Social Activities
Social Activities
National Innovation Day – 15.10.2023
Students of the B.Pharm (Sem-III) conducted observed the National Innovation Day in remembrance of the Birth Anniversary of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam under the theme of Step out and Innovate. Students actively participated in the event and displayed several working models to cater the daily needs of the society in the Mega Creativity Expo. All the participants were encouraged with appreciation certificates.
Drug Abuse Day – 11.08.2023
The drug abuse day was commemorated in Excel college of Pharmacy in connection to the “Drug Free Tamilnadu” programme called upon by the Government of Tamilnadu on 11.08.2023. The students and faculty members undertook the pledge stating their assurance educating their family and friends to bring a drug free state.
Anti-Natal Care Day – 18.07.2023
Excel College of Pharmacy in association with the Primary Health centre, Pallakkapalayam conducted awareness programme about anti-natal care among the pregnant women. The programme served as an eye-opener for the pregnant women about the life style practices during gestation period.
World Youth Skills Day – 15.07.2023
The Youth Skills Day celebration at Excel College of Pharmacy was conducted on 15th July 2023 with great enthusiasm and participation under the theme of “Skilling teachers, trainers, and youth for a transformative future”. The event aimed to promote the hidden skills and talents of the students.
World Population Day – 11.07.2023
“WORLD POPULATION DAY” awareness programme was organized by II B.Pharm – Sem III students on 11th July 2023 at Excel Seminar Hall. The programme included awareness skit, debates and video clips. Students also exhibited models to create awareness about the hazards of uncontrolled population rise.
National Panchayat Raj Day – 24.04.2023
Institution Innovation Council (IIC), Excel College of Pharmacy jointly organized “NATIONAL PANCHAYAT RAJ DAY” awareness programme on 24th April 2023 at Excel Seminar Hall. Students show cast a skit to exhibit the functioning of a model Village Panchayat organization and displayed the functional roles of the Panchayat system at various levels.
World Health Day – 07.04.2023
Institution Innovation Council (IIC) and NSS Unit, Excel College of Pharmacy jointly organized “WORLD HEALTH DAY” on 7th April 2023 at Excel Seminar Hall. Students were enlightened about the importance of maintaining the health of an individual and the benefits of traditional foods.
National Road Safety Week – 11.01.2023 to 17.01.2023
NSS Unit, Excel College of Pharmacy Organized Road Safety Awareness Programme on 11.01.2023 at Excel Seminar Hall. Mr.M. Sivakumar, Motor Vehicles Inspector (Grade-I), Regional Transport Office, Komarapalayam graced the occasion and enlightened the students regarding the various road safety measures.
National Pollution Control Day – 02.12.2022
Institution Innovation Council, Excel College of Pharmacy Organized Awareness Programme on National Pollution Control Day observed by I- D.Pharm students 02.12.2022 at Seminar Hall. Students presented details about various types of Pollution and the importance and role of public in controlling them.

National Pharmacy Week Celebration – 25.11.2022
Excel College of Pharmacy in association with Indian Pharmaceutical Association Organized “Public Awareness Rally” to commemorate the 61st National Pharmacy Week Celebrations on 25.11.2022 at Komarapalayam. Around 300 students participated in the event and aroused awareness about the right use of medicines and the role of Pharmacists in health care team.

Antibiotic Awareness Week – 13.11.2022 to 19.11.2022
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of Pharmacy Organized “Antibiotic Awareness Week” from 13.11.2022 to 19.11.2022. I-B.Pharm students participated in the events and released a flip book for public awareness.

Blood Donation Camp – 16.11.2022
NSS UNIT, Excel College of Pharmacy Organized “Massive Blood Donation Camp” in association with The Tamilnadu Voluntary Blood Bank & Research Centre” on 16.11.2022.

National Education Day – 11.11.2022
Institution Innovation Council (IIC) & NSS UNIT, Excel College of Pharmacy jointly Organized “National Education Day” on 11.11.2022.

Global Hand washing Day – 15.10.2022
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of Pharmacy organized “GLOBAL HAND WASHING DAY” on 15th October 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall. I-D.Pharm & I-B.Pharm students participated in the programme.

Youth Awakening Day – 15.10.2022
Institution Innovation Council (IIC) and NSS Unit, Excel College of Pharmacy jointly organized “YOUTH AWAKENING DAY” on 15th October 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall in remembrance of Hon.APJ Abdul Kalam to enlighten the youth with his motivational thoughts.

Institute’s Innovation Day – 15.10.2022
Institution Innovation Council (IIC), Excel College of Pharmacy jointly organized “INSTITUTE’S INNOVATION DAY” on 15th October 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall to commemorate the 91st Birthday of Hon.APJ Abdul Kalam to promote and encourage the students to undertake novel projects for technology transfer at institute level.

Clean India Drive 2.0 on 14.10.2022
NSS volunteers took over the Clean India Drive – 2.0 as per the direction of the Government of India and cleaned public places including Beach at Puducherry on 14.10.2022.
World Alzheimer’s Day – 21.09.2022
I- B.Pharm students, Excel College of Pharmacy observed “WORLD ALZHEIMER’S DAY” on 21st September 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall.

WORLD OZONE DAY– 16.09.2022
II- D.Pharm students, Excel College of Pharmacy conducted “WORLD OZONE DAY” on 16th September 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall.

IV- B.Pharm students, Excel College of Pharmacy observed “WORLD HEPATITIS DAY” on 28th July 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall.

II- D.Pharm students, Excel College of Pharmacy conducted “WORLD LUNG CANCER DAY” on 1st August 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall.

