Vice Chairman’s Message

Vice Chairman’s Message
Dr. N. Mathan Karthick – Vice-Chairman, Excel Group Institutions
“Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.” – Mother Teresa
Dear Parents and Prospective Students,
Welcome to the Excel Institute of physiotherapy and research center. Opting an institution is amongst the most imperative decision in one’s academic life. It may be the key that opens the door to a lifetime of possibilities for growth and service. We want you to base your choice of a college on relevant and reliable information. How well it turns out for you will rely primarily on the efforts you invest & nurture in your own intellectual and professional development. Invest wisely and be assured that EXCEL faculty and staff ensure their best efforts in helping you realize your educational goals.
By building people, we build society. By building leaders, we build the nation’s technology and economy. Technical Education is, in effect, a nation’s service. At Excel we believe only a well disciplined, value added students to become the high profiled professionals who can achieve the avowed objective of our great president Honorable Abdul Kalam to make our country “Super Power”.
We are pleased to acknowledge your interest in our esteemed institution. We foster the growth of innovative professionals, scientists and engineers who firmly hold the trust and confidence of the community at large. We want Excel Institute of physiotherapy and research center to be the dream of every soul that wants to experience true enlightenment & exposure excellence.
With Best Wishes.
Dr. N. Mathan Karthick, M.B.B.S., M.H.Sc. (Diabetology) is the Vice Chairman of the Excel Group Institutions.