About the Club

The Red Cross, established in 1863 in Geneva, by Johan Henry Dunant, is an International Organization meant for humanitarian services.Its headquarters is set in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a non-religious, non-political and non sectarian International body


Our Vision is to provide opportunities to the youth – the makers of the future, to inculcate healthy living habits and to contribute their values to uplift our society.


To inspire, encourage community service through training and education and initiate all forms of humanitarian activities at all times so that human sufferings can be minimized and even prevented and this contribute to create climate for peace.


In Our College, Youth Red Cross Club was inaugurated in the year of 2019-2020. Youth represent a substantial part of the membership of Red Cross for its humanitarian commitment.

Mr.R.Sutharsanam, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Programme Officer and Young volunteers are making a significant contribution to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Youth Red Cross programme.