I- D.Pharm students, Excel College of Pharmacy conducted “WORLD ORGAN DONATION DAY” on 13th August 2022 at Excel Seminar Hall.

Excel College of Pharmacy organized various activities in connection to the DRIVE AGAINST DRUG ABUSE for three days from 11.8.2022 TO 13.8.2022. A Pledge was undertaken by all the students to prevent illicit drug trafficking.

World Population Day – 11/07/2022
Excel College of Pharmacy Organized “World Population Day” on 11th July 2022.

World Environment Day – 02/06/2022 to 05/06/2022
Excel College of Pharmacy organized various activities in connection to the WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY for four days from 2.6.2022 TO 5.6.2022. Awareness was created to preserve the eco-system and conserve nature.

World Malaria Day – 25/04/2022
Department of Pharmacy Practice has organized awareness programme-
WORLD MALARIA DAY on 25.04.2022

Blood donation camp – 10/03/2022
Excel College of Pharmacy conducted “Blood donation camp” on 10th March 2022 at Excel Medical campus.

COVID Appropriate Behaviour Programme-(CAB)-Pledge (23/04/2021)
A new campaign launched by Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 08/10/2020 pledged against prevention of COVID-19. As per the instructions from The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai Tamilnadu, Excel College of Pharmacy, Komarapalayam organized “Jan Andolan for COVID-19 (Appropriate Behaviour) Pledge” on 23.04.2021 by 10 am at College campus. Prof. Dr.R.Manivannan, Principal, participated as guest of Honor for this Programme. The pledge has been read out and it was repeated by all, promising to wear a mask / face cover in public places, maintaining a minimum distance of 6 feet & to wash hand frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Information on vaccine currently available in hospital along with registration process for COVID-19 vaccination phase 3 made available for people from May 2021. All teaching faculties and Final B.Pharm Students have taken the pledge.

COVID Appropriate Behaviour Programme-(CAB)-Rangoli-(24/04/2021)
As a part of CAB Programme, aimed at creating awareness among public, Rangoli Awareness Program was held at Excel College of Pharmacy on 24th April 2021.The Rangoli was designed by Final B.Pharm Students, with the aim of creating awareness among people about on ongoing pandemic situation.Rangoli having quotes like “keep social distancing”, “ wear mask”, “use sanitizer”, “safety”, “healthy food”, “water”, “social distance” were made on the floor as a part of the awareness program campaign.

COVID Appropriate Behaviour Programme-(CAB)-Awareness Rally-(24/04/2021)
Excel College of Pharmacy held a rally to raise awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic along with local police officials in Komarapalayam and masks were distributed to residents. Students at the awareness rally urged people to wear masks, use hand sanitizers, clean their hands regularly, and maintain a social distance of 6 feet between them. Masks are the best way to protect oneself from the corona pandemic. The students also distributed stickers to shopkeepers to raise awareness of all of the safety precautions. Stickers were placed in all of the stores.

World Pharmacist Day 2020 (25/09/2021)
World Pharmacist Day 2020 was celebrated by all Staff and the students with great joy. Prof. Dr. R. Manivannan, Principal, delivered Key Notes at the beginning of the event and addressed various activities organized by the college on the occasion of World Pharmacist Day. He clarified the theme of “Transforming global health “for this year’s Pharmacist Day. College has organized online Webinar on “Pharmacist Role in Transforming Global Health Post COVID 19”. Dr. Gopal V., Professor-cum-Principal & HOD Pharmacognosy, Mother Theresa Postgraduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry explains the Different facets of the pharmacy profession were addressed, along with the roles and challenges facing pharmacy professionals. With his unique and traditional way of interaction, he won the hearts of all students and at the same time told them about different strategies and policies adopted by India to promote generic drugs.
World Polio Day Celebrations (Date: 24/11/2019)
An event on the occasion of ‘World Polio Day’ Awareness rally was organized by the Excel College of Pharmacy, along with Rotary club of sankagiri & Rotary club of Sankagiri west on 24 October 2019. The campaign was launched in 1988 to raise awareness of the eradication of polio, making the world ‘POLIO FREE.’ As well as to commemorate the efforts made for this purpose by thousands of doctors, pharmacists and other volunteers. Cases of polio have since been reduced by 99 percent worldwide.
Prof. Dr. A.K. Natesan, Hon. Chairman, Excel Group Institutions & Rotary District Governor, was the chief guest at the event. He spoke of polio prevention and stressed the future challenges associated with the polio virus.

Celebrations of International Yoga Day (Date: 21/06/2019)
Excel College of Pharmacy, observed the International Yoga Day on June 21, 2019. The function started with short speech regarding the importance of International Yoga Day and the benefits of making yoga a part of our daily routine. The yoga instructions and demonstrations were given for students and the faculty members attended the sessions. The yoga programme included introduction and practice of 12 yogasanas – Tadasana, Trikonasana, Ardhachakrasana, Bhujangasana, Vakrasana to name a few and three pranayama namely Kapalbhati pranayama, Bhramari pranayama and Anulom-Vilom pranayam
World Tree Plantation Day (15/08/2019)
The mega plantation drive was carried out at Excel College of Pharmacy to observe World Tree Plantation Day. The college students were planting saplings to observe the World Tree Plantation Day on the college campus along with the faculty members. At 8 am, the plantation drive started, where the student community planted the saplings. The students and faculty members of the college have planted as many as 50 saplings at the campus. Students and faculty members made a vow during the planting process to plant more trees and protect the world.

Independence Day Celebration (15/08/2019)
The 73rd Independence Day was celebrated at Excel College of Pharmacy. The flag hoisting ceremony was attended by both teaching and non-teaching faculties.