades. Nearly 80 students have actively participated in all the events. These activities enhanced students creativity and enthusiasm among the students.
The department of science and humanities in association with English Literary Club organised club competitions on 08.02.2024 at Pavayammal hall at 2.00pm. Mrs P. Parameshwari and Mrs. P.Subathra have coordinated the events.Nearly100 students have actively participated in all the events. The English Literary Club conducted Club Competitions like Spell Bee, Essay writing, Mono Act and Elocution for the II & III year students of our college. The students from our college around 90 and 10 students from ECCS have participated eagerly. These activities enhanced students creativity and enthusiasm among the students.
The Department of Science and Humanities in association with the English Literary Club organized club competitions on 08.03.2024 at Pavayammal Hall at 2.00 pm. Mrs P. Parameshwari and Mrs P.Subatra have coordinated the events. Nearly 100 students have actively participated in all the events. The English Literary Club in association with the Science and Humanities Department conducted Club Competitions like Poem Recitation and Pictionary Games, for all UG students of our college. The students from our college have participated eagerly. These activities enhanced students’ creativity and enthusiasm among the students.
The department of Science and Humanities in association with English Literary Club organised competitions in Connection with Shakespeare’s Day Celebration on 24.04.2024 at Kandhaswamy hall at 2.00pm. Mrs P Subathra and Mrs. P. Parameshwari have coordinated the events. The club has conducted competitions like Poem Recitation, Skit, Poster Presentation and Chinese Whisper for first year UG students. Nearly 80 students have actively participated in all the events. These activities enhanced student’s creativity and enthusiasm among the students.
1 | Donation Drive to “Sivabakkiyam Welfare Trust”, Tiruchengode | 10-11-2023 |
2 | Thalir Donation Drive, Mischaung Flood, Chennai | 12-12-2023 |
3 | Thalir Companion Program: “Service Learning Within The Walls Of An Orphange”, Komarapalayam. | 02-04-2024 |
4 | Fund Collection For Old Age Home Construction,Atchyam Trust, Erode | 21-03-2024 |
Donation Drive to “Sivabakkiyam Welfare Trust”
On Behalf on Excel Engineering College- Excel Thalir Club, had a donation drive to Sivabakkiyam Welfare Trust, located at tiruchengode on 10-11-2023. This drive is to support essential things to 248 orphaned children, Elders and mentally disabled peoples in trust. Essential needs like cloths, grocessories and stationary needs were donated by the Excel Engineering College.
Thalir Donation Drive, Mischaung Flood, Chennai
On Behalf on Excel Engineering College- Excel Thalir Club, had a donation drive to Chennaion 12-12-2023 who suffered a lot from Flood. This drive is to support essential things to children and Elders who suffered from Mischaung Flood. Essential needs like cloths, grocessories and stationary needs were donated by the Excel Engineering College.
Thalir Companion Program: “Service Learning Within The Walls Of An Orphange”,
On Behalf of Excel Engineering College- Excel Thalir Club collaborating with Excel College of physiotherapy and research centre had done a service-learning companion program within the premises of “Sure Trust” along with 20 student co-ordinators on 02-04-2024. This program provided 40 old age people with medical checkup and body exercises residing in Sure Trust, Komarapalayam.
Fund Collection For Old Age Home Construction,Atchyam Trust
On Behalf of Excel Engineering College- Excel Thalir Club orchestrated the “Building Hope” program, a fundraising initiative for the construction of shelters by Atchayam Trust,Erode. Volunteers from the Trust alongside members from clubs conducted detailed sessions in each class, explaining the project’s intricacies. Rather than solely focusing on Fund collection, their primary objective is to encourage students involvement by soliciting contributions of Rs.101 each.
Science Club
In a celebration brimming with scientific fervour and intellectual zeal, the Excel Engineering College (Autonomous) Science Club, in association with the Department of Science & Humanities, commemorated National Science Day on 28th February 2024. The event took place at the esteemed A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Hall, drawing together students, faculty members, and esteemed guests from the scientific community.
The chief guest gave a wonderful talk on the importance of science and innovation and explained ISRO’s missions and achievements. He emphasized the words of Dr.A.P.J Abdul kalam “If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.” “Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place” Nearly 250 students benefitted and were motivated to achieve their goals. Further Events and competitions and Project Expo – 2024 were conducted on the theme of “Indigenous Technology for Viksit Bharat.
The Science Club of our Excel Engineering College conducted a Science Drawing Competition with the theme of “EXPLORING EARTH SCIENCE” for all the first year B.E / B.Tech students on 18.11.2023(Saturday) at 1.30 p.m., at Physics lab. It was arranged by Dr.R.Rajan,ASP&HOD of Chemistry and Dr.T.Sunmugasundari, ASP/Chemistry. Prof.Dr.Mohan kumar, HOD of Mathematics gave the welcome address.26 Students were actively participated in the Science Drawing Competition and their drawings reflected their Creativity, Imagination and wonderful ideas. Best Three Drawings were selected by the Judges and the prizes were distributed.
அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறை மற்றும் தமிழ் மன்றம் இணைந்து நடத்திய பட்டி மன்றம்
எக்ஸல் பொறியியல் கல்லூரியில் பாவேந்தர் பாரதிதாசன் நினைவு தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு முனைவர் மு.நடராஜன் உதவிப்பேராசிரியர் /தமிழ் ஒருங்கிணைப்பில் அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறை மற்றும் தமிழ் மன்றம் இணைந்து “கற்றலில் நிறை கல்வியா! அனுபவமா! என்ற தலைப்பில் (26.04.2024) பட்டி மன்றம் இன்று காலை 10.30 மணியளவில் தமிழ்தாய் வாழ்த்துடன் துவங்கியது. திருமதி ச.சுகந்தி உதவிப்பேராசிரியர் அனைவரையும் வரவேற்றார். அதன் பின் அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறைத்தலைவர் முனைவர் கோ.கதிரேசன் அவர்கள் வாழ்த்துரை வழங்கி விருந்தினரை சிறப்புசெய்தார். சிறப்பு விருந்தினராக எக்ஸல் வணிகவியல் மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரின் தமிழ்த்துறை உதவிப்பேராசிரியர் முனைவர் ப.இந்திராணி கலந்துக்கொண்டு மாணவா்களை வாழ்த்தி பட்டிமன்றம் துவங்கி வைத்தார்.
மாணவர்கள் மேகநாதன்.மா, சுந்தரசேன்.ச, தேவதர்ஷினி.செ, நவினா.மு ஆகியோர் Dr. அம்பேத்கர், ஏ.பி.ஜெ.அப்துல்கலாம், திரு. ரா. வெங்கட்ராமன் என பல அறிஞர்களை கல்வியால் வாழ்க்கையில் உயர்ந்த இடத்திற்கு வந்தவர்கள் எனவும், சரவணா ஸ்டோர்ஸ் அண்ணாச்சி முதல் கவுண்டமணி வரை, காமராஜர், சிவாஜி கணேசன், சச்சின் இவர்கள் எல்லாம் பட்ட படிப்பை படிக்க வில்லை என்றாலும் அனுபவ படிப்பின் மூலம் தங்களின் திறமையை வளர்த்துக் கொண்டு அயராத உழைப்பால் உயர்ந்தவர்களே என்று தன் கருத்தை முன்வைத்து போட்டியிட்டு பார்வையாளர்கள் ஈர்த்தனர். இறுதியில் முடிவுகளை எடுக்க நடுவர் அவர்கள் வாழ்க்கையில் வெற்றி தோல்வி இருக்கத்தான் செய்யும். அது அவரவர் முயற்சி, திறமை, உழைப்பு அவர்களின் பலம், பலவீனம் இப்படி பல விஷயங்களை சார்ந்தது. என்று தீர்ப்பு வழங்கினார். இன் நிகழ்வில் சுமார் 250 மாணவ, மாணவிகள் பங்கேற்றனர். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியாக முதலாமாண்டு மாணவர் மா. மேகநாதன் அவர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் நன்றி கூறினார். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டது.
அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறை மற்றும் தமிழ் மன்றம் இணைந்து நடத்திய ஒருநாள் கருத்தரங்கம்
எக்ஸல் பொறியியல் கல்லூரியில் உலக தாய்மொழி தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறை மற்றும் தமிழ் மன்றம் இணைந்து ஒருநாள் (21.02.2024) கருத்தரங்கம் முனைவர் மு.நடராஜன் உதவிப்பேராசியர்/தமிழ் ஒருங்கிணைப்பில் நடைப்பெற்றது. இன்று காலை 10.30மணியளவில் தமிழ் தாய் வாழ்த்துடன் துவங்க, முனைவா் ந.பிரவு இயற்பியல் துறைத் தலைவா் அனைவரையும் வரவேற்றார். அதன் பின் அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுடவியல் துறைத் தலைவர் முனைவர் கோ.கதிரேசன் அவர்கள் வாழ்த்துரை வழங்கி விருந்தினரை சிறப்புசெய்தார். அந்தியூர் அரசு கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரின் கௌரவ விரிவுரையாளர் முனைவர் க.சிவராஜ் அவர்கள் கலந்துக்கொண்டு மாணவா்கள் அனைவருக்கும் சர்வதேச தாய்மொழி தின வாழ்த்துகள் கூறி, மொழி மனித கண்டுபிடிப்புகளில் சிறந்தது, மொழி நம்மை அறிவிற்கு உயர்த்துகிறது, மொழி இல்லாத மனிதன் சிந்திக்காத விலங்கு, கற்கால மனிதனின் விஞ்ஞான வெற்றி மொழியைக் கண்டுபிடித்து அதனை இலக்கண இலக்கியத்திற்கு உட்படுத்தி வாழ்வியலை பதிவு செய்கின்றது என்றார். மனத்தில் விழுகின்ற எண்ணங்களே செயல்களாக எழுகின்றன. நம் வாழ்வை மேம்படுத்தும் கற்பனைகளே நம்மை வழிநடத்தி செல்கிறது.
