Interntional Plastic Bag Free Day Report
The International plastic bag free day on 3rd July-2023 was celebrated at Excel Nursing College, Pallakkapalayam. The program starts at 2pm lead by Dr.G.Maheswari Principal and Prof.P.Beulah Vice Principal of Excel Nursing College. The awareness speech was delivered by Miss A.Aartheeswari from …
Excel Nursing College World Population Day (11.07.2023)
World population day awareness programme was conducted by Excel Nursing College on July 11th Tuesday 2023, at Pallakkapalayam in Primary Health Center. The programme started at 10 am with welcome address delivered by Miss.K.Kuzhali(Bsc Nursing 2nd year). The chief guest was Dr.Naveen medical …
National Yoga Day Report (21/06/2023)
The Excel Nursing College celebrated National yoga Day on 21/06/2023 in AYUSH HALL Medical campus between 11 am to 1 pm. Excel Nursing College Vice Principal Pro.P.Beulah lead the programme. Dr.Parveen faculty of Excel BNYS were delivered the special speech on yoga exercise. Dr.K.Vibas Principal …
World Hepatitis Day Celebration
The Hepatitis Day was celebrated by Excel Nursing College on May 19, 2023, in honour of World Hepatitis Day. On that day, Hepatitis "B" Vaccine was (rDNA) IP, Gene, Vac - B (Adult) administered (Zero Dose) to I & II Batch Nursing students. Around 110 …
International Nurses Day 12.05.2023
On May,12 2023 the International Nurses Day was celebrated by Excel Nursing College . Following a skill-improvement competition, Excel Nursing College organized a poster presentation with the theme of "Our Nurses Our Future" and activities like Rangoli , pot painting. There were about …
World Hepatitis Day Celebration
The Hepatitis Day was celebrated by Excel Nursing College on May 19, 2023, in honour of World Hepatitis Day. On that day, Hepatitis "B" Vaccine was (rDNA) IP, Gene, Vac - B (Adult) administered (Zero Dose) to I & II Batch Nursing students. …
World Asthma Day 06.05.2023
The EXCEL NURSING COLLEGE organised a celebration of World Asthma Day on May 6, 2023 in EXCEL AYUSH AUDITORIUM at 11:00 a.m., the programme begins with a prayer song. Mrs. K. Vasantha Priya, an assistant professor, welcomed everyone. The chief guest is invited by Prof. …
World Hand Hygiene Day 05.05.2023
For World Hand Hygiene Day on May 5, 2023, Excel Nursing College and Pallakkapalaym Primary Health Centre collaborate and organised demonstration classes where Mrs. Selvi, a village health nurse, explains and performs the steps of hand washing, and Mr. R. Karthick, a health inspector from …
Lamp Lighting Program Report 13.04.2023
The third lamp-lighting ceremony was celebrated on April 13, 2023, in Excel Mini Auditorium. Mrs. K. Vasantha Priya (Asst Prof) welcomes the gatherings. . Under the guidance of Vice Principal Prof. P. Beulah, the III Batch students lit the lamp and took …
Industrial Visit
On March 29, 2023 all B.Sc (N) students from Excel Nursing College travelled to the Pasteur Institute of India to attend class from 2.00pm to 5.00pm 60 students for each session with total of 3 sessions in order to fulfill the Requirements of their Curriculum. …