Awareness Program On The International Year Of Millets

Awareness Program On The International Year Of Millets

Campus Drive

Awareness Program On The International Year Of Millets

EMCNY organised an awareness program for the BNYS students with the theme of “Importance of Millet in our life- SMALL BUT MIGHTY” on 04.02.23, Saturday at the Excel AYUSH Auditorium . Dr.Dhaya, Assistant professor, Department of Nutrition & Herbology welcomed the gathering. The Principal Dr.Vibhas .K encouraged the staff and students to create awareness among public about the miracle grains.A  poster presentation was given by Ms. Sughanith of III year BNYS and by MS. Archana lakshmi of II year BNYS on the topics “ Importance of Millet “and Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of millet “ respectively. A millet awareness song was composed by Ms.Kalaivani of Final year BNYS and Ms. Vijayalakshmi   and Ms. Mohana priya of I year BNYS gave a speech on Cultivation and significance of millets and Millet cultivation.The session ended with a vote of thanks by student Premsai of I year.