சச்சின், தோனி, ஏ.பி.ஜெ.அப்துல்கலாம் போன்ற சில வெற்றியாளர்களின் வாழ்வியல் முறைகளைப் பகிர்ந்தும் பல்வேறு கருத்துகளை முன்வைத்து சிறப்புரை வழங்கினார். சுமார் 210 மாணவ, மாணவிகள் பங்கேற்றனர். இந்நிகழ்வில் இறுதியாக ஆங்கில துறையின் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் முனைவா் ந.சரவணன் அவர்கள் நன்றி கூறினார். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டு நிகழ்வு நிரைவடைந்தது.
தமிழ்மன்றம் – பாரதியார்பற்றிசிறப்புரை
நம்முடைய எக்ஸல் பொறியியல் கல்லூரியின் தமிழ் மன்றம் சார்பாக அறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுமவியல் துறை முனைவர் மு.நடராஜன் உதவிப்பேராசியர்/தமிழ் ஒருங்கிணைப்பில் 08.12.2023 அன்று பிற்பகல் 03.30 மணிக்குமாணவர்களுக்குபாரதியார்பற்றிசிறப்புஏற்பாடுசெய்யப்பட்டது. இந்நிகழ்வு தமிழ்த்தாய் வாழ்த்துடன்து வங்கஅறிவியல் மற்றும் மானுமவியல்துறை முனைவர் வெ.சு.அருள்முருகன் துறைத்தலைவர் அவர்கள் சிறப்பு விருந்தினர் மற்றும் நிகழ்விற்கு வந்தவர்களையும் வரவேற்றுபேசினார். அதன் பின்னர் எக்ஸல் பொறியியல் கல்லூரியின் முதல்வர் முனைவா் க.பொம்மண்ணராஜா அவர்ள் தலைமை உரை ஆற்றினார். விருந்தினராக எக்ஸல்வணிகவியல் மற்றும் அறிவியலின் தமிழ்த்துறைத்தலைவர் முனைவர் ஜெ.கோபிகிருஷ்ணாஅவர்கள்கலந்துக்கொண்டு“வையத்தலைமைகொள்”என்னும்தலைப்பில்சிறப்புரை வழங்கினார். சுமார் 150 மாணவ, மாணவிகள் பங்கேற்றனர். இந்நிகழ்வில் இறுதியாக கல்லூரியின் முதலாமாண்டு மாணவி திரு.கார்த்தியாயினி அவர்கள் நன்றி கூறினார் நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டது.
தமிழ்மன்றம் – பாரதியார் பற்றி சிறப்புரை
நம்முடைய தமிழ் மன்றம் சார்பாக 11.12.2022 அன்று மாணவர்களும் பாரதியார் பற்றி சிறப்புரை நிகழ்வுகாலை 10.30மணி அளவில் நடைபெற்றது. தமிழ்தாய் வாழ்த்துடன் துவங்கிய இந்நிகழ்வில் முனைவர் ந.பிரபு, பேராசிரியர் / இயற்பியல் அவர்கள் நிகழ்விற்கு வந்தவர்களையும் சிறப்பு விருந்தினரையும் வரவேற்று பேசினார். அதன் பின்னர் கல்லூரியின் முதல்வர் அவர்கள் தலைமை உரை ஆற்றினார். கவிதை நிகழ்வில் கலந்துகொண்ட மாணவர்களில் சுமார் 60 மாணவர்கள் தங்கள் எழுதிய பாரதியார் கவிதைகளை சபையில் வாசித்து காட்டினர். சுமார் 78 மாணவர்கள் பங்கேற்ற இந்நிகழ்வில் இறுதியாக கல்லூரியின் முதலாமாண்டு மாணவர் திரு.நந்தகுமார் அவர்கள் நன்றி கூறினார். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டது.
தமிழ்மன்றம் – “கதை விவரிப்பு“
நம்முடைய தமிழ் மன்றம் சார்பாக 07.01.2023 அன்று மாணவர்க்கு “கதை விவரிப்பு“ நிகழ்வு மதியம் 02.00 மணி அளவில் நடைபெற்றது. தமிழ்தாய் வாழ்த்துடன் துவங்கிய இந்நிகழ்வில் முனைவர் ந.பிரபு, பேராசிரியர் / இயற்பியல் அவர்கள் நிகழ்விற்கு வந்தவர்களையும் சிறப்பு விருந்தினரையும் வரவேற்றுபேசினார். அதன் பின்னர் கல்லூரியின் முதல்வர் அவர்கள் தலைமை உரை ஆற்றினார். கவிதை நிகழ்வில் கலந்துகொண்ட மாணவர்களில் மாணவர்கள் கதைகள் எழுதுவது பற்றி சபையில் வினாக்கல் எழுப்பி சந்தேகங்களை கேட்டு தீர்த்து கொண்டனர். சுமார் 70 மாணவர்கள் பங்கேற்ற இந்நிகழ்வில் இறுதியாக கல்லூரியின் முதலாமாண்டு மாணவர் திருநந்தகுமார் அவர்கள் நன்றி கூறினார். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டது.
தமிழ்மன்றம் – வாழ்க்கை ரகசியம் சிறப்புரை
நம்முடைய தமிழ்மன்றம் சார்பாக 10.03.2023 அன்று மாணவர்களும் வாழ்க்கை ரகசியம் பற்றிய சிறப்புரை நிகழ்வுகாலை10.30மணிஅளவில்நடைபெற்றது. தமிழ்தாய் வாழ்த்துடன் துவங்கிய இந்நிகழ்வில் முனைவர் ந.பிரபு, பேராசிரியர் / இயற்பியல் அவர்கள் நிகழ்விற்கு வந்தவர்களையும் சிறப்பு விருந்தினரையும் வரவேற்று பேசினார். அதன் பின்னர் கல்லூரியின் முதல்வர் அவர்கள் தலைமை உரை ஆற்றினார். சுமார் 75 மாணவர்கள் பங்கேற்ற பயன்பெற்றனர். இந்நிகழ்வில் இறுதியாக கல்லூரியின் முதலாமாண்டு மாணவர் திருநந்தகுமார் அவர்கள் நன்றி கூறினார். நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் நாட்டுப்பண் இசைக்கப்பட்டது.
Educate youth with correct, concise and adequate information and heighten their level of awareness about HIV AIDS, STD and other related issues (thus eliminate myths and misconceptions).
Enable youth to identify and understand situations of exploitation and abuse.
Sensitize the youth regarding care and support needs of people affected with HIV AIDS and instill in them the spirit to reduce the stigma and discrimination against them.
Create and train from among the youth a cadre of peer educators for spreading awareness about HIV-AIDS and its prevention in the community.
National Cadet Corps is the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces with its headquarters in New Delhi, India. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis, a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Wing, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The soldier youth foundation in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, higher secondary schools, colleges and universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and in drill. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored flagship for public service programme conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji’s Birth Centenary year in 1969. Aimed at developing students’ personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 Level Schools working for a campus – community (esp. villages) linkage.
All the youth volunteers who opt to serve the nation through the NSS-led community service wear the NSS Badge with pride and possess a sense of responsibility towards helping the needy. An NSS volunteer who takes part in the Community Service Programme would either be a college level or a senior secondary level student. Being active in this service scheme, these student volunteers will have the exposure and experience to be the following:
an accomplished social leader
an efficient administrator
a person who understands human nature
Create and train from among the youth a cadre of peer educators for spreading awareness about HIV-AIDS and its prevention in the community.
Karuppannaswamy temple Kumbabisekam
On behalf of Excel Engineering College, Our NSS Volunteers Participated a program in “Karuppannaswamy temple kumbabisekam’’ on 04.09.23 at Karai yellappalayam Village (Erode). In this Program our NSS Volunteers had serve food to neary 250 peoples and maintain the crowed, around 40 Volunteers Participated in this program.
S.No. | Reg.No. | Roll No | Student Name |
1 | 22SF006 | 730922115006 | MADHESH |
2 | 22SF017 | 730922115017 | VISHVA BALAJI |
3 | 22SF003 | 730922115003 | JEGAN |
4 | 22SF005 | 730922115005 | KRISHNARAJ |
5 | 22CS026 | 730922104026 | DEENA T |
6 | 22EC118 | 730922106114 | VIGNESH M |
7 | 22EC093 | 730922106089 | SIVAKUMARR P R |
8 | 22EC106 | 730922106102 | SUGAVENASWARAN S M |
9 | 22CS145 | 730922104145 | SARUKRAJ S |
10 | 22AGE011 | 730922206011 | BALAKUMARAN M |
11 | 22AGE039 | 730922206037 | SANJAYARUL S |
12 | 22AGE038 | 730922206036 | SANJAI R |
13 | 22AGE028 | 730922206026 | MUTHU KUMAR V |
14 | 22AGE052 | 730922206050 | VETRIVEL T |
15 | 22AGE016 | 730922206015 | DHARANIDHARAN M |
16 | 22IT166 | 730922205163 | TAMILARASAN R |
17 | 22IT033 | 730922205033 | CHANDRU S |
18 | 22CE009 | 730922103009 | BALASOWRI V |
19 | 22CE012 | 730922103012 | ESWARAN N |
20 | 22CE031 | 730922103031 | PUSHPARAJ M |
21 | 22CE038 | 730922103038 | SHAM S |
22 | 22AD092 | 730922201091 | RAMACHANDRAN B S |
23 | 22BM042 | 730922121041 | SAKTHISARAVANAN M |
24 | 22BM018 | 730922121018 | JAGADEESH.K |
25 | 22BM027 | 730922121027 | MANIKANDAN.S |
26 | 22BM054 | 730922121054 | THIRU MOORTHI.S |
27 | 730922202015 | 22CB015 | GOKUL V |
28 | 21AG001 | 730921108001 | AATRAL ARASU.E |
29 | 21AG003 | 730921108003 | ABIRAMI.J |
30 | 21AG006 | 730921108006 | AMIT KUMAR |
31 | 21AG007 | 730921108007 | ANAND SAGAR |
32 | 21AG010 | 730921108010 | ANSHU KUMAR SAH |
33 | 21AG012 | 730921108012 | BIPIN KUMAR |
34 | 21AG013 | 730921108013 | BIPIN KUMAR BHARDAR |
35 | 21AG015 | 730921108015 | DHANUSH.M |
36 | 21AG016 | 730921108016 | DHANUSHREE.S |
37 | 21AG017 | 730921108017 | DHARANI.A |
39 | 21AG018 | 730921108018 | DHARANYA.M |
40 | 21AG019 | 730921108019 | DINESH.T |
NSS Camp at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for Kumbhabhishekham Festival for Strengthening Community Ties
There are 30 National Service Scheme (NSS) student volunteers from Excel Engineering College camped at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for the Kumbhabhishekham festival on 10.07.2024 from 06.00am to 01.00pm for assisting with food service.The event was led by Dr. P. Sivakumar, NSS Coordinator/EEC, and Mr. K. Rukmangathan, Head ofPhysical Education.The aim of this camp was to enhance the connection between our college and the residents of the local community mentioned above.We are grateful to the management, principal and directors and HOD’s for approving our request.
