EMRI (Emergency Responder Training program)

EMRI (Emergency Responder Training program)
ECCS, We organised the EMRI (Emergency Responder Training program) through Yi club, Erode chapter on 19.08.2024 at A6 computer lab& multipurpose hall.
A group consisted of a total of 97 students. Then the chief guest Mr P.Saravanan EMRI trainer, GVK Enterprise, Chennai addressed the students about the importance of first aid and CPR explanation through the human body statute. In this programme session, Students raise the question to concern person in this various process regarding.
He clarify their doubts and queries in nice manner. Trainer appreciated to the students were show their interests in this filed. In this visit students are got awareness and sparking of new idea for first aid safety techniques with out any fear.
Mr.D. Sugandaran, Yi coordinator /AP/ BBA have made all the arrangements.Mrs. Selvakumari , ECCS First Aid Program coordinator AP/ Biochemistry &CLT participated in this event.