Noi Nadal &Noi Muthal Naadal (Pathology) including Nunnuyiriyal (Microbiology)
Department of Noi Nadal & Noi Muthal Naadal including Nunnuyiriyal
Noi Nadal & Noi Muthal Naadal (Pathology)
Noi Nadal&Noi Muthal Naadal (Pathology) is the scientific study of the Nature of diseases, its causes, processes, developments and consequences. The Department provides a deep theoretical knowledge of Pathology in two major forms – Siddha Pathology and Modern Pathology. In our Department we have facilities to teach Siddha Diagnostic methods – Ennvagai Thervu especially Naadi, Manikkadainool, Neerkuri and Neikkuri. The laboratory is equipped with microscopes, specimens and models to provide practical training in modern Pathology to the students in Histopathology, Hematology and Cytology and Clinical pathology. It provides the practical knowledge with patient’s blood, urine and other samples to diagnosing a disease, collectively called Clinical Pathology

Nunnuyirial (Microbiology)
Nunnuyiriyal (Microbiology), the most interesting subject of a completely different world of organisms that are invisible to naked eyes. ‘Microorganisms’ as they are known, includes Bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae, and the subject deals in detail about the Morphology of the organisms, their physiological nature, Antigens with which they cause diseases, Pathogenicity of the organisms, clinical symptoms that they cause and the classical methods and modern techniques involved in diagnosing them. Besides causing diseases, microorganisms are also beneficial to our daily life which is also highlighted in the subject. Apart from the above, the Immune system of our human body and the way it tackles the infections are also taught to the students which make them understand the causes for various diseases and the way human body handles them. Microbiology laboratory is fully furnished with instruments like Autoclave, Hot Air oven, Microscopes and reagents for every student to explore themselves on this new kingdom of living beings.

1 | Dr.P.Sumathi | B.S.M.S.,MD(S) | Associate Professor | SDNN00003 | Noi Nadal & Noi Mudhal Naadal Including Nunnuyiriyal | ![]() |
2 | Dr.C.Elavenil | B.S.M.S.,MD(S) | Assistant Professor | SDNN00084 | Noi Nadal & Noi Mudhal Naadal Including Nunnuyiriyal | ![]() |
3 | Dr.P.Vanathi | M.SC,Ph.D | Assistant Professor | SDMB00020 | Noi Nadal & Noi Mudhal Naadal Including Nunnuyiriyal (Micro Biology) | ![]() |
4 | Mr.S.Saran Kumar | M.SC., M.PHIL | Assistant Professor | SDMB00001 | Noi Nadal & Noi Mudhal Naadal Including Nunnuyiriyal (Micro Biology) | ![]() |