Awareness Rally on Drug Addiction
On behalf of Excel Engineering College, Our NSS Volunteers and Department AI&DS Department students around 159 students Participated in “An Awareness Rally on Drug Addiction’’ on 12.08.23 at Veppadai Village.
The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug. Some drugs, such as opioid painkillers, have a higher risk and cause addiction more quickly than others. Drugs are chemicals and substances that affect both your mind and your body. The prolonged use of drugs may lead to physical or psychological dependence. An overdose of any drug may lead to death.
Help from your health, family, friends, support groups or an organized treatment can help you overcome your drug addiction and stay drug-free. So the National Service Scheme & Department of Information Technology students insisted they to stop the Drug addiction and Students gave pamphlets to the public people and gave awareness to them from the Veppadai village
S.No. | Reg.No. | Roll No | Student Name |
1 | 22SF006 | 730922115006 | MADHESH |
2 | 22SF017 | 730922115017 | VISHVA BALAJI |
3 | 22SF003 | 730922115003 | JEGAN |
4 | 22SF005 | 730922115005 | KRISHNARAJ |
5 | 22CS026 | 730922104026 | DEENA T |
6 | 22EC118 | 730922106114 | VIGNESH M |
7 | 22EC093 | 730922106089 | SIVAKUMARR P R |
8 | 22EC106 | 730922106102 | SUGAVENASWARAN S M |
9 | 22CS145 | 730922104145 | SARUKRAJ S |
10 | 22AGE011 | 730922206011 | BALAKUMARAN M |
11 | 22AGE039 | 730922206037 | SANJAYARUL S |
12 | 22AGE038 | 730922206036 | SANJAI R |
13 | 22AGE028 | 730922206026 | MUTHU KUMAR V |
14 | 22AGE052 | 730922206050 | VETRIVEL T |
15 | 22AGE016 | 730922206015 | DHARANIDHARAN M |
16 | 22IT166 | 730922205163 | TAMILARASAN R |
17 | 22IT033 | 730922205033 | CHANDRU S |
18 | 22CE009 | 730922103009 | BALASOWRI V |
19 | 22CE012 | 730922103012 | ESWARAN N |
20 | 22CE031 | 730922103031 | PUSHPARAJ M |
21 | 22CE038 | 730922103038 | SHAM S |
22 | 22AD092 | 730922201091 | RAMACHANDRAN B S |
23 | 22BM042 | 730922121041 | SAKTHISARAVANAN M |
24 | 22BM018 | 730922121018 | JAGADEESH.K |
25 | 22BM027 | 730922121027 | MANIKANDAN.S |
26 | 22BM054 | 730922121054 | THIRU MOORTHI.S |
27 | 730922202015 | 22CB015 | GOKUL V |
28 | 21AG001 | 730921108001 | AATRAL ARASU.E |
29 | 21AG003 | 730921108003 | ABIRAMI.J |
30 | 21AG006 | 730921108006 | AMIT KUMAR |
31 | 21AG007 | 730921108007 | ANAND SAGAR |
32 | 21AG010 | 730921108010 | ANSHU KUMAR SAH |
33 | 21AG012 | 730921108012 | BIPIN KUMAR |
34 | 21AG013 | 730921108013 | BIPIN KUMAR BHARDAR |
35 | 21AG015 | 730921108015 | DHANUSH.M |
36 | 21AG016 | 730921108016 | DHANUSHREE.S |
37 | 21AG017 | 730921108017 | DHARANI.A |
39 | 21AG018 | 730921108018 | DHARANYA.M |
40 | 21AG019 | 730921108019 | DINESH.T |
41 | 21AG021 | 730921108021 | GOWTHAM.M |
42 | 21AG022 | 730921108022 | GURU.S |
43 | 21AG023 | 730921108023 | HEMALATHA.S |
44 | 21AG024 | 730921108024 | INBATAMIL.S |
45 | 21AG030 | 730921108030 | KARTHIGA DEVI.G |
46 | 21AG032 | 730921108032 | MAGESH.M |
47 | 21AG033 | 730921108033 | MANIKANDAN.R |
48 | 21AG034 | 730921108034 | MD GUPHRAN ALI |
49 | 21AG035 | 730921108035 | MD SAHID |
50 | 21AG036 | 730921108036 | MOULITHARAN.C |
51 | 21AG041 | 730921108041 | RAJAKAVI.S |
52 | 21AG042 | 730921108042 | RAJESH.M |
53 | 21AG044 | 730921108043 | RAMYA.K |
54 | 21AG045 | 730921108044 | RANJEET KUMAR |
55 | 21AG046 | 730921108045 | RITIK RAJ |
56 | 21AG047 | 730921108046 | ROHITH.C |
57 | 21AG048 | 730921108047 | RUPESH KUMAR GUPTA |
58 | 21AG049 | 730921108048 | MD SAIF |
59 | 21AG050 | 730921108049 | SANTHOSH.S |
60 | 21AG051 | 730921108050 | SHYAMALAPRIYA.R |
61 | 21AG052 | 730921108051 | SRIKANTH.M |
62 | 21AG053 | 730921108052 | SUNDHARRAJ.S |
63 | 21AG054 | 730921108053 | SURESHKUMAR.R |
64 | 21AG055 | 730921108054 | SUSHANT KUMAR |
65 | 21AG056 | 730921108055 | SWEATHA.R |
66 | 21AG057 | 730921108056 | UPENDRA KUMAR |
67 | 21AG059 | 730921108057 | VARSHINI R |
68 | 21AG058 | 730921108058 | VASUDEVAN.C |
69 | 21AG060 | 730921108059 | VIGNESH.V |
70 | 21AG061 | 730921108060 | VIKAS KUMAR |
71 | 21AG063 | 730921108062 | VIMAL.R |
72 | 21CS001 | 730921104001 | AANCHAL P |
73 | 21CS002 | 730921104002 | AARTHI M |
74 | 21CS003 | 730921104003 | ABHAY KUMAR |
75 | 21CS004 | 730921104004 | ABHINANDAN KUMAR |
76 | 21CS005 | 730921104005 | ABHINAV KUMAR |
77 | 21CS006 | 730921104007 | ABINAYA P |
78 | 21CS007 | 730921104008 | ABISITHA V.T |
79 | 21CS008 | 730921104009 | ADARSH KUMAR |
80 | 21CS009 | 730921104010 | AHAMMED S |
81 | 21CS010 | 730921104011 | ALAGUMANIRAJ K |
82 | 21CS011 | 730921104012 | ALAN NOBLE |
83 | 21CS012 | 730921104013 | ALEN P THOMAS |
84 | 21CS013 | 730921104014 | ALKA KUMARI YADAV |
85 | 21CS014 | 730921104015 | AMANSHA CHAKKALA PARAMBIL N |
86 | 21CS015 | 730921104016 | AMIT KUMAR |
87 | 21CS016 | 730921104017 | AMIT KUMAR |
88 | 21CS017 | 730921104018 | ANAGHA P |
89 | 21CS018 | 730921104020 | ANKIT KUMAR S |
90 | 21CS019 | 730921104021 | ANSARI HUMEIRA SANIYA NAEEMUDDIN |
91 | 21CS020 | 730921104023 | ARULSAKTHI B |
92 | 21CS021 | 730921104024 | AURUTHRA LAKSHMI G |
93 | 21CS022 | 730921104025 | BHARATH S |
94 | 21CS023 | 730921104026 | BHARATHI P |
95 | 21CS024 | 730921104027 | BHARATHKUMAR G |
96 | 21CS028 | 730921104031 | D SAI VISHNU |
97 | 21CS029 | 730921104032 | DEEPAKKUMAR M |
98 | 21CS048 | 730921104052 | JOHN SMILIN D S |
99 | 21CS049 | 730921104053 | KALYANA MURUGAN M |
100 | 21CS050 | 730921104054 | KANAGARAJ S |
101 | 21CS051 | 730921104055 | KANIMOZHI S |
102 | 21CS052 | 730921104056 | KANISHKA G |
103 | 21CS053 | 730921104057 | KAVIPRIYA M |
104 | 21CS054 | 730921104058 | KEERTHANA C |
105 | 21CS055 | 730921104059 | KHAN HAROON |
106 | 21CS056 | 730921104060 | MADHU SHAH |
107 | 21CS067 | 730921104071 | MUHILARASAN K |
108 | 21CS068 | 730921104072 | MUNNA NAYAK |
109 | 21CS069 | 730921104073 | MURALIDHARAN M |
110 | 21CS070 | 730921104074 | NAGANIVESH S |
111 | 21CS071 | 730921104075 | NANDHINI P |
112 | 21CS072 | 730921104076 | NAVEEN E |
113 | 21CS073 | 730921104077 | NIHAL MOHAMMED P |
114 | 21CS074 | 730921104078 | NITHISH P |
115 | 21CS075 | 730921104079 | PRADEEP R |
116 | 21CS076 | 730921104080 | PRITHVI PREM |
117 | 21CS077 | 730921104081 | PRIYANSHU KUMAR UPADHYAY |
118 | 21CS078 | 730921104082 | RAJAN KUMAR |
119 | 21CS079 | 730921104083 | RAKESH KUMAR YADAV |
120 | 21CS080 | 730921104085 | RAMITA KUSHWAHA |
121 | 21CS081 | 730921104086 | RAMPRIT KUMAR |
122 | 21CS082 | 730921104087 | RAMYA K.R |
123 | 21CS083 | 730921104089 | RANJAN KUMAR SINGH |
124 | 21CS084 | 730921104090 | RANJITH P |
125 | 21CS085 | 730921104091 | RASHTHAN MANSOOR |
126 | 21CS086 | 730921104092 | ROHAN RAJEEV K.T |
127 | 21CS087 | 730921104093 | ROHIT KUMAR |
128 | 21CS088 | 730921104096 | SANJAI G |
129 | 21AG001 | 730921108001 | AATRAL ARASU.E |
130 | 21AG003 | 730921108003 | ABIRAMI.J |
131 | 21AG006 | 730921108006 | AMIT KUMAR |
132 | 21AG007 | 730921108007 | ANAND SAGAR |
133 | 21AG010 | 730921108010 | ANSHU KUMAR SAH |
134 | 21CS089 | 730921104097 | SANTHOSH R |
135 | 21CS090 | 730921104098 | SANTHOSHKUMAR V |
136 | 21CS091 | 730921104099 | SARAN P S |
137 | 21CS096 | 730921104104 | SAURABH SUMAN |
138 | 21CS097 | 730921104105 | SHIBIL V |
139 | 21CS098 | 730921104107 | SHRISANJAY R |
140 | 21CS099 | 730921104108 | SHYAM KRISHNA V |
141 | 21CS100 | 730921104109 | SIBIRAJ R |
142 | 21CS101 | 730921104110 | SIDARTH S |
143 | 21CS102 | 730921104111 | SIVAKUMAR M |
144 | 21CS103 | 730921104112 | SIVASANKAR S |
145 | 21CS104 | 730921104113 | SONU KUMAR YADAV M |
146 | 21CS089 | 730921104097 | SANTHOSH R |
147 | 21CS090 | 730921104098 | SANTHOSHKUMAR V |
