
Hon. Chairman’s Message
Prof. Dr. A.K. Natesan, M.Com., MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D., FTA, AKS
I wish to express my satisfaction at the direction and pace at which the Excel Group Institutions are moving, fulfilling the aims of Sri Rengaswamy Educational Trust. I personally feel happy whenever the students get the best of instructional inputs and the best of infrastructural benefits conducive to their all-round development and formation, making their parents and guardians satisfied in the process. Adherence to rules makes this possible and rules are in place only as a means to serve an end. The ultimate aim is to make a student who leaves our institutions to stand on his own feet, not only economically but also as a person possessing values which he / she can impart to the world, in the process of which the world becomes a better place to live in.
I thank the teaching as well as the non-teaching staff who raise high the standard of our institution and also thank the parents and guardians of our students who has placed their trust in us to deliver the goods. Time and again, various associations like the Rotaract Club, various NGOs, Medical Institutions have come to our aid to make our campus what it is today, a hive of hectic activity that is going to create a better world for posterity. My good wishes to each and every student, staff and their families for peace, prosperity and happiness.

Vice-Chairman’s Message
Dr. N. Mathan Karthick, M.B.B.S., M.H.Sc.(Diabetology), AKS
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
These words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the USA, perfectly describe the aim of Excel Engineering College. Beyond providing a sound education, we wish to provide our students a holistic learning experience for life. Our aim is to teach students to LEARN, not just to STUDY. Hence, we strive to travel beyond the boundaries of mere books. We have realized that the future is abstract and unknown but the youth in our hands are real and can be moulded. Learning should be based on doing things and not merely knowing things. Until and unless learning, as well as the solutions it offers, relates to real life and motivates the learner to acquire and apply the knowledge, the whole process will remain superficial.

The Principal & Executive Director’s Message
Dr. K. Bommanna Raja, Ph.D.
I am delighted to meet you through this page. Excel Engineering College has stood above the rest in its approach to education and in its pedagogy. The way we teach and the way our students learn are unique and creative. Consistently, we never hesitated to look into our deficiencies and transform ourselves into efficient agents of social change. Many would affirm that the College has substantially contributed to the process of National Development by providing quality education and thereby enabling the students to become globally competent, career-wise. We have plans and dreams for the years to come. The heart of education is after all the education of the heart. Our team of qualified and experienced teachers has been specially trained to provide personalized attention to every student. We have also provided the best infrastructural and instructional facilities to achieve our goals.

Dr.S. Anbu Karuppusamy Ph.D.,

Dr.C.Karthikeyini, Ph.D.,