CME / Seminar
CME / Seminar
National Pregnancy and Infant loss Remembrance Day Seminar – 15.10.2024
Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted World Mental health day Seminar on 15.10.2024.
The seminar was presented by Ms.S.Nandhini, CRRI The seminar was conducted in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (s).
The main objective of the seminar was to raise awareness about pregnancy loss, stillbirth, infant loss, and infertility, to support families who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy or infant.
World Mental Health Day Seminar – 14.10.2024
Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted World Mental health day Seminar on 14.10.2024.
The seminar was presented by our Ms.V.L.Babishini, CRRI & Ms.R.Bhvadharani,CRRI, The seminar was conducted in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (s).
The main objective of the seminar was to create awareness about Mental Health and Wellness and Innovations in Mental Health.
The event aimed to raise awareness about the Prioritize self-care and mental wellness, Foster open conversations about mental health, Support mental health initiatives and policies, Encourage help-seeking behaviors.
World Heart Day Seminar – 30.09.2024
World Heart Day Seminar was conducted by our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre on 30.09.2024.
Our Internees D.Premalatha, CRRI delivered the lecture about how to prevent heart diseases. The seminar was conducted in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (s).
The main theme of this seminar was “Prevention of Heart Diseases: A Key to Healthy Living”. The Objective of this seminar was, to raise awareness about cardiac health, prevention strategies, and promote lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of heart diseases.
Our faculty Dr.A.Rajarajeswari, Professor, Department of Aruvai Maruthuvam, shared her insights on lifestyle modifications, risk factor management, and early detection and management & prevention of heart diseases in Siddha medicine.
The seminar was organized by Department of Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam.
World Rose Day seminar-23.09.2024
In the observance of World rose day, Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted a seminar on 23.09.2024.
The seminar was presented by our faculty Dr.R.Kalpana The seminar was conducted in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD(s).
The main objective of the seminar was to create awareness about cancer and its effects on patients and their families, and to promote compassion and empathy towards cancer survivors.
World Alzheimer’s Day Seminar – 23.09.2024
World Alzheimer’s Day Seminar was conducted by our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre on 23.09.2024.
Our Internees R. Subhasri, CRRI & S. Nandita, CRRI delivered a lecture about Alzheimer’s disease in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (s).
The objective of this seminar was to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease, promote early detection, and support caregivers and patients.
World First Aid Day Seminar – 11.09.2024
Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted World First Aid Day Seminar on 11.09.2024.
The seminar was presented by our faculty Dr.R.Suguna, The seminar was conducted in the presence of our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (s).
The first aid demonstrations and training were explored by the students about first aid in emergency situations. The Importance of first aid in emergency situations, Practical skills in CPR, wound management, and bleeding control were elaborated in this seminar.
The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of first aid and promote lifesaving skills.
CME Programme on “Interpretation of Siddha Diagnostic Tools”- 04.09.2024 & 05.09.2024
Our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre conducted a Two days CME programme on the topic “Interpretation of Siddha Diagnostic Tools” hosted by Dr.K.Sasi MD(S), Rtd.Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai on 04.09.2024 & 05.09.2024.
A detailed explanation about case report,naadi,suvai& aadharam was delivered.A practical session was held for the students in diagnosing Naadi & its types .Students explored their knowledge about naadi & other diagnostic methods in Siddha System of Medicine.
This Programme was organized by Department of Noi Naadal.
World Equality Day was observed on 26.08.2024, to raise the awareness of equality among male and female. As, per the theme of this year 2024, “Thank the Women in your life”. our faculty Prof.Dr.A.Rajarajeswari shared thoughts about Women empowerment.
Our Respected Principal Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy.,M.D(S) , initiated to conduct a seminar about the World Equality Day. our faculties and final year students participated in this program .
This programme was organized by Women Empowerment Cell.
World Breastfeeding Week Seminar – 08.08.2024
On the Observance of World Breastfeeding Week Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted a Seminar on 08.08.2024.