148 | 21CS091 | 730921104099 | SARAN P S |
149 | 21CS096 | 730921104104 | SAURABH SUMAN |
150 | 21AG012 | 730921108012 | BIPIN KUMAR |
151 | 21AG013 | 730921108013 | BIPIN KUMAR BHARDAR |
152 | 21AG015 | 730921108015 | DHANUSH.M |
153 | 21AG016 | 730921108016 | DHANUSHREE.S |
154 | 21AG017 | 730921108017 | DHARANI.A |
155 | 21AG018 | 730921108018 | DHARANYA.M |
156 | 21AG019 | 730921108019 | DINESH.T |
157 | 21AG021 | 730921108021 | GOWTHAM.M |
158 | 21AG022 | 730921108022 | GURU.S |
159 | 21AG023 | 730921108023 | HEMALATHA.S |
NSS Camp at Sankari Eswaran Temple for Kumbhabhishekham Festival forStrengthening Community Ties
The National Service Scheme (NSS) of Excel Engineering College, in collaboration with the Department of Physical Education, conducted a camp at the “Sankari Eswaran Temple for Kumbhabhishekham Festival” with 75 NSS student volunteers on 12.07.2024 from 06.00am to 02.00pm.
The event was led by Dr. P. Sivakumar, NSS Coordinator/EEC, and Mr. K. Rukmangathan, Head of Physical Education.NSS student volunteers assisted the organizing committee in ensuring the smooth conduct of the festival by guiding devotees to the correct locations, managing crowds, overseeing queues, maintaining discipline, and serving food.Special thanks to the transport department for providing buses, and to the management, directors, principal and HOD’s for granting permission.
NSS Camp at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for Kumbhabhishekham Festival for Strengthening Community Ties
There are 30 National Service Scheme (NSS) student volunteers from Excel Engineering College camped at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for the Kumbhabhishekham festival on 10.07.2024 from 06.00am to 01.00pm for assisting with food service.The event was led by Dr. P. Sivakumar, NSS Coordinator/EEC, and Mr. K. Rukmangathan, Head ofPhysical Education.
The aim of this camp was to enhance the connection between our college and the residents of the local community mentioned above.We are grateful to the management, principal and directors and HOD’s for approving our request.
NSS Camp at Malaiyadipalayam Sri Sithi Vinayagar Temple Kumbhabhishekham Festival for Strengthening Community Ties
50 National Service Scheme (NSS) student volunteers from Excel Engineering College (Autonomous), Namakkal – 637 303, participated in a camp at Malayadipalayam Sri Sithi Vinayagar Temple for the Kumbhabhishekham festival on Monday, 19th August 2024.
The camp was co-ordinated by Dr. P. Sivakumar, NSS Coordinator, and Mr. Rukmangathan, HOD/PD.
The student volunteers provided valuable assistance to the devotees from the local community by serving food and cleaning the used water bottles, tea cups, and food plates discarded around the temple premises. The local community devotees were impressed with the service rendered by our NSS student volunteers and appreciated their helpful nature.We believe this NSS camp will significantly strengthen the relationship between our esteemed institution and the local community.We extend our gratitude to the class advisors, HODs, Directors, Principal, and the management for consistently encouraging such non-academic/extra-curricular activities within our college. We also thank the transport department for providing bus facilities whenever required.
NSS Camp at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for Kumbhabhishekham Festival for Strengthening Community Ties
There are 30 National Service Scheme (NSS) student volunteers from Excel Engineering College camped at Kallipalayam Mariamman Temple for the Kumbhabhishekham festival on 10.07.2024 from 06.00am to 01.00pm for assisting with food service.The event was led by Dr. P. Sivakumar, NSS Coordinator/EEC, and Mr. K. Rukmangathan, Head of Physical Education.The aim of this camp was to enhance the connection between our college and the residents of the local community mentioned above.We are grateful to the management, principal and directors and HOD’s for approving our request.
Awareness Rally on Effects of Seemai Karuvelan Trees
S.No. | Reg.No. | Roll No | Student Name |
1 | 22SF006 | 730922115006 | MADHESH |
2 | 22SF017 | 730922115017 | VISHVA BALAJI |
3 | 22SF003 | 730922115003 | JEGAN |
4 | 22SF005 | 730922115005 | KRISHNARAJ |
5 | 22CS026 | 730922104026 | DEENA T |
6 | 22EC118 | 730922106114 | VIGNESH M |
7 | 22EC093 | 730922106089 | SIVAKUMARR P R |
8 | 22EC106 | 730922106102 | SUGAVENASWARAN S M |
9 | 22CS145 | 730922104145 | SARUKRAJ S |
10 | 22AGE011 | 730922206011 | BALAKUMARAN M |
11 | 22AGE039 | 730922206037 | SANJAYARUL S |
12 | 22AGE038 | 730922206036 | SANJAI R |
13 | 22AGE028 | 730922206026 | MUTHU KUMAR V |
14 | 22AGE052 | 730922206050 | VETRIVEL T |
15 | 22AGE016 | 730922206015 | DHARANIDHARAN M |
16 | 22IT166 | 730922205163 | TAMILARASAN R |
17 | 22IT033 | 730922205033 | CHANDRU S |
18 | 22CE009 | 730922103009 | BALASOWRI V |
19 | 22CE012 | 730922103012 | ESWARAN N |
20 | 22CE031 | 730922103031 | PUSHPARAJ M |
21 | 22CE038 | 730922103038 | SHAM S |
22 | 22AD092 | 730922201091 | RAMACHANDRAN B S |
23 | 22BM042 | 730922121041 | SAKTHISARAVANAN M |
24 | 22BM018 | 730922121018 | JAGADEESH.K |
25 | 22BM027 | 730922121027 | MANIKANDAN.S |
26 | 22BM054 | 730922121054 | THIRU MOORTHI.S |
27 | 22CB015 | 730922202015 | GOKUL V |
28 | 22CB024 | 730922202024 | LAKSHMANAN P |
29 | 730921201001 | 21AD001 | AARIFF.M |
30 | 730921201002 | 21AD002 | AKSHAYA.M |
31 | 730921201003 | 21AD003 | AMAN SHAHABAS P.T.K |
32 | 730921201004 | 21AD004 | ANANDRAJ.M |
33 | 730921201005 | 21AD005 | ARUL SANJEEV DEEN.S |
34 | 730921201006 | 21AD006 | ARVETI SATISH BABU |
35 | 730921201007 | 21AD007 | ARYAN KUMAR |
36 | 730921201008 | 21AD008 | AVULA VISHNUVARDHU REDDY |
37 | 730921201009 | 21AD009 | BABU PRASATH.M |
39 | 730921201010 | 21AD010 | BERBIN JOE.J |
40 | 730921201011 | 21AD011 | BUDILI JASWANTH REDDY |
41 | 730921201012 | 21AD012 | DHACHINAMOORTHI.M |
42 | 730921201013 | 21AD013 | DHARANEESH.M.B |
43 | 730921201015 | 21AD015 | DIVYA.G |
44 | 730921201016 | 21AD016 | GOMATHI.S |
45 | 730921201017 | 21AD017 | GOWTHAM.S |
46 | 730921201018 | 21AD018 | JANARTHANAN.S |
47 | 730921201019 | 21AD019 | JINU.P |
48 | 730921201020 | 21AD020 | JOHNAJAY.J |
49 | 730921201021 | 21AD021 | KALAISELVAN.R |
50 | 730921201022 | 21AD022 | KAVIN.M |
51 | 730921201023 | 21AD023 | KAVINSARATHI.S |
52 | 730921201024 | 21AD024 | KAYALVIZHI.R |
53 | 730921201025 | 21AD025 | KIRUPAKARAN.K |
54 | 730921201026 | 21AD026 | LINDA LANCE |
55 | 730921201027 | 21AD027 | MAJALA JINDO.J |
56 | 730921201028 | 21AD028 | MALLELA BHARATH |
57 | 730921201029 | 21AD029 | MARAM SIVABALAJI |
58 | 730921201030 | 21AD030 | MATHANKUMAR |
59 | 730921201031 | 21AD031 | MEHALLAN.B |
60 | 730921201033 | 21AD033 | MOHAMED AQEEL |
61 | 730921201034 | 21AD034 | MOUNIKA PRIYA.S |
62 | 730921201035 | 21AD035 | MUHAMMED SHAHAL.M.M |
63 | 730921201036 | 21AD036 | MUHAMMED SHAHIF.K |
64 | 730921201037 | 21AD037 | MUTHURAMYA.S |
65 | 730921201038 | 21AD038 | NAVEEN.R |
66 | 730921201040 | 21AD040 | PAMIDAKULA VENKATA SAI |
67 | 730921201041 | 21AD041 | PRAKASH.V |
68 | 730921201042 | 21AD042 | PRATHISON.A |
69 | 730921201043 | 21AD043 | PRATHIUSH CHANDRA.P |
70 | 730921201044 | 21AD044 | PRINCE KUMAR |
71 | 730921201045 | 21AD045 | RAVIKUMAR.R |
72 | 730921201046 | 21AD046 | ROHIT.M.JITH |
73 | 730921201047 | 21AD047 | RUBAN.B |
74 | 730921201048 | 21AD048 | SANJAY.V |
75 | 730921201049 | 21AD049 | SATHIASHRI.K |
76 | 730921201050 | 21AD050 | SATHISHKUMAR.T |
77 | 730921201051 | 21AD051 | SELVA KUMAR.E |
78 | 730921201052 | 21AD052 | SELVAKUMAR.J |
