Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message
Dr. A. K. Natesan – Chairman, Excel Group Institutions
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Greetings from Excel Institute of Physiotherapy and Research Center.
We, in India today, are living in a transitional era. On one hand, we are swamped by the global financial meltdown while on the other we are witnessing a slow but sure revival of the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. It is evident that highly trained and skilled professionals will be needed in vast numbers to enable our country’s transition towards industrial and financial self-sufficiency. In this changing scenario, technology will continue to be a major catalyst for enabling the country’s transformation. So the demand for quality technical education in India is huge.
While assuming the chairmanship of Excel Institute of physiotherapy and research center, I am overwhelmed by holy feelings of respect and gratitude. As this college offers a really big challenge, let us carry out the transformation and change without disturbing the continuum in tradition.
We remember that the students are the biggest stakeholders in the entire scenario. I have great affection for modern go-getter generation you belong to. The Institute Science provides you with a vast space of trust and support. I am sure when a vision begins to form everything changes.
I wish all of you think big and the latest.
Prof. Dr. A.K. Natesan, MCom, MBA, MPhil, PhD, FTA is the Honorable Chairman of the Excel Group Institutions.