To take a step ahead in nurturing naturally & encouraging breast feeding a seminar was conducted in presence of our Principal Dr.M.Maignanamoorthy, MD(S) & faculties.
The seminar highlighted the huge benefits that breastfeeding can bring to the health and welfare of babies and benefits to maternal health, focusing on good nutrition, and food security.
Our final year students N.Dhilsharaja & M.Gokila elaborated the benefits, composition and siddha formulations to increase breast milk secretion & latching techniques.
This programme was organized by Department of Sool & Magalir Maruthuvam.
On the observance of WORLD LUNG CANCER DAY, Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre conducted a Seminar on 01.08.2024.
As per the theme of this year 2024 “Stronger Together :United for Lung Cancer Awareness”
The seminar created awareness about unhealthy habits needed to be changed for the prevention of the deadly disease.
Our Respected Principal Prof. Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy.,M.D(S) initiated this seminar. Our Second Professional student R.Balamurugan delivered a lecture explaining the impact of this disease. Our faculties and students participated in this program.
This programme was organized by Science Club.
WORLD EMBRYOLOGIST DAY – 25.07.2024 :- Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre observed the World Embryologist Day also known as World IVF Day on 25.07.2024, to recognize and honour the successful contributions of embryologists in the fields of infertility and reproductive treatment.
In presence of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S) a seminar was conducted on the observance of World Embryologist Day. Our faculties and students participated and gained more knowledge about the recent technological developments in management of infertility in both our traditional siddha system and in modern aspect.
World Health Day – Seminar- 07.04.2024
To create awareness about personal health, Under the guidance of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S)., our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, conducted a seminar on 08.04.2024 on the observance of World Health Day (07.04.2024).
Our Faculty Dr.K.Vithya, MD(S)., Associate Professor delivered a lecture on the topic of “Mental Health ”.
Our Final year student S.Vasantha Kumar and Second professional Student S.Kalaiselvan were presented the lecture on the topic about “World Health Day”
Our College Final year students & Second Professional Students and Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
World Autism Awareness Day – Seminar -02.04.2024
On the observance of World Autism Day, Under the guidance of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S)., our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, conducted a seminar on the topic of World Autism Awareness Day on 10.04.2024 to promote awareness and acceptance of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
Our Final Year students presented in the following topics.
Sl.No | Name of the Student | Topics |
1 | B.PRANESH | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
2 | V.INDIRA | Nephrotic Syndrome |
3 | R.BHAVADHARANI | Mental Disorder |
Our College Final Students & Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
Purple Day Of Epilepsy – Seminar – 26.03.2024
On observance of PURPLE DAY OF EPILEPSY (26.03.2024), Under the guidance of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S)., our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, conducted a seminar on the topic of “LET’S TALK ABOUT EPILEPSY” on 26.03.2024.
Dr.S.P.Radha, MD(S)., Professor, presented the lecture about “TYPES OF EPILEPSY AND ITS CLINICAL FEATURES” in siddha aspect.
Dr.D.S.Vaniswari, MD(S)., Assistant Professor, conducted a practical session about the “VARMA POINTS” in the treatment of Epilepsy.
Final Year Students & Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
World Tuberclosis Day- Seminar- 24.03.2024
On the observance of WORLD TUBERCLOSIS DAY- 24.03.2024, Under the guidance of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S)., our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, conducted a seminar to provide deep insight about TB and its management in Siddha system of medicine. the seminar on World Tuberclosis Day (24.03.2024) was held on 25.03.2024.
Our Faculty Dr.P.Sumathi, MD(S)., Associate Professor delivered a lecture on the topic of “YES, WE CAN END TB”.
Our College Students & Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
World Down Syndrome Day – Seminar- 21.03.2024
Our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, contribute our part to develop more knowledge about Down syndrome, which been a genetic disorder that affects children’s physical and mental development.