79 | 730921201053 | 21AD053 | SREEHARAN.P |
80 | 730921201054 | 21AD054 | SRUTHIKASUBHIKSHA |
81 | 730921201055 | 21AD055 | SUGANESH.A |
82 | 730921201056 | 21AD056 | SUMANKANTH.K |
83 | 730921201057 | 21AD057 | SUSHMI.D |
84 | 730921201058 | 21AD058 | THARUN ATITHYA.B |
85 | 730921201059 | 21AD059 | THRISHA.M.S |
86 | 730921201061 | 21AD061 | VASANTHKUMAR.V.M |
87 | 730921201062 | 21AD062 | YERASI VENUGOPAL REDDY |
88 | 730921201063 | 21AD063 | YOGESH.P |
89 | 730921201301 | 22LAD067 | DHINOOP BAIJU |
90 | 730921201302 | 22LAD065 | HARRISON RALPH I |
91 | 730921201303 | 22LAD066 | PRATEEK SINHA |
92 | 730921201304 | 22LAD064 | RAMAKRISHNAN K |
93 | 730920201001 | 20AD001 | ABHIJEET ANAND |
94 | 730920201002 | 20AD002 | ABHISHEK DAS |
95 | 730920201003 | 20AD003 | ABHISHEK KUMAR |
96 | 730920201004 | 20AD004 | ADITYA KUMAR |
97 | 730920201005 | 20AD005 | ANKIT KUMAR |
98 | 730920201006 | 20AD006 | ANKU KUMAR PANDEY |
99 | 730920201008 | 20AD008 | ASHOK KUMAR |
100 | 730920201009 | 20AD009 | ATIULLAH ANSARI |
101 | 730920201010 | 20AD010 | BALA MURUGAN R |
102 | 730920201011 | 20AD011 | BHUPENDRA KUMAR |
103 | 730920201012 | 20AD012 | DEEPAK KUMAR (12-12-2003) |
104 | 730920201013 | 20AD013 | DEEPAK KUMAR |
105 | 730920201014 | 20AD014 | DHANUSH KUMAR S |
106 | 730920201015 | 20AD015 | DIPENDRA KUMAR |
107 | 730920201016 | 20AD016 | INDIRAJITH S |
108 | 730920201018 | 20AD018 | KAJALKUMARI SHARMA |
109 | 730920201019 | 20AD019 | KANHAI KUMAR |
110 | 730920201020 | 20AD020 | KANNU PRIYA |
111 | 730920201022 | 20AD022 | KAVINS A |
112 | 730920201023 | 20AD023 | KRISHNA KUMAR |
113 | 730920201025 | 20AD025 | LAVANYA M |
114 | 730920201026 | 20AD026 | LOGESH S |
115 | 730920201028 | 20AD028 | MD KALAM . |
116 | 730920201029 | 20AD029 | MOHAMMED SADDAM K.S |
117 | 730920201030 | 20AD030 | MOHAMMED WAASIM R |
118 | 730920201031 | 20AD032 | NARMADHA V |
119 | 730920201032 | 20AD033 | NITESH KUMAR |
120 | 730920201033 | 20AD034 | PANBARASU R |
121 | 730920201034 | 20AD035 | PRASANNA P |
122 | 730920201035 | 20AD036 | RAHUL KUMAR |
123 | 730920201036 | 20AD037 | RAJ LAXMI |
124 | 730920201037 | 20AD038 | RAJAN KUMAR |
125 | 730920201038 | 20AD039 | RAJNANDAN KUMAR |
126 | 730920201039 | 20AD040 | RAM PRAVESH KUMAR |
127 | 730920201040 | 20AD041 | RANJEET KUMAR |
128 | 730920201042 | 20AD043 | RAZI HAIDAR |
129 | 730920201043 | 20AD044 | SAKTHI DINESA S |
130 | 730920201044 | 20AD045 | SAMRAJ B |
131 | 730920201045 | 20AD046 | SANJEET KUMAR |
132 | 730920201046 | 20AD047 | SHIVAM KUMAR |
133 | 730920201047 | 20AD048 | SOBIKA M |
134 | 730920201048 | 20AD049 | SONU KUMAR |
135 | 730920201049 | 20AD050 | SUNNY KUMAR |
136 | 730920201050 | 20AD051 | SUSHIL DHILLON |
137 | 730920201051 | 20AD052 | UJJWAL KUMAR PANDEY |
138 | 730920201052 | 20AD053 | VICKY KUMAR SINGH |
139 | 730920201053 | 20AD054 | VISHAL . |
140 | 730920201054 | 20AD031 | MUTHUKANNAN K |
141 | 730920201301 | 21LAD056 | GOPALAKRISHNAN D |
142 | 730920201302 | 21LAD057 | NAVANEETHAN V |
143 | 730920201303 | 21LAD058 | AHRAR SHAZI QAZI |
On behalf of Excel Engineering College, Our NSS Volunteers and Department AI&DS Department students around 143 students Participated in “An Awareness Rally on Effects of Seemai Karuvelan Trees’’ on 2107.23 at Malapalayam village
Students gave pamplets to the public people and gave awareness to them about the effects of Seemai Karuvelan trees that it is harmful for us and it cannot even shelter birds as it produces less oxygen and more carbon dioxide
It does not have sufficient water so it will absorb groundwater. And if there is no groundwater, it is starts absorbing humidity from the surroundings. It can be also turn the groundwater poisonous. So the students insisted them to remove the tree from the village to get more rain and save the nature from our future generation.
The English Literary Association (ELA) gives an impetus to the literary urge in the students with the ultimate intention of honing their Communicative Skills as well as Leadership Skills. There were a lot of takers for various competitions right from the 1st Year students. A Poetry Writing Competition and a 3-Minute Speech Competition was held and adjudged by competent Judges. Debate and Literary Quiz have been slated for the Second Semester starting on the 19th of April 2021.
Sahaj Sabharwal of AERO-I became the Winner for Poetry Writing and Aadithya PK of Agri-I became the Runner Up. The Third Place was taken by Adarsh Kumar of Agri-I.
As for the Speech Competition, Shivam Raj of Aero-I bagged the First Prize and Nithya Kalyani M of Agri-I, the Second. The Third Prize went to Pooja S of Agri-I. The ELA ensures that even those who are not able to shine in physically fulfilling activities have their chance in intellectual pursuits that give them fulfillment.
Excel Engineering College has established Institutions Innovation Council under the guideline of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, and in particular, the MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC), to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are in their formative years.
MIC has envisioned encouraging the creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs)’ across selected HEIs.
A network of these IICs will be established to promote innovation in the Institutions through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation-promoting eco-system in the campuses.
Competitive Exams & Higher Education Cell
Competitive Exams & Higher Education Cell intensively motivates and guides the students for different types of competitive exams such as UPSC, TNPSC, GATE, GRE, TOEFL and other entrance examinations. This cell will provide guidance, brochures, study materials and other information about competitive exams to the interested students. The club is a community of like-minded students and becomes a meeting point for coordinating their activities. Along with preparations for these exams, the collaboration within the club empowers the students to look at the events around them and widen their vision and ambitions.
To motivate students for prospective careers in the Government Sector
To create awareness among students, provide guidance, and other relevant information about various competitive examinations
To conduct career development seminars and workshops on competitive exams
To develop resources and facilities for the aspirants of competitive exams
ICT (Information Communication Technology) Academy is an initiative of the Government of India in collaboration with the state Governments and Industries. ICT Academy is a not-for-profit society, the first of its kind and a pioneer venture under the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model that endeavours to train the higher education teachers and students thereby bringing about the development of the next generation teachers and industry-ready students. ICT Academy was started to meet the skill requirements of the industry and generate more employment especially in tier 2 and tier 3 towns, and the rural parts of the country. The organization was formed with representations from the State Government of Tamil Nadu, leading companies in the ICT industry and National Association of Software Services Companies (NASSCOM) in India. With the training of teachers and students as the primary objective, ICT Academy has been working through a seven-pillar programme in the areas covering Faculty Development, Student Skill Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Youth Empowerment, Industry-Institute Interaction, Digital Empowerment and Research & Publications.
