“Street play on” Banking for a Better Tomorrow Empowering Communication Through Loans”


“Street play on” Banking for a Better Tomorrow Empowering Communication Through Loans”

This Event was held at Thottipalaym, Bhavani on 30thDecemeber2024.This Programme was Conducted by the Department of Business Administration Under the Guidance of Dr. R. Vimal Nishant, sirPrincipal, emphasizes the ProgrammeDr.T.Shankar Sir, Chief IQAC Presents the importance of Banks loans and Insurance to the people’s.Dr.S.Subramaniam,sirProgram Head, Highlighted the importance of Banking communication and sectors.Mr. P. Varunkumar, Head, Department of Business Administration ,Honouring our chief guest. And he delivered the speech to the people’s and guided Banking orientation to the Village committees.Chief Guest: Mr. M. Selvaraja,* Village Panchayat President, Thottipalayam, Bhavani.  Welcoming our students and faculty to enrich the Programs.Students and faculty members raise awareness about the importance of banking and financial literacy, and how loans can empower individuals and communities to build a better experience. Because most of the people don’t know about Banking Loans and Insurance. So we delivered the Street play and give effective manners. 200 more peoples participated in this Awareness program.Mr. M. Selvaraja sir, Village panchayat President and Mr. M. Shivanathamsrinivasan, Vilage Administration Officer, sir Issued the Certificate of Appreciation to the facilities.  And we conducted the games session to the Village peoples . everyone eagerly participated in this session and got benefits.Ms. D.C. Sneha Rose AP English / BBA delivered the Vote of Thanks, expressing gratitude to organizers, speakers, and students.