Our Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana moorthy, MD (S) guided to conduct seminar on world down syndrome day – 21.03.2024. Our Faculty Dr.A.Karthigaa., MD(S). Assistant professor, Department of kuzhanthai maruthuvam has delivered aseminar on the topic of “End the Stereotypes”. Final Year Students & Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
World Obesity Day- Awareness Seminar- 04.03.2024
World Obesity Day- Awareness Seminar – Under the guidance of our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy., M.D(S)., our Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, conducted awareness program about OBESITY on which is the major causes of life threatening several diseases, on the topic of WORLD OBESITY DAY – 04.03.2024.
Our Faculty Dr.A.RAJARAJESWARI.,M.D(S)., Prtofessor presented the lecture about OBESITY.
Our College Students & Faculties were participated in this Seminar.
Universal Health Coverage day seminar program (12.12.2023).
On the occasion of Universal Health Coverage day seminar program,Our excel siddha medical College and research centre conducted a Seminar on 12.12.2023 at AYUSH Auditorium. Our Faculties and students were actively participated in this seminar.
Our Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Department of Sool and Magalir Maruthuvam, conducted a Seminar on the topic of “Women Health And Infertility Care” on 23.08.2023 in AYUSH Auditorium, Excel Medical Block.
Our College Principal Prof.Dr.M.Maignana Moorthy, MD(S) addressed the welcome speech of this programme. Chief Guest Dr.B.Sundarameenal,BSMS delivered the lecture. Dr.K.Vithya,MD(S), Assistant Professor, Department of Sool and Magalir Maruthuvam, delivered the Vote of Thanks.
Our College Principal, Teaching faculties, Medical Officers and BSMS Final year & Third year students (Total number of students-100) participated in this programme.
Continuing Medical Education dated on 06.03.2023
Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Department of Siddha Maruthuva moola thathuvam, conducted a CME (Continuing Medical Education) on the topic of “Basics of Siddha” dated on 06.03.2023 in Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre Seminar hall, Our College Principal, Teaching faculties and our students were participated in this programme.
Continuing Medical Education dated on 28.09.2022
Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre ,Department of Gunapaadam Marunthakkaviyal, conducts a CME (Continuing Medical Education) on the topic of “Gunapadam Adippadaigal” dated on 28.09.2022 in Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre Seminar hall, Our College Principal, Teaching faculties and our students were participated in this programme.
Continuing Medical Education dated on 27.09.2022
Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Department of Siddha Maruthuva moola thathuvam, conducted a CME (Continuing Medical Education) on the topic of “Basics of Siddha” dated on 06.03.2023 in Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre Seminar hall, Our College Principal, Teaching faculties and our students were participated in this programme.
The continue Medical Education Programme on “Role of Anatomy, Taxonomy and Tissue Culture in Plant Authentication” conducted by Department of Medicinal Botany, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre on 22nd November, 2021.
Our BSMS First year students were participated in this programme and gained knowledge about Plant anatomy, taxonomy and tissue culture technique

The CME (Continuing Medical Education Programme) on “Three humoural Theory (Vatham, Pitham & Kabam)” organized by Department of Siddha Maruthuva Moola Thathuvam, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre held on 27.09.2021
Our College Principal, Teaching faculties and BSMS First year students were participated in this programme.

The CME (Continuing Medical Education Programme) on “Seven Physical constituents & Six Aadharams” organized by Department of Siddha Maruthuva Moola Thathuvam, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, held on 28.09.2021
Our College Principal, Teaching faculties and BSMS First year students were participated in this programme.

Covid-19 Management Through Siddha System of Medicine
A Continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) for Students/Medical Officers/Teaching Faculties was conducted by Excel Siddha Medical college & Research centre, on the topic of “COVID-19 MANAGEMENT THROUGH SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE” by Dr.D.Venkatachalam, MD(S), PGDPHM, Assistant Medical Officer, Government Hospital, Kavundapadi, Erode on 16.12.2020 at Excel Siddha Medical College & Research centre Auditorium.

Basic Concepts of Siddha System of Medicine
A Continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) for Students/Medical Officers/Teaching Faculties was conducted by Excel Siddha Medical college & Research centre, on the topic of “BASIC CONCEPTS OF SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE” 30.12.2020 at Excel Siddha Medical College & Research centre Lecture Hall.