1 | 13.07.2022 | ICT Academy Bridge 2022 | 7 Faculty members From our Institution participated | |
2 | September 2022 | Youth Talk 2022 | 313 students have participated 8 Students Shortlisted in Namakkal Region among 100 shortlisted students 1 student NIthyakalyani from AGRI department shotrlisted in reginal prefinals and selected among the top Ten in Namakkal region | |
3 | 03.09.2022 | HR CONCLAVE 2022 | All Department 2nd , 3rd & 4th Year Students are Participated | 1. Hari Balachandran Chief Executive Officer ICT Academy 2.Dr. Anand Gurupatham General Manager, Powertrain CAE, Renault Nisan Technology 3.Justin Sundar Jebaraj HR – Business Partner Vestas 4.Vaijayanthi Associate Partner- Workforce Management IBM 5.Shanmugam HR Manager- Business Analyst,CTS |
4 | 12.10.2022 | ICT Academy “YOUTH SUMMIT 2022” Conducted at “Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore” | 50 students & 1 faculty participated | |
5 | 15.11.2022 TO 19.11.2022 | FDP ON ““Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate” Conducted at “Excel Engineering College” | 45 Faculties Participated & got Certified ( 17 faculties from our institution certified ) | 1.Valli E Senior Technical Trainer – Training and Development ICT Academy |
6 | 5.12.2022 TO 09.12.2022 | Certification Course AUTODESK FUSION 360 | AGRI – 100 Students completed 5 Days Hands on training | 1.Mr. PalisettyKranthi Kumar Senior Technical Trainer – ICT Academy 2.Mr. SR Deviyaprasanth Trainer – ICT Academy |
7 | 24.01.2023 to 28.01.2023 | MICROSOFT AZURE COURSE FOR CSE & IT STUDENTS | 4 Faculties from our Institution Got Trained & 60 students from CSE & IT attended the value added course on “Cyber Security” and got Microsoft certified by internal trainned faculty members | 1.A.Sureshkumar AP/CSE 2.S.praveenkumar AP/ CSE 3.S,Mouna AP/IT 4.V.ramya AP/AIDS |
8 | 3.02.2023 | Inagural of Centre of Excellence in AUTODESK FUSION 360 | AGRI – 100 Students are participated | Mr.L.Sureshbabu Associate Vice President, ICT Academy Mr.V.Alagiri State Head, Tamilnadu, ICT Academy |
The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers, established in 1920 with its Headquarters located in Kolkata and incorporated under the Royal Charter on 9th September 1935 by the then His Majesty of King George V. The Royal Charter endowed the Institution with the responsibility to promote the general advancement of engineering amongst its members and persons attached to the Institution. After its independence, the institution became a “Body Corporate” protected under Article 372 of the Constitution of India. The Institution of Engineers (India) is administered by a National Council with the President as its Head.
ABOUT THE IE(I) SALEM LOCAL CENTRE [IEI-SLC] The Salem Local Centre has been one of the active centres of IEI which is engaged in successfully translating the objectives and ethics of IE(I) into practices. The centre was established in 1994 and inaugurated by late Shri.P.Rangarajan Kumaramangalam, then the Hon’ble Minister of State for Science &Technology, Government of India on 30th October 1994, IEI-SLC has 2050 corporate members, 5000 Student members and 15 Institutional Members. It regularly organizes technical and special lectures in the fields of Engineering, Management and Topics of current interest. Industrial visits are also arranged to industries to promote technical interaction among the members and the industries. It also observes International / National events like World Environment Day, World Telecommunication Day, and Engineers Day etc. in a fitting manner by organising technical talks on the selected themes with experts of the field. AWARDS like Best IE(I) Student Chapter Award, Innovation and Sustainability Award, Best Senior Engineer Award, Best Women Engineer Award&Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Award are given by IEI-SLC to Members, Engineering and Polytechnic Student Members of IEI every year. The Salem Local centre in addition to various services as given above supports with financial grants for this kind of programme like Rs.10,000/- for one-day seminar/workshop, Rs.30,000/- All India seminar /workshop and Rs.2.0 Lakhs for National convention etc.
Institution of Engineers (India)
Faculty Coordinators : Dr.S.Shanmugasundaram & Dr.S.Sasikumar
Institution Membership No : IM000604-3
IEI students’ chapters : CIVIL (Faculty Advisor: Dr.S.Sasikumar
S.NO | Dept | Division | Name | Membership | Membership No. |
1 | AERO | Aeronautical | Dr.M.Gowtham | AMIE | AM3074253 |
2 | CIVIL | Civil | Dr.S.Shanmugasundaram | FIE | F-1297011 |
3 | CIVIL | Civil | Dr.N.Sengottaian | AMIE | AM097164 – 5 |
4 | CIVIL | Civil | Dr.P.Loganathan | MIE | M-1779332 |
5 | CIVIL | Civil | Dr.K.P.Vishalakshi | MIE | M-1779162 |
6 | CIVIL | Civil | Dr.S.Sasikumar | MIE | M-1779219 |
7 | CIVIL | Civil | Er.D.Mythili | MIE | M-1779413 |
8 | CIVIL | Civil | Er.N.Mythily | MIE | M-1779189 |
9 | CIVIL | Civil | Er.K.Poornima | AMIE | AM3074326 |
10 | CSE | Computer | Dr.P.C.Senthil Mahesh | FIE | F-1296929 |
11 | CSE | Computer | Dr.L.Ashokkumar | AMIE | AM3074946 |
12 | CSE | Computer | Dr.K.Geetha | AMIE | AM3074305 |
13 | CSE | Computer | Dr.Kumari.P | AMIE | AM3078348 |
14 | EEE | EEE | Dr.R.Gunasekaran | AMIE | AM3074331 |
15 | EEE | Electrical | Dr.V.S.Arulmurugan | FIE | F-1297046 |
16 | ECE | ET | Dr. S. Anbukaruppusamy | FIE | F-1270458 |
17 | ECE | ET | Dr. C. Karthikeyini | MIE | M-1778859 |
18 | ECE | ET | Dr. S. Jayapoorani | MIE | M-1779227 |
19 | ECE | ET | Dr.K.Tamilarasi | MIE | M-1779235 |
20 | BME | ET | Dr.Bommanna Raja | AMIE | AM085713/3 |
21 | BME | ET | Dr.S.Satheesh Reddy Avutu | AMIE | AM400299 |
22 | BME | ET | Dr.B.Balasubramanian | AMIE | AM3076065 |
23 | BME | ET | Dr.G.Prakash | AMIE | AM3074261 |
24 | ECE | ET | Dr.G.Jegajothi | AMIE | AM3074474 |
25 | FT | FT | Dr.M.Karuppaiya | MIE | M-157904 – 5 |
26 | MECH | MECH | Dr. N. Natarajan | AMIE | AM3074385 |
27 | MECH | MECH | Dr.A.Karthikeyan | AMIE | AM3075535 |
28 | MECH | MECH | Dr.N.Venkatachalam | AMIE | AM3078313 |
29 | MECH | MECH | Dr.E.R.Sivakumar | AMIE | AM3074925 |
30 | MECH | MECH | Dr.N.Tamilselvan | AMIE | AM3078917 |
31 | MECH | MECH | Dr.M.Venkatesan | AMIE | AM3075934 |
32 | MECH | MECH | Dr.R.Vinoth | MIE | M-1589280 |
33 | MECH | Mtech | Dr.K.Boopathy | MIE | M-1779340 |
34 | AERO | Production | Dr. P.Karunakaran | FIE | F-1296937 |
To promote the general advancement of telecommunication engineering, electronics and multidisciplinary subjects and their application
To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on these subjects amongst the IETE student members and faculties of the Institution
To organize conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, etc. for the dissemination of technological information amongst students and faculty members
To hold and promote exhibitions of instruments, apparatuses, and machineries related to electronics, telecom engineering and allied subjects
To print, publish, and sell proceedings, technical papers, treatises, reports of the institution, etc.
