Governing Body & Academic Council

Governing Body & Academic Council

Governing Council


Prof. Dr. A. K. Natesan, MBA., Ph.D., Chairman, Excel Group Institutions, Komarapalayam – 637 303



Mrs.N.Parvathy, Chairperson & Managing Trustee Excel Group Institutions, Pallakapalayam – 637 303

Member (Nominated by Trust – Managing Trustee)


Dr.N.Mathan Karthick, M.B.B.S., Vice Chairman, Excel Group Institutions, Pallakapalayam – 637 303

Member (Nominated by Trust – Vice Chairman)


The West Regional Officer, SRO of AICTE, 26, Haddows Road, Nugambakkam, Chennai-6.

Member (Nominee of Government of India (Ex-Officio Member)


DoTE Nominee

Member, DoTE Nominee


Mr.P.Thangamuthu, Managing Director, Careviant Technoilogies Pvt Ltd., Sirucheri, Chennai

Industrial Nominee (Nominated by Trust)


Er.N.Govindaraj, Managing Director, Minor Engineering Works, Nagapattinam

Industrial Nominee (Nominated by Trust)


Mr.S.Sivaramakrishnan, Executive Managing Director, Consolidated Construction Consortium Limited, Chennai

Member (Eminent Professional from the Engineering & Technology)


Mr.V.Udaya Sankar, Flat D, Harinis Apartments, Park Avenue, Baby Nagar Velacherry, Chennai – 600 042


Dr.K.Bommanaraja, Executive Director-Technical Campus. Excel Group Institutions,Pallakapalayam – 637 303

Member (Academician of Excellence)


Er.A. Subramainian., Principal, Excel polytechnic College, Pallakapalayam– 637 303


List Of Members In Decision Making Bodies Academic Year: 2024-2025

Sl. NoName of the committeeCoordinatorsFunctions and ResponsibilitiesFrequency of Meetings

Training and Placement Cell

Er.Obulakshmi.O HOD/ECE· Coordinating preparation program on proficient abilities, Fitness and English Relational abilities.
· Organizing Arrangement drives.
· Industry Establishment Cooperative exercises

Twice in a Semester

2Entrepreneurship Development CellEr.Sivakumar.S HOD/Auto· Empowering pioneering society among the understudies
· Creating business venture understudy gatherings and inspiring them to fire up their business
· Investigating new business foundation valuable open doors
Twice in a Semester
3Internal Quality Assurance Cell/ NBAEr.Srikanth.M
Vice Principal
· To ensure the effectiveness in course delivery, assessment methods and attainment of COs and Pos
· To ensure the quality process in the administration
· Implementing review of strategic issues
Once in a month
4Grievance Redressal CommitteeMr. Subramanian A Principal· Empowering the personnel and understudies to convey their complaints.
· To make officials of the colleges responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
· To ensure effective solution to the student’s grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
Twice in a year
5Anti-Ragging CommitteeProf Subramanian A Principal· Monitoring discipline in the College and hostel premises
· Collection of undertaking forms from All students in the presence of their guardians at the time of admission
Twice in a year
6Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)Er.Srikanth.M
Vice Principal
· Providing information and training to managers, supervisors and staff conducting teaching and learning activities on meeting their responsibilities in relation to maintaining a work and study environment free from sexual harassment.
· Monitoring using CCTV cameras in vantage points of the institution and necessary actions are taken, if any.
Twice in a year.
7Examination cell.Er.Krishnakumar.S Lec/Civil· Preparing Academic calendar.
· Contacting internal and board exams as per the guidelines laid down by DOTE
Once in a month
8Library Advisory Committee.Mr. Kannan  Librarian (i/c)· Focusing on new subscriptions of journals and periodicals.
· Guiding the implementation under up gradation of book distribution system.   Purchase of new books as per requirements.
Once in a semester
9Alumni AssociationEr.Obulakshmi.O HOD/ECE· Maintaining database of the alumni of the institution.
· Getting alumni feedback and representing their views.
· By connecting alumni to one another and to the institution through meaningful programs, services and communication.
Once in a year.
10Hostel committeeMr. Subramanian A Principal· Administration of the Hostel taking care of the needs of the students.
· Discussing with students about the food menu.
· Monitoring with the help of CCTV cameras.
· Ensuring medical facilities for students in time.
Twice in a Semester
11Sports committeeMr. Srinivasan. V Physical director·Organizing sports events.
·Conducting annual sports meet at the end of every even semester.
· Regular Physical education activities to students.
Twice in a year.
12Cultural committee.Er.Sivakumar.S HOD/Auto· Identifying the spirit and talent of students and motivating them to participate in cultural events.
· Organizing cultural program
Twice in a year.
13NSS and RRCEr.Vasanthakannan. V Lect/ Mech· Development of Student’s personality through community service
· The club conducts the regular activities to encourage Voluntary Blood Donation and
· Increase Awareness on AIDS and its related issues.
Twice in a year.
14Disciplinary committeeHeads of the Departments· Duty Roster for ID monitoring, Dress Code and Late Coming
· Campus rounds during break time
· Taking preventive steps to avoid any indiscipline activities
Twice in a year
15TransportMr. Karthi
Transport Manager
· To coordinate various bus routes regularly with the assistance of route-in-charges.
· To supervise and manage the daily transport operations and provide required instructions to the route-in-charges
· To inspect the condition of the buses and report for necessary action on a continuous basis
Twice in a year