SRET Excel Foundation TBI

Excel Technology Business Incubator (Excel TBI)


To catalyze innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development by nurturing and supporting technology-driven startups and entrepreneurs through Excel TBI, enabling them to thrive and make a significant impact.


A future where Excel TBI is a hub of technological innovation, recognized for its successful startup ecosystem, cutting-edge research, and contributions to regional and global economic growth.


Incubate technology startups: Excel TBI's mission is to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for technology-driven startups, helping them transform innovative concepts into viable businesses.
Empower entrepreneurs: We aim to empower entrepreneurs by offering mentorship, resources, and access to networks, fostering their growth and success in the competitive business landscape.
Promote research and innovation: We encourage research and innovation in technology-related fields, supporting the development of cutting-edge solutions and fostering a culture of intellectual exploration and discovery.
Create a collaborative ecosystem: Excel TBI strives to create a dynamic ecosystem that promotes collaboration among startups, industry experts, academia, investors, and mentors, facilitating knowledge exchange and networking.
Facilitate access to funding: We provide access to funding sources, investment opportunities, and financial resources to help startups secure the capital they need to scale their businesses.
Education and skill development: We offer training and workshops to equip entrepreneurs and their teams with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the technology business landscape.
Ethical and sustainable innovation: We emphasize the importance of ethical and sustainable innovation, encouraging responsible entrepreneurship that considers social, environmental, and economic impacts.
Celebration of success: Excel TBI celebrates the achievements of startups, innovators, and entrepreneurs, showcasing their success stories and inspiring others to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.
Monitoring and evaluation: We continually assess and evaluate the impact of Excel TBI's activities to ensure they meet the intended goals and adapt to changing circumstances and needs.

These statements can provide a strong foundation for the mission and activities of the Excel Foundation Technology Business Incubator (Excel TBI), guiding its efforts to support technology-driven startups, entrepreneurship, and innovation while contributing to economic development and growth.

TBI Team

CEODr. K. Bommanna Raja
Innovations HeadDr. P. Karthik
Entrepreneurship HeadMr. P. Varun Kumar
ManagerDr. S. Jothi
Incubation HeadDr. P. Udhayaraja