Academic Year 2022 – 2023
Sl. No | Name of the Student | Membership No. |
1 | Abdul Gaffar | 637303/EEC/CV/24001 |
2 | Abhijeet Kumar Yadav | 637303/EEC/CV/24002 |
3 | Abhijeet Raj | 637303/EEC/CV/24003 |
4 | Abhinav K.M | 637303/EEC/CV/24004 |
5 | Abhishek Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24005 |
6 | Abindra Prasad S | 637303/EEC/CV/24006 |
7 | Ajithkumar A | 637303/EEC/CV/24007 |
8 | Akshay P U | 637303/EEC/CV/24008 |
9 | Ashokkumar R | 637303/EEC/CV/24009 |
10 | Bhashkar Pandit | 637303/EEC/CV/24010 |
11 | Billy Kim R. Marak | 637303/EEC/CV/24011 |
12 | Bittu Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24012 |
13 | David Dhinakaran A | 637303/EEC/CV/24013 |
14 | Daya Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24014 |
15 | Deepak Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24015 |
16 | Hemant Kumar Yadav Marik | 637303/EEC/CV/24016 |
17 | Hyoiseir Tamang Pakhrin | 637303/EEC/CV/24017 |
18 | James Subba | 637303/EEC/CV/24018 |
19 | Jiyalal Kumar Sah Teli | 637303/EEC/CV/24019 |
20 | Karthikeyan K J | 637303/EEC/CV/24020 |
21 | Khulakpam Jeinedin Jidan | 637303/EEC/CV/24021 |
22 | Lakhendra Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24022 |
23 | Maheshprabhu S | 637303/EEC/CV/24023 |
24 | Md Muntazir | 637303/EEC/CV/24024 |
25 | Md Nafees Hawari | 637303/EEC/CV/24025 |
26 | Muhammed Nishan Sajid N V | 637303/EEC/CV/24026 |
27 | Kaviyarasu G | 637303/EEC/CV/24027 |
28 | Nagakeerthi M S | 637303/EEC/CV/24028 |
29 | Namrosa M Marak | 637303/EEC/CV/24029 |
30 | Naveen Kumar T | 637303/EEC/CV/24030 |
31 | Nikesh Pandit | 637303/EEC/CV/24031 |
32 | Nikita Kumari L | 637303/EEC/CV/24032 |
33 | Pannalal Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24033 |
34 | Prashant Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24034 |
35 | Prashant Ray | 637303/EEC/CV/24035 |
36 | Prince Raj | 637303/EEC/CV/24036 |
37 | Priyatharshini S | 637303/EEC/CV/24037 |
38 | Raj Kumar Singh | 637303/EEC/CV/24038 |
39 | Ranjani R | 637303/EEC/CV/24039 |
40 | Rohit Raj | 637303/EEC/CV/24040 |
41 | Romy Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24041 |
42 | Sandeep Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24042 |
43 | Sangeetha M | 637303/EEC/CV/24043 |
44 | Sanni Raj | 637303/EEC/CV/24044 |
45 | Sanoj Kumar Mandal | 637303/EEC/CV/24045 |
46 | Satish Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24046 |
47 | Satyam Kumar Himansu | 637303/EEC/CV/24047 |
48 | Shanthi S | 637303/EEC/CV/24048 |
49 | Shanu Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24049 |
50 | Sharon J Shaji | 637303/EEC/CV/24050 |
51 | Sonu Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24051 |
52 | Sudip Kumar Yadav | 637303/EEC/CV/24052 |
53 | Sumit Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24053 |
54 | Sumit Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24054 |
55 | Sunny Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24055 |
56 | Upmanyu Sisodia | 637303/EEC/CV/24056 |
57 | Veepak Senjam | 637303/EEC/CV/24057 |
58 | Vicky Kumar | 637303/EEC/CV/24058 |
59 | Vishnuprasath S | 637303/EEC/CV/24059 |
60 | Yaswanth V | 637303/EEC/CV/24060 |
61 | Yusuf Jamal | 637303/EEC/CV/24061 |
S.No | Date | Event | Resource Person | Number of participants benefited | Relevance to PO’s & PSO’s |
1 | 15.09.2023 | 56th Engineers Day (Engineering- A Resilient Future, Building Stronger, Smarter & Safer) | Dr. Wyyuru Amarnath Managing Director, Sri Sankara Weaving (P) Ltd., Chennai | 105 | PO’s 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12 PSO’s -1&2 |
2 | 06.05.2024 | Inauguration of IEI student chapter & Seminar on “Unlocking Opportunities: The Significance of IEI Membership” | Dr.K.Thangaraj. FIE., Chairman, IEI Salem Local Centre. Salem | 70 | PO’s 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12 PSO’s -1&2 |
S.No | Date | Event | Resource Person | Number of participants benefited | Relevance to PO’s &PSO’s |
1 | 20.09.22 | 55th Engineers Day (Smart Engineering for a better world) | Er. S.R.Saravanan Manager, SAIL / Salem Steel Plant Salem. | 65 | PO’s 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12 PSO’s -1&2 |
S.No | Date | Event | Resource Person | Number of participants benefited | Relevance to PO’s & PSO’s |
1 | 06.03.21 | A webinar on World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development | Dr.P.Kalaiselvam.,M.E.,Ph.D., Director & Chief Technical officer, Eco Services India Pvt, Ltd., Chennai. | 65 | PO’s 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12 PSO’s -1&2 |
IETE Activities
Bug-Hunt-Circuit Analysing
IETE Student chapter conducted a Contest on “Bug-Hunt-Circuit Analysing “ 19.03.2024,3.30 p.m to 4.45p.m .II year students 49 students attended and two faculty members attended the program.Student Coordinator PallavKarn and Archana from III year organizes the program neatly.Analyzing circuits involves understanding the flow of electrical current through various components like resistors,capacitors and inductors.its like solving a puzzle where you decipher how different elements interact to produce specific outcomes,much like solving a mystery within the realm of electricity
IETE Student Forum organize a “Workshop on Envision Future Technology Trends withMATLAB”-14.03.2024
The workshop started on 14.03.2024 at 10 am in Kandasamy Hall with the introduction of the chief guest and Satheesh Kumar coordinator welcoming the chief guest with a shawl and memento. The session starts with the introduction of AI fundamentals of Machine Learning.
Forenoon Session: Introduction to MATLAB for AI
– Introduction to MATLAB: The workshop began with an overview of the MATLAB environment, including basic syntax and commands essential for AI programming.
– Working with Data: Participants learned how to import and preprocess data using MATLAB, along with data visualization techniques to gain insights from the data.
– Machine Learning Basics: Basic machine learning concepts were covered followed by demonstrations on implementing linear regression and logistic regression algorithms using MATLAB.
– Participants gained a solid understanding of MATLAB’s capabilities in AI development, including machine learning, deep learning, and NLP. Hands-on exercises enabled participants to implement various AI algorithms using MATLAB, enhancing their practical skills in AI programming. Q&A sessions provided opportunities for participants to clarify doubts and deepen their understanding of AI concepts and MATLAB tool.
A Remote Center (RC) is a place from where the participants/people can interact with the instructor (faculty at IIT) who is conducting the course or delivering a lecture from IIT Bombay. The live lectures are transmitted at Remote Centers using A-VIEW software.
The Remote Center (RC) is usually a reputed engineering college with good facility and infrastructure.
It acts as a host for the virtual classroom environment created by A-VIEW.
The participant can attend the workshop in a RC close to his/her place. The RC minimizes the logistics of travel, boarding and lodging.
IIT Bombay created history by conducting a mega-workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies, to train 10,000 teachers at hundreds of Remote centers spread across the country. The workshop was conducted in the distance mode, using A-VIEW software and Internet, as part of the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India). More than 8500 teachers participated from over 165 RCs.
Women Development Cell was established in the college in 2014. The cell aims to empower the girl society, to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe environment for women students.
To create awareness among the girl students about Women’s protection Laws and Rights
To address the complaints and problems of Women Students and Staff
To strengthen the girl students physically, mentally and to extend more support to face the present day problems
To prevent any kind of women harassment in the campus
To motivate girls to become Entrepreneurs
S.No | Title | Date | Resource person | Students Benefited | External students |
1 | “Menstrual Hygiene” | 13.08.2022 | 1.Mrs.Nithya Chaudhry 2.Ms.Roshnee Bhowmick CSR Exceutives unicharmIndia Global Hunt Foundation | 50 | 0 |
2 | ·Spelling Bees ·Debate ·Indoor and outdoor games | 11.10.2022 | – | 250 | 0 |
3 | Gender Equality Awareness Rally | 25.10.2022 | – | 250 | 0 |
4 | National Girl Child day | 24.01.2023 | – | 375 | 0 |
5 | International Women’s Day | 08.03.2023 | 1.Nagalakshmi.V Founder &CEO, TLF Education Private Ltd, Salem 2.Dr. N Bhavadharani SRC Diabetes Care Centre, Erode 3.R.Shanmugapriya Project Head Technical, Ramco Industries and Technology Services, Chennai. 4.M.Dhanaradha Rural Panchayat Officer, Ammapettai, Salem 5.Priya Venugopal Data Engineer IBM India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore 6.Farjana Praveen.A Product Manager Sync Fusion Pvt Ltd, Chennai 7.Dr. Manjoo Shree. G Clinical Psychologist, Founder – Lifeolicious / Author / Artist | 415 | 0 |
National Girl Child day
Gender Equity Quest
Excel Engineering College, Women Empowerment Cell organized an enlightening health awareness talk on the topic of “ Health Awareness program on Clean hands, Nourished Lives.AChampign to combat anemia through improved hygiene and nutrition” This event aimed to foster awareness and empowerment among women regarding a natural aspect of their lives that often remains shrouded in silence.
The event featured a distinguished guest speaker, Ms.P.Shanthi,Child Development project officer, Erode rural block, Social welfare department. Her extensive knowledge and experience in women’s education and empowerment made her the perfect resource person for this crucial discussion.
She openly discussed about nutrition, destigmatizing it, and empowering women with knowledge about their bodies. She emphasized the need for breaking societal taboos and myths surrounding menstruation, as this is a fundamental step towards women’s empowerment.
She demonstrated the usage of organic menstrual products. Organic products are gaining popularity due to their health and environmental benefits. By showcasing these alternatives, she provided women with sustainable and healthy options for managing their menstrual health.
The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session, allowing attendees to ask questions and seek clarifications on various aspects related to nutrition and anemia. Participants left the event with a deeper understanding of their bodies and newfound confidence in making informed choices about their menstrual health.
Empowering Women: Breaking the silence on menstruation
Excel Engineering College, Women Empowerment Cell organized an enlightening health awareness talk on the topic of “Empowering Women: Breaking the Silence on Menstruation.” This event aimed to foster awareness and empowerment among women regarding a natural aspect of their lives that often remains shrouded in silence.
The event featured a distinguished guest speaker, Ln.P.Chandra, the founder, and Managing Trustee of the Shri Palaniapapa Educational Trust. Her extensive knowledge and experience in women’s education and empowerment made her the perfect resource person for this crucial discussion.
She openly discussed about menstruation, destigmatizing it, and empowering women with knowledge about their bodies. She emphasized the need for breaking societal taboos and myths surrounding menstruation, as this is a fundamental step towards women’s empowerment.
