Career Opprotunuties In Data Science And Cyber Security

Career Opprotunuties In Data Science And Cyber Security
The Department of Data Science and Cyber Security has organized a One Day Career Guidance Programme on “CAREER OPPROTUNUTIES IN DATA SCIENCE AND CYBER SECURITY” on 20.08.2024.
The Programme addressing a career opportunity in the field of Government Sector like UPSC, SSC, TNPSC. We express our gratitude to the speaker, facilitators, panelists, and participants who contributed to the success of this Career Guidance Programme. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future to further enhance the knowledge and skills of our students to perform more effective in competitive exams.
The Programme will be used to finding job opportunities, including leveraging job boards, company websites, and recruitment agencies. He further highlighted that Career guidance plays a very important role in the lives of all individuals, as it helps in setting future goals and chooses careers.
Career guidance is much needed service to those who did not plan for their future at an early stage; more should be done to assist the younger generations in personal career development. All the students were highly motivated and enlightened about various opportunities after completing their Course.
It was a very informative day for the students and faculty members who attended the session.