She demonstrated the usage of organic menstrual products. Organic products are gaining popularity due to their health and environmental benefits. By showcasing these alternatives, she provided women with sustainable and healthy options for managing their menstrual health.
The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session, allowing attendees to ask questions and seek clarifications on various aspects related to menstruation and organic products. Participants left the event with a deeper understanding of their bodies and newfound confidence in making informed choices about their menstrual health.
S.No | Title | Date | Resource person | Students Benefited | External students |
1 | Awareness on menstrual health &hygienic use of organic sanitary napkins | 27.07.2023 | – | 358 | 0 |
2 | Empowering Women: Breaking the silence on menstruation | 29.09.2023 | – | 348 | 0 |
3 | Gender Equity Quest | 07.10.2023 | – | 354 | 47 |
4 | Awareness on “National Girl Child Day with Poster Presentation” | 03.02.2024 | Dr.G.Vanathi Assistant professor Department of pathology, Excel SiddhaMedical and Research center,komarapalyam | 350 | 0 |
5 | Intercollegiate National Seminar on “Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth” | 17.02.2024 | 1.Ms.Janaki,Founder Elanji Trust, Erode. 2.Ms.Sujeetha Balaji Entrepreneur, Founder of Bodhiand Libee | 250 | 38 |
6 | International Women Day Celebration | 08.03.2024 | 1.Ms.Mythili, Executive Director, SMS Logistics, Bhavani, Erode 2.Dr.Gayathri.V, Doctor in Emotional Intelligence 3.Ms.R.Kavitha, Proprietor of Dora kids play school and founder of beauty mantra Bridal studio and academy 4.Dr.Abinaya Tamiselvan, Homoeopathy physician & Psychologist. | 450 | 0 |
7 | Rally on “Voter Empowerment Rally: Promoting awareness on voting Significance” | 10.04.2024 | – | 250 | 0 |
Awareness on “National Girl Child Day with Poster Presentation” on 03.02.2024
The Women Empowerment Cell of Excel Engineering College organised Awareness Talk & Poster Presentation on the theme ” Girls For Green: Nurturing A Sustainable Future” in a view of National Girl Child Day on 03.02.2024 (AN) at Pavayamal Hall. Dr. Vanathi, Assistant Professor Excel Siddha Medical College and Research delivered an insightful speech, shedding light on the 2024 theme, “Digital Generation.” Her expertise added depth to the discussions on the role of technology in shaping the lives of the younger generation. Students actively participated in a poster presentation, showcasing their talents and perspectives on empowering children in the digital age. The diversity of ideas and creativity was truly commendable. The event provided a platform for students to express themselves, highlighting their unique skills and talents. This showcased the multifaceted abilities of the students
Intercollegiate National Seminar on “Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth”
Excel Engineering College’s Women Empowerment Cell organized a National Level Seminar on “Women Empowerment & Inclusive Growth” on 17.02.2024. The event featured activities such as hair styling, multimedia presentations, pencil sketching, and cooking without fire. Approximately 150 students participated in the seminar, with 38 external and 12 internal participants engaging in the activities. Janaki Subramani, Managing Trustee of Elanjie Trust, and Sujeetha Balaji, Founder of Bodhi – Pregnancy Care and Lilbee – Kids Products, delivered valuable insights on women’s growth and empowerment.
International Women Day Celebration
Excel Engineering College has celebratedWomen’s Day on 08-03-2024 / 10:00 am at Excel Convention Centre A/c Hall.Dr.Jayapoorani – Professor, ECE ,Women Empowerment Cell has gladly welcomed the gatherings of resource persons, principal, faculty members and students.All the dignitaries has enlightened the divine kuthuvilakku.
Dr.K.Bommanna Raja, Principal gave felicitation address an appreciate all the womens and shared some words about women Empowerment. Special address given by Dr.C.Karthikeyini, Director Academics shared about the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress” She encouraged the students that they should fix the target day by day and act upon .Dr.Jayapoorani has honored our chief Guest with shawl and presenting a memento.
The Chief Guest Mrs. Mythiliselvakumaran,Executive Director, SMS logistics ,Bhavani, explained the stories about the women empowerment and how to break the barriers and empowering women voice. Special guestMrs.R.Kavitha, Proprietor, Dora kids play school shared her idea in women empowered: Igniting Possibilities, Embracing power and Guest of honour Dr.AbinayaTamilselvan, homeopathy physician &psychologist shared her 12 rules of life give more information about women empowerment .She explained her life story how she become the entrepreneur stages. Society will think women are always under men but was changed .Sheexplained the importance adaptability in society.
In addition to celebrating we provide each and every student with tree saplings and enjoyed with cultural events at afternoon. The program ends with national anthem.
Some 600 students and 100 women faculty members from EEC took part in this special occasion and made the function a grand success.
Voter Empowerment Rally: Promoting Awareness on voting Significance
Excel Engineering College on behalf of Women Empowerment Cell conducted Rally in “Voter Empowerment Rally: Promoting Awareness on voting Significance” to increase voter registration , Promotr voter Education, Enhance voter turnout. Engage with local communities through grassroots efforts, including door-to-door canvassing, community events, and partnerships with civic organizations. Implement strategies to encourage voter turnout, such as providing transportation to polling stations, establishing voting pledges, and leveraging peer-to-peer encouragement. Measure the number of new voter registrations in targeted communities compared to baseline data. : Evaluate voter awareness and understanding of electoral candidates, issues, and voting procedures through pre- and post-event surveys. Rallying for Voting Awareness aims to inspire a new wave of civic engagement by empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to participate actively in the democratic process. Through community-driven efforts and strategic outreach, we aspire to cultivate a society where every voice is heard, and every vote counts.
The Women Empowerment Cell of Excel Engineering College organized an awareness program on “Holistic Approaches to Mental Health: Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit,” addressed by Dr. Kavitha Subramaniam, M.B.B.S, DPM, Psychiatrist, Government Hospital, Anthiyur on 20.07.2024. Dr. Kavitha explained various mental health issues and discussed stress relief strategies. Her powerful speech aimed to create a significant impact among the students, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being and holistic health. Nearly 250 students and 8 Faculty members have participated in this event.
S.No | Title | Date | Resource person | Students Benefited | External students |
1. | “Holistic Approaches to Mental Health: Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit,” | 20.07.2024 | Dr. Kavitha Subramaniam, M.B.B.S, DPM, Psychiatrist, Government Hospital, Anthiyur | 250 | 0 |
Computer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals Through the initiatives of Professor Rangaswamy Narasimhan, its first President, CSI has been in close liaison with International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since its inception in 1965, when observers from India attended the IFIP Council meeting.CSI is one of the most famous society associated with computer professionals. It was introduced in Excel Engineering College in 2017 with members from the faculty and the students. The members of this society conduct monthly students meet where they discuss about the various advancements in computer technology.
- Institutional Membership: Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam, was officially admitted as an institutional member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) by the Executive Council in 2008. The college is now fully entitled to all the privileges granted by the ISTE constitution and by-laws.
Institutional Membership ID: 1535
- Student Chapter: The student chapter of Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam, was established in 2008 with support from the Tamil Nadu section
Student chapter ID: TN 224
- Empowering Educators: Delivering high-quality training programs to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to enhance their knowledge and skills in their respective fields.
- Supporting Industry Needs: Assisting in the production and development of top-quality professional engineers and technicians to meet the demands of industry and other organizations.
- Student Development: Offering guidance and training to students aimed at improving their learning skills and personal development.
Activities and Programs
- Conferences and Workshops: ISTE organizes national and international conferences, symposiums, and workshops, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among professionals.
- Training and Certification: The society offers training programs and certifications for faculty members and students to enhance their technical and pedagogical skills.
- Awards and Recognition: ISTE recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of technical education through various awards, encouraging excellence in teaching, research, and professional development.
- Student Chapters: ISTE also supports the formation of student chapters in engineering and technical institutions, promoting student engagement in professional activities, fostering leadership and encouraging the pursuit of excellence in their academic and professional careers.
Student membership details
The student membership fee has been revised and the revised fees given below w.e.f. 1/1/2018
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP | Membership fees + GST(18%) | Total fees |
MBA /M Tech – 2 Yrs – (PG course) MCA Students – 3 Yrs – (PG course) Lateral Engg – 3 Yrs – (UG courses) BE/B.TECH – 4 Yrs – (UG courses) INT(MBA,M.TECH- (5 yrs) – (PG course) | Rs. 150 + 27 Rs. 200 + 36 Rs. 200 + 36 Rs. 250 + 45 Rs. 300 + 54 | =Rs.177/- per student =Rs.236/- per student =Rs.236/- per student =Rs.295/- per student =Rs.354/- per student |
Institution membership card:
SL.NO | Batch | Name of the student | Department | Photo |
1 | 2017-21 | Pavithra M | Aeronautical Engineering | ![]() |
2 | 2017-21 | Sindhu M | Aeronautical Engineering | ![]() |
SL.NO | Batch | Name of the student | Department | Photo |
1 | 2018-22 | Bijay Kumar Sha | Aeronautical Engineering | ![]() |
Academic year: 2022-23
The students were participated in ISTE Tamilnadu section Engineering Students convention held at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 26.03.2022.
SL.NO | Batch | Name of the student | Department | Photo |
1 | 2019-23 | Viveka K | Aeronautical Engineering | ![]() |
2 | 2017-23 | Glory Gifta K | Civil Engineering | ![]() |
Academic year: 2023-24
The students participated in ISTE Tamilnadu section Engineering Students convention held at Sri Venkateshwara College Of Engineering, Chennai on 29.04.2023.
SL.NO | Batch | Name of the student | Department | Photo |
1 | 2020 – 24 | SAHAJ SABHARWAL | Aeronautical Engineering | ![]() |
2 | 2020 – 24 | GEETHA M | Civil Engineering | ![]() |
Academic year: 2024-25
The students were participated in ISTE Tamilnadu section Engineering Student’s convention held at P.S.R Engineering college, Sivakasi